Lupeng Fan lf2447 Yichen zhu yz2582 Di Y ang dy2266 Yinshen Wang yw2561
1.Game Introduction 2.Game Architecture and Implementation 3.Hardware S tructure and Implementation 4.S oftware S tructure and Implementation 5.Lesson Learned and Advice for Future work
Bat t le cit y game on S ockit board Inspired by t he classic t ank game – bat t le cit y Rules of t he game for winning t he game: -- shot off all t he enemy t anks for losing t he game: -- Enemy t anks are not wiped off aft er reborn t wo t imes -- homebase is damaged no mat t er who shoot it .
VGA display --VGA controller --VGA map --VGA display Audio -- I 2 C Bus Controller --Audio Codec Controller --Audio Data Controller
VGA display Image processing and st oring --All images t hat are st ored int o t he ROM can be cat egorized int o t hree sizes: 0.25KB, 1KB and 64KB. --Image cat egories: Background, t ank, welcome and game over screen and Display Effect s. --All images are loaded from t he ROM and t he posit ion of displaying is sent from soft ware.
VGA display VGA cont roller --different t ypes of sprit es have different locat ions and mot ions and t hey should be displayed on t he screen at t he same t ime. --VGA cont roller is designed t o cont rol t he display of different sprit es, including order, locat ion, direct ion and changing map. --Wit h VGA cont roller, it is easier for us t o add or delet e or move t he sprit es by soft ware.
Audio -- 11.2896 MHz Audio Module Working frequency (Table 30 from audio codec dat asheet ) * Creat ing a 11.2896MHz clock generat or by Megawizard -- Two-t rack 16 bit 44.1KHz sampling rat e audio effect s * S t ored in on-chip memory
Audio I 2 C Cont roller -- Configure t he ent ire audio syst em like left and right channel playing and recording -- R2 & R3: 0dB volume amplificat ion for bot h channel -- R8: 44.1KHz S ampling Rat e
Audio Audio Codec Cont roller -- Divide 11.2896MHz Working frequency t o 44.1KHz Dat a reading rat e (S ampling Rat e)
Audio Audio Dat a Cont roller --Reading left and right channel dat a separat ely left channel dat a right channel dat a
Global Bullet moving Bullet map Tank moving Tank map Gamecontroller Explosion
Global Record all macro definitions for the whole proj ect Gamecontroller Record all keycodes information for different button on the j oysticker.
Tank moving and tank map -- Generating our tanks and moving them according to information from j oysticker. -- Generating enemy tanks and moving them according to random information. -- Judge whether the bullet meet a brick or not -- Judge whether tank meets obstacles or not -- If a bullet meet part of the brick, update the map so that tank can move over that place.
Bullet moving and bullet map -- Generating the bullet according to the direction of tank -- Judge whether the bullet meet a tank or not -- Judge whether two bullets meet or not -- If a bullet meet part of the brick, update the map Explosion If a tank is shot off, beginning the two steps of explosion
Design architecture of hardware and software for the FPGA board to run the whole proj ect. Use Qsys to help with hardware design. Resources allocation when designing the hardware due to the limited resources on the board.
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