lund university

Lund University 2019 | EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND COLLABORATION SINCE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lund University 2019 | EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND COLLABORATION SINCE 1666 A WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITY To understand, explain and improve Lund University was founded in 1666 and, ever League of European Research Universities since, has been a centre


  2. A WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITY To understand, explain and improve Lund University was founded in 1666 and, ever League of European Research Universities since, has been a centre of culture and learning. (LERU) and Universitas 21 (U21). We are repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. One of our strengths is A WIDE RANGE OF STUDY PROGRAMMES our unique disciplinary range and our ability Our study programmes are closely intertwined to generate boundary-crossing collaboration. with current research and we have one of Student infmuence, internationalisation and close the widest ranges of study programmes cooperation with wider society are other charac- in Sweden, including several unique inter- teristics of Lund University. disciplinary programmes for both Swedish and international students. OUTSTANDING RESEARCH Our eight faculties conduct strong research WORLD-LEADING RESEARCH FACILITIES in many different areas, including over thirty Two of the world’s foremost research facilities research fjelds in which we are world-leading. for materials research and life sciences are Many scientifjc breakthroughs and pioneer- established in Lund – the synchrotron radiation ing innovations have originated from Lund facility MAX IV, which was inaugurated in June University. 2016, and the European Spallation Source (ESS) which will feature the world’s most powerful neutron source when it opens for research in AN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Our strong reputation helps to attract students 2023. and researchers from all over the world. More international students apply to Lund than to OPEN ACTIVITIES any other university in Sweden. We collaborate The University offers many open activities, not with more than 500 universities world wide least the public events at Skissernas Museum – and we are the only Swedish university to be a Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art, the member of the international research networks Botanical Garden and the Historical Museum.

  3. LUND UNIVERSITY IN BRIEF FOUNDED: 1666 MOTTO: Ad utrumque (paratus), prepared for both NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 40 000 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 7 600 ANNUAL TURNOVER: EUR 830 million RANKING (2018/19): QS World University Rankings: 92 Times Higher Education: 98 Shanghai ranking: 101–150 FACULTIES: • School of Economics and Management • Faculty of Engineering, LTH • Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts • Faculties of Humanities and Theology • Faculty of Law • Faculty of Medicine • Faculty of Science • Faculty of Social Sciences • The University also comprises MAX IV, the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Econom- ics IIIEE, and several interdisciplinary centres and facilities open to the general public, such as Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art. The Raoul Wallen- berg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is also closely associated with the University. LOCATIONS: Lund, Malmö, Helsingborg and Ljungbyhed

  4. EDUCATION IN BRIEF EDUCATION NUMBER OF DEGREE PROGRAMMES: 80 leading to an undergraduate degree, A meeting-place for international students of which 8 taught in English 190 leading to a Master’s degree, of which more than 100 taught in English Lund University has Scandinavia’s largest on ensuring that they are skilled educators. NUMBER OF FREESTANDING COURSES: range of education taught in English, and We are also keen to provide our students 1 300, of which more than 1 000 taught one of Sweden’s broadest ranges of study with opportunities to have their say in their in English programmes in engineering, science, law, education. Student representatives sit on all social science, economics and management, decision-making bodies of the University. We SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: medicine, humanities, theology and the place strong emphasis on the employability The rich student life in Lund offers a broad range of opportunities. Students fjne and performing arts. We offer degree of our students and deliver our programmes can participate in a range of student programmes and freestanding courses at and courses in close collaboration with wider organisations and projects, such as Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD levels. society. student theatre, radio and TV produc- tions, sports events, festivals, debating, We educate the knowledge generators, Lund University is consistently the most popular mentoring programmes and much more. problem solvers and leaders of tomorrow. choice for international students coming to ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Our students are taught how to think freely, study in Sweden. With students from more Through Lund University’s innovation creatively and critically, and to develop than 100 countries, the University is a meeting system, students with business ideas their ability to collaborate in order to place which offers opportunities for interna- can get help with business develop- tackle demanding problems. We give our tional engagement, cultural exchange and ment, patents, fjnancing and offjce students the tools to explore and understand life-long global networking. Many students space while benefjting from a large themselves and the world around them. also study part of their degree programme network of potential business coopera- Our alumni include Nobel Prize winners, abroad, with a choice of exchange studies in tion partners. ministers, ambassadors, business leaders and almost 70 countries all over the world. CAREERS SUPPORT: personalities from the world of culture. We have several careers centres and Lund is also the most popular student city in organise careers fairs and career- Our study programmes are closely intertwined Sweden and is known for its variety of student related seminars. Via our careers portal, with current research, which is an important organisations which offer great opportunities students can get tips on jobs, degree project opportunities and internship quality factor. The majority of our lecturers are to get involved in extracurricular social and trainee vacancies, both in Sweden also researchers and we place great importance activities. and abroad.

  5. RESEARCH Broad and cutting-edge research Society is facing major global challenges in the Lund University also stands out as a strong force fjelds of the environment and climate, sustain- in the European research arena. For many years, able development, migration, digitalisation and we have been one of the most active Swedish demographic change. As a full-scale university, participants in the EU framework programmes Lund University is particularly well equipped for technical and economic development. We to meet these complex societal challenges by are also members of the EU’s largest collabora- utilising its disciplinary range, interdisciplinary tion on climate and innovation, Climate-KIC, collaborations and strengthened engage- which entails collaboration with other European ment with wider society. Our success in being universities and companies to fjnd solutions to awarded major research grants is evidence climate change. 2019 will also see the launch of of our position as an international research a graduate school focusing on Agenda 2030, university. Annually, about EUR 480 million with doctoral students from all faculties are destined for research in our eight faculties, enabling us to offer one of the strongest and The research facilities MAX IV and ESS which broadest ranges of research in Scandinavia. In are being established in Lund will be of great more than thirty fjelds, our research teams are signifjcance for research and industrial de- among the world’s most outstanding, accord- velopment within materials and life sciences. ing to independent assessments. MAX IV, which was inaugurated in June 2016, is the world’s foremost synchrotron radiation We have been commissioned by the Swedish facility and the ESS will be the most powerful Government to develop various strategic re- neutron source in the world once it opens for search areas to absolute world-class level. These research in 2023. Science Village Scandinavia include research on cancer, diabetes, epidemiol- is also developing nearby, destined to become ogy, neuroscience, stem cells, nanoscience, a meeting place and a test environment for climate modelling, biodiversity, Middle Eastern research, education and entrepreneurship. studies, e-science, manufacturing engineering, With these facilities, Lund will further reinforce and IT and mobile communications. its international research position.

  6. STRONG RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTS • Materials science, surface physics and nanotechnology • Advanced laser physics and spectroscopy • Diabetes • Cancer • Automatic control and complex systems • Information technology and mobile communications • Neuroscience and neurodegenerative diseases • Cognitive science • Stem cell therapy • Evolution, ecology and animal migration patterns • Environment, climate, sustainable systems and biodiversity • Epidemiology • Innovation and entrepreneurship • Middle Eastern studies


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