low cost learning via active data procurement

Low-Cost Learning via Active Data Procurement September 2015 Jacob - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Low-Cost Learning via Active Data Procurement September 2015 Jacob Abernethy Yiling Chen Chien-Ju Ho Bo Waggoner 1 Coming soon to a society near you data-needers s r e d l o h - a t a d ex: pharmaceutical co. ex: medical data

  1. Low-Cost Learning via Active Data Procurement September 2015 Jacob Abernethy Yiling Chen Chien-Ju Ho Bo Waggoner 1

  2. Coming soon to a society near you data-needers s r e d l o h - a t a d ex: pharmaceutical co. ex: medical data 2

  3. Classic ML problem data source learning alg hypothesis z 1 h z 2 data data-needer Goal : use small amount of data, output “good” h . 3

  4. Example learning task: classification h h ● Data : (point, label) where label is or ● Hypothesis : hyperplane separating the two types 4

  5. Twist: data is now held by individuals data source mechanism hypothesis z1 z2 h c2 c1 data-needer data-holders “Cost of revealing data” (formal model later…) Goal : spend small budget, output “good” h . 5

  6. Why is this difficult? 1. (Relatively) few data are useful have mutation runners Studying ACTN-3 mutation and endurance running 6

  7. Why is this difficult? 2. Utility may be correlated with cost (causing bias) HIV-positive HIV-negative Paying $10 for data no yes (to study HIV) no yes yes yes no yes 7

  8. Why is this difficult? 2. Utility may be correlated with cost (causing bias) HIV-positive HIV-negative Paying $10 for data no yes (to study HIV) no yes yes yes no yes Machine Learning roadblock : how to deal with biases? 8

  9. Why is this difficult? 3. Utility (ML) and cost (econ) live in different worlds entropies, gradients, loss functions, divergences mechanism learning alg auctions, budgets, value distributions, reserve prices 9

  10. Why is this difficult? 3. Utility (ML) and cost (econ) live in different worlds entropies, gradients, loss functions, divergences mechanism learning alg auctions, budgets, value distributions, reserve prices Econ roadblock : how to assign value to data? 10

  11. Broad research challenge: 1. How to assign value (prices) to pieces of data? 2. How to design mechanisms for procuring and learning from data? 3. Develop a theory of budget-constrained learning: what is (im)possible to learn given budget B and parameters of the problem? 11

  12. Outline 1. Overview of literature, our contributions 2. Online learning model/results 3. “Statistical learning” result, conclusion 12

  13. Related work Model: how are agents strategic? Roth, Schoenebeck 2012 agents cannot this work Ligett, Roth 2012 fabricate data, have costs Horel, Ionnadis, Muthukrishnan 2014 principal-agent Cummings, Ligett, Roth, Wu, Ziani 2015 style, data Cai, Daskalakis, Papadimitriou 2015 depends on effort Dekel, Fisher, Procaccia 2008 Meir, Procaccia, can fabricate data Rosenschein 2012 (like in peer- Ghosh, Ligett, Roth, prediction) Schoenebeck 2014 13

  14. Related work risk/regret minimize variance Type of goal bounds or related goal Roth, Schoenebeck 2012 agents cannot this work Ligett, Roth 2012 fabricate data, have costs Horel, Ionnadis, Muthukrishnan 2014 principal-agent Cummings, Ligett, Roth, Wu, Ziani 2015 style, data Cai, Daskalakis, Papadimitriou 2015 depends on effort Dekel, Fisher, Procaccia 2008 Meir, Procaccia, can fabricate data Rosenschein 2012 (like in peer- Ghosh, Ligett, Roth, prediction) Schoenebeck 2014 14

  15. e.g. Roth-Schoenebeck, EC 2012 data Conducting Truthful Surveys, Cheaply source i.i.d. 0 1 h c2 c1 ● Each datapoint is a number. Task is to estimate the mean ● Approach: offer each agent a price drawn i.i.d. ● Idea: obtains cheap but biased data; can de-bias it ● Result: derives price distribution to minimize variance of estimate 15

  16. What we wanted to do differently 1. Prove ML-style risk or regret bounds rather than “minimize the variance” type goals. Why: understand error rate as function of budget and problem characteristics (as in ML) 16

  17. What we wanted to do differently 1. Prove ML-style risk or regret bounds rather than “minimize the variance” type goals. Why: understand error rate as function of budget and problem characteristics (as in ML) 2. Interface with existing ML algorithms. Why: understand how value derives from learning alg. Toward black-box use of learners in mechanisms. 17

  18. Related work n ” l o a i r s e population s n e e r g g “ e r g n classification i n r a average e l risk/regret minimize variance s m e l b o r p bounds or related goal Roth, Schoenebeck 2012 agents cannot this work Ligett, Roth 2012 fabricate data, have costs Horel, Ionnadis, Muthukrishnan 2014 principal-agent Cummings, Ligett, Roth, Wu, Ziani 2015 style, data Cai, Daskalakis, Papadimitriou 2015 depends on effort Dekel, Fisher, Procaccia 2008 Meir, Procaccia, can fabricate data Rosenschein 2012 (like in peer- Ghosh, Ligett, Roth, prediction) Schoenebeck 2014 18

  19. What we wanted to do differently 1. Prove ML-style risk or regret bounds rather than “minimize the variance” style. Why: understand error rate as function of budget and problem characteristics (as in ML) 2. Interface with existing ML algorithms. Why: understand how value derives from learning alg. Toward black-box use of learners in mechanisms. 3. Online data arrival rather than “batch” setting. Why: allows “active learning” approach, nice model 19

  20. Related work , e n i l n o “batch” e v i t c a risk/regret minimize variance bounds or related goal Roth, Schoenebeck 2012 agents cannot this work Ligett, Roth 2012 fabricate data, have costs Horel, Ionnadis, Muthukrishnan 2014 principal-agent Cummings, Ligett, Roth, Wu, Ziani 2015 style, data Cai, Daskalakis, Papadimitriou 2015 depends on effort Dekel, Fisher, Procaccia 2008 Meir, Procaccia, can fabricate data Rosenschein 2012 (like in peer- Ghosh, Ligett, Roth, prediction) Schoenebeck 2014 20

  21. Related work risk/regret minimize variance bounds or related goal Roth, Schoenebeck 2012 agents cannot this work Ligett, Roth 2012 fabricate data, have costs Horel, Ionnadis, Muthukrishnan 2014 principal-agent Cummings, Ligett, Roth, Wu, Ziani 2015 style, data Cai, Daskalakis, Papadimitriou 2015 depends on effort Dekel, Fisher, Procaccia 2008 Meir, Procaccia, can fabricate data Abernethy, Frongillo, W. NIPS 2015 Rosenschein 2012 (like in peer- Ghosh, Ligett, Roth, prediction) Schoenebeck 2014 21

  22. Overview of our contributions Propose model of online learning with purchased data: T arriving data points and budget B. Convert any “FTRL” algorithm into a mechanism. Show regret on order of T / √ B and lower bounds of same order. 22

  23. Overview of our contributions Extend model to case where data is drawn i.i.d. (“statistical learning”) Propose model of online learning with purchased data: T arriving data points and budget B. Convert any “FTRL” algorithm into a mechanism. Show regret on order of T / √ B and lower bounds of same order. Extend result to “risk” bound on order of 1 / √ B . 23

  24. Outline 1. Overview of literature, our contributions 2. Online learning model/results 3. “Statistical learning” result, conclusion 24

  25. Online learning with purchased data a. Review of online learning b. Our model: adding $$ c. Deriving our mechanism and results 25

  26. Standard online learning model For t = 1, … , T : ● algorithm posts a hypothesis h t ● data point z t arrives ● algorithm sees z t and updates to h t+1 Loss = ∑ t ℓ (h t , z t ) Regret = Loss - ∑ t ℓ (h * , z t ) where h * minimizes sum 26

  27. Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) Assume: loss function is convex and Lipschitz, hypothesis space is Hilbert, etc Algorithm: h t = argmin ∑ s<t ℓ (h, z s ) + R(h)/ η 27

  28. Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) Assume: loss function is convex and Lipschitz, hypothesis space is Hilbert, etc Algorithm: h t = argmin ∑ s<t ℓ (h, z s ) + R(h)/ η 2 Example 1 (Euclidean norm): R(h) = ǁ h ǁ 2 ⇒ h t = h t-1 - η ∇ ℓ (h, z t ) online gradient descent 28

  29. Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) Assume: loss function is convex and Lipschitz, hypothesis space is Hilbert, etc Algorithm: h t = argmin ∑ s<t ℓ (h, z s ) + R(h)/ η 2 Example 1 (Euclidean norm): R(h) = ǁ h ǁ 2 ⇒ h t = h t-1 - η ∇ ℓ (h, z t ) online gradient descent Example 2 (negative entropy): R(h) = ∑ j h (j) ln(h (j) ) . (j) ∝ h t-1 (j) exp[ η ∇ ℓ (h t-1 , z t ) ] ⇒ h t multiplicative weights 29

  30. Regret Bound for FTRL Fact: the regret of FTRL is bounded by O of 2 where Δ t = ǁ ∇ ℓ (h t , z t ) ǁ . 1/ η + η ∑ t Δ t 30

  31. Regret Bound for FTRL Fact: the regret of FTRL is bounded by O of 2 where Δ t = ǁ ∇ ℓ (h t , z t ) ǁ . 1/ η + η ∑ t Δ t We know Δ t ≤ 1 by assumption, so we can choose η =1/ √ T and get Regret ≤ O( √ T ) . “No regret” : average regret → 0. 31

  32. Online learning with purchased data a. Review of online learning b. Our model: adding $$ c. Deriving our mechanism and results 32

  33. Model of strategic data-holder Model of agent: ● holds data z t and cost c t ● cost is threshold price ○ agent agrees to sell data iff price ≥ c t ○ interpretations: privacy, transaction cost, …. c t z t ● Assume: all costs ≤ 1 33


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