loving our mormon neighbors understandi ding our mormon

Loving Our Mormon Neighbors Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Loving Our Mormon Neighbors Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds Mormons believe God was a man like us and became a god and lives on a planet that orbits a star named Kolob with his frst wife (Heavenly Mother). They have had billions

  1. Loving Our Mormon Neighbors

  2. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds Mormons believe God was a man like us and became a god and lives on a planet that orbits a star named Kolob with his frst wife (Heavenly Mother). They have had billions of spirit children. Jesus was the frst. You are a part of the billions. If you are a man and are commited to the Mormon beliefs you, too, will become a god of your own planet with a wife and will produce billions of spirit children.

  3. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding God  God was a man & became a god and possesses an exalted body.  He created the heavens with other gods – but this was a reorganizing of mater and not creatjng out of nothing  He contjnues to grow in knowledge

  4. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds Biblical Response  God is omnipresent Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I fmee from your presence? Չ If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! Psalm 139:7-Չ (ESV)

  5. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds Biblical Response  God is omnipresent God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24 (ESV)

  6. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds Biblical Response  God is omnipotent Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb: “I am the Lord, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself, Isaiah 44:24 (ESV)

  7. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds Biblical Response  God is omniscient Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure. Psalm 147:5 (ESV) God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. 1 John 3:20 (ESV)

  8. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds Biblical Response  God is Eternal Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlastjng to everlastjng you are God. Psalm 90:2 (ESV)

  9. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds Biblical Response  There Are No Other Gods Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any afer me. Isaiah 43:10 (ESV)

  10. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding Jesus “Jesus was frst “procreated” as a spirit child of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, then later conceived in an act of physical sexual intercourse between God the Father and Mary. He is the spirit brother of Satan, and is rather common in terms of His nature (in that he is one of many gods who share the same nature). Jesus was once sinful and fmawed but earned His salvatjon through good works, eventually being exalted into godhood (like other obedient Mormons have been and will be). He is not a member of the triune Godhead but is instead a separate god from God the Father.” coldcasechristjanity.com

  11. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding Jesus Biblical Response: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 (ESV) He [Jesus] commited no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. 1 Peter 2:22

  12. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding the Book of Mormon  They “believe the Bible to be the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly.” - Artjcle of Faith”  Joseph Smith (Founder of Mormonism) said that the Bible was corrupted by the church and the parts about Mormonism were taken out. – Gospel Principles

  13. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding the Book of Mormon  The Book of Mormon purportedly is the history of ancient peoples of America who were descendants of pre- Babylonian exilic Jews. They were led by a prophet named Lehi, Jewish refugees sailed to America about 600 B.C. They divided into 2 groups: Nephites and Lamanites.

  14. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding the Book of Mormon Trustworthiness (From Namb.net): 1. No Book of Mormon citjes have been located. 2. No Book of Mormon names have been found in New World inscriptjons. 3. No genuine inscriptjons have been found in Hebrew.

  15. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding the Book of Mormon Trustworthiness (From Namb.net): 4. No genuine inscriptjons have been found in Egyptjan or anything similar to Egyptjan, which could correspond to Joseph Smith's "Reformed Egyptjan." 5. No ancient copies of Book of Mormon scriptures have been found.

  16. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding the Book of Mormon Trustworthiness (From Namb.net): 6. No ancient inscriptjons of any kind indicate that the ancient inhabitants held Hebrew or Christjan beliefs-all are pagan. 7. No mentjon of Book of Mormon people, natjons, or places has been found. Չ. No artjfact of any kind that demonstrates The Book of Mormon is true has been found.

  17. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding the Book of Mormon Trustworthiness of the Bible: 1. The coins of the Bible (Denarius and Widow’s Mite) have been found in abundance 2. Ancient people have been verifed: Hezekiah & Josiah (kings of Judah), Jehu (king of Israel), Caiaphas (high priest) …100’s verifed. 3. Citjes like Corinth, Nineveh, Hazor have been excavated (100’s verifed)

  18. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding Salvatjon  There are three levels of heaven with the Celestjal Kingdom being the top  Christ provides the means of salvatjon but a person must perform good works

  19. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding Salvatjon  “One of the most fallacious doctrines originated by Satan and propounded by man is that man is saved alone by the grace of God; that belief in Jesus Christ alone is all that is needed for salvatjon” – Spencer W. Kimball (12th President of LDS), “The Miracle of Forgiveness”

  20. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding Salvatjon Biblical Response: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gif of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:Չ-9 (ESV)

  21. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding Salvatjon Biblical Response: But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneratjon and renewal of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us richly through Titus 3:4-6 (ESV) Jesus Christ our Savior,

  22. Understandi ding Our Mormon on Friends ds • Regarding Salvatjon Biblical Response: An insight: The secret of seeking is not in our human ascent to God, but in God’s descent to us. Os Guinness, “The Call”

  23. Reso sour urces es Got Q t Ques uestj tjons? ns? – – g gotques questj tjons. ns.org North A th Amer eric ican M an Mis issio sion Bo Boar ard – d – n namb. b.ne net Cold ld Case C se Chr hris istj tjanity anity – c coldcasec asechr hris istj tjanity anity.com Truelif uelife. e.org

  24. Our R r Res espo ponse In In you our h r hear earts h s hon onor Ch r Chris rist the he L Lord as d as holy ly, alw , always b s bein eing pr g prepar pared t d to m o mak ake a e a defense se t to an anyon one who ho as asks y you f u for a r a reas ason on f for th the ho e hope t e tha hat is in y t is in you; y yet d t do it o it with ith gen entle tlene ness and nd resp spect ect. 1 Peter er 3:15 15 (ESV) V)

  25. Our R r Res espo ponse Do y o your b r bes est to pres esent y your urself t elf to God od as as one ap e approved ed, a w , a worker er wh who has as no need ed to be be ash asham amed ed, r , righ ightly h tly han andling dling th the w e wor ord of tru ruth. h. 2 Tim imot othy 2:15 y 2:15 (ESV) V)


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