luke smart walker

Luke Smart Walker GROUP #3 AARON LEE CAMILO MORENO SCOTT HINDEN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Luke Smart Walker GROUP #3 AARON LEE CAMILO MORENO SCOTT HINDEN RYAN LEE Background The use of a walker helps to support and stabilize a person while walking. The walker must be adjusted to waist level to keep straight posture while


  2. Background The use of a walker helps to support ● and stabilize a person while walking. The walker must be adjusted to waist level to keep straight posture while walking. The user is constantly supporting roughly half of his body weight while using the walker, which requires them to exert themselves. The maneuverability of the walker is entirely up to the user, which is very limited in some cases.

  3. Arduino MEGA and Motor Driver ● Arduino Mega is connected to all of the sensors and acts as the controller of the smart walker. ● The motor driver is connected to the Arduino and dc motors. ● The Arduino sends pwm signals to the motor driver to control the speed of the motors.

  4. DC Motor and Brakes To power rear wheels of walker ● We are using a 12V DC gear motor for ● more power and control. Using a DC motor driver to control ● motor speed with Arduino through PWM.

  5. Lead Acid Rechargeable Battery We are currently using a rechargeable ● lead acid battery. The motor is connected directly to the ● battery with a fuse and gives 12v to the dual motor drive. We are using a Buck Converter to ● drop the voltage from the battery (12v) to the Arduino (5v)

  6. Led Battery Level Indicator A voltage divider circuit that drops the voltage from the battery down to a ● voltage that the arduino can read. This voltage is between 4.2v-0v. Green LED-Battery is at 11.5v or higher ● Yellow LED-Battery is between 11.5v and 10.5v ● Red LED-Battery is below 10.5v ●

  7. Voltage Divider Circuit Circuit used to step down the 12 volts from the battery to 4.2 volts so the arduino has a safe voltage to read.

  8. Touch Button Two touch buttons are mounted on the ● handlebars of the walker to control the power. Each button sits on top of a 3D print mount ● that fits around the handlebar. Both touch buttons must be pressed in ● order for the walker to move.

  9. Ultrasonic sensors ● We used 4 ultrasonic sensors. ● The ultrasonic sensors send out a sound wave and then tries to receive the wave back. ● This allows the sensor to measure the time it takes to receive the sound wave. ● Our team used this time to measure distance from an object.

  10. 3D Parts: Mounts and Cases

  11. Obstacle Warning Feature Two ultrasonic sensors are mounted ● facing forward just below the basket to sense obstacles. The walker gradually slows down ● based on how far away the object is from the walker. If the walker gets to close to the ● object it stops so that the user can move around the obstacle.

  12. Curb Detection Feature Two ultrasonic sensors are mounted at ● an angle above the wheels to sense a drop. Once the drop is detected the walker ● brakes and begins to reverse so the user does not fall off the curb.

  13. Audio Alert The speaker alerts the user if there is an obstacle in ● front of the walker with the warning “Obstacle Ahead”. The Speaker alerts the user if there is a curb in front of ● the walker with the warning “Backing Up”. This signifies that the walker is backing up away from the curb.

  14. 9 Degrees of Freedom Accelerometer Senses change in elevation and tilt to ● determine wheel speed

  15. BlueTooth App ● Tracks distance from walker to central node. ● If user leaves the area where the node is it will send a text message to the users care-taker.

  16. Design

  17. Motor and Wheel

  18. Gantt Chart

  19. Budget 2 X DC Motor - $50 each Depending on torque ● 5 X Ultrasonic - $4 each Might have in Parts Room ● 1 X Mega Arduino - $40 Good for more outputs ● 1 X Bluno Nano - $30 Bluetooth ● 1X Walker - $60 From Wal-Mart ● 2 X Pressure Pads - $7 each Depending on size ● Battery Supply - $80 Depending on power ● 9 Degrees of Freedom - $15 Depending on functionality ● Voltage Regulator - $15 ● Dual Motor Driver - $41 ● TOTAL = around $400-500 (after tax and shipping) ●

  20. References ● ● ● =A1&FT=D ● ● X&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAWoVChMInaKLtqbyyAIVyOcmCh1Y9QmN ● tml/PTO/search-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&d=PALL&RefSrch=yes&Query=PN/8810407 ● =B1&FT=D ●


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