locally injective homomorphisms are universal on

Locally injective homomorphisms are universal on connected graphs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Locally injective homomorphisms are universal on connected graphs Jan Hubi cka Charles University Prague Joint work with Jirka Fiala and Yangjing Long 2nd Workshop on

  1. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Locally injective homomorphisms are universal on connected graphs Jan Hubiˇ cka Charles University Prague Joint work with Jirka Fiala and Yangjing Long 2nd Workshop on Homogeneous Structures 2012 Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  2. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universal relational structures Let C be class of relational structures. Definition Relational structure U is (embedding-)universal for class C iff U ∈ C and every structure A ∈ C is induced substructure of U . Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  3. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universal relational structures Let C be class of relational structures. Definition Relational structure U is (embedding-)universal for class C iff U ∈ C and every structure A ∈ C is induced substructure of U . Example: C is class of countable graphs The homogeneous and universal graph can be constructed by Fraïssé limit. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  4. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universal relational structures Let C be class of relational structures. Definition Relational structure U is (embedding-)universal for class C iff U ∈ C and every structure A ∈ C is induced substructure of U . Example: C is class of countable graphs The homogeneous and universal graph can be constructed by Fraïssé limit. Explicit description by Rado: Vertices: all finite 0–1 sequences ( a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a t ) , t ∈ N Edges: { ( a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a t ) , ( b 1 , b 2 , . . . , b s ) } form edge iff b a = 1 where a = � t i = 1 a i 2 i . Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  5. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universal relational structures Let C be class of relational structures. Definition Relational structure U is (embedding-)universal for class C iff U ∈ C and every structure A ∈ C is induced substructure of U . Example: C is class of countable graphs The homogeneous and universal graph can be constructed by Fraïssé limit. Explicit description by Rado: Vertices: all finite 0–1 sequences ( a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a t ) , t ∈ N Edges: { ( a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a t ) , ( b 1 , b 2 , . . . , b s ) } form edge iff b a = 1 where a = � t i = 1 a i 2 i . Number of well established structures imply homogeneous and universal graph. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  6. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universal partial order C is class of countable partial orders The homogeneous and universal partial order can be constructed by Fraïssé limit. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  7. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universal partial order C is class of countable partial orders The homogeneous and universal partial order can be constructed by Fraïssé limit. Explicit description exists (H., Nešetˇ ril, 2003) but it is not satisfactory. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  8. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universal partial order C is class of countable partial orders The homogeneous and universal partial order can be constructed by Fraïssé limit. Explicit description exists (H., Nešetˇ ril, 2003) but it is not satisfactory. Number of well established structures imply universal (but not homogeneous) partial orders. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  9. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universal partial order C is class of countable partial orders The homogeneous and universal partial order can be constructed by Fraïssé limit. Explicit description exists (H., Nešetˇ ril, 2003) but it is not satisfactory. Number of well established structures imply universal (but not homogeneous) partial orders. In this talk we a give new one. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  10. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms The homomorphism order Denote by G the class of all finite graphs. (Graph) homomorphism f : G → H is an edge preserving mapping: { u , v } ∈ E G = ⇒ { f ( u ) , f ( v ) } ∈ E H . Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  11. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms The homomorphism order Denote by G the class of all finite graphs. (Graph) homomorphism f : G → H is an edge preserving mapping: { u , v } ∈ E G = ⇒ { f ( u ) , f ( v ) } ∈ E H . For graphs G and H , we denote the existence of homomorphism f : G → H by G ≤ H . Identity is homomorphism, homomorphisms compose = ⇒ ( G , ≤ ) is a quasi-order . Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  12. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms The homomorphism order Denote by G the class of all finite graphs. (Graph) homomorphism f : G → H is an edge preserving mapping: { u , v } ∈ E G = ⇒ { f ( u ) , f ( v ) } ∈ E H . For graphs G and H , we denote the existence of homomorphism f : G → H by G ≤ H . Identity is homomorphism, homomorphisms compose = ⇒ ( G , ≤ ) is a quasi-order . Graphs G and H are hom-equivalent , G ≃ H , iff G ≤ H ≤ G . The core of graph is the minimal graph (in number of vertices) in equivalency class of ≃ The homomorphism order is partial order induced by ≤ on the class of all isomorphism types of cores. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  13. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universality of the homomorphism order Homomorphisms on G are universal in categorical sense (Pultr, Trnková, 1980) Homomorphism order remain universal on the class of oriented paths (H. Nešetˇ ril, 2003) Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  14. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universality of the homomorphism order Homomorphisms on G are universal in categorical sense (Pultr, Trnková, 1980) Homomorphism order remain universal on the class of oriented paths (H. Nešetˇ ril, 2003) = ⇒ homomorphism order is universal on following classes the class of all finite planar cubic graphs the class of all connected series parallel graphs of girth ≥ l . . . Homomorphism order is universal on partial orders and lattices (Lehtonen, 2008) Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  15. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Universality of the homomorphism order Homomorphisms on G are universal in categorical sense (Pultr, Trnková, 1980) Homomorphism order remain universal on the class of oriented paths (H. Nešetˇ ril, 2003) = ⇒ homomorphism order is universal on following classes the class of all finite planar cubic graphs the class of all connected series parallel graphs of girth ≥ l . . . Homomorphism order is universal on partial orders and lattices (Lehtonen, 2008) Dichotomy results on classes of graphs specified by chromatic and achromatic numbers (Nešetˇ ril, Nigussie, 2007) Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  16. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms The arrow (indicator) construction Main tool: start with oriented paths and transform it to new class by arrow construction Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  17. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Locally injective homomorphism order Denote by G c the class of all finite connected graphs. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  18. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Locally injective homomorphism order Denote by G c the class of all finite connected graphs. Denote by N G ( u ) the neighborhood of vertex u in G . A graph homomorphism f : G → H is locally injective . if its restriction to any N G ( u ) and N H ( f ( u )) is injective. Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  19. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Locally injective homomorphism order Denote by G c the class of all finite connected graphs. Denote by N G ( u ) the neighborhood of vertex u in G . A graph homomorphism f : G → H is locally injective . if its restriction to any N G ( u ) and N H ( f ( u )) is injective. For graphs G and H , we denote the existence of locally injective homomorphism f : G → H by G ≤ i H . Identity is locally injective, l. i. homomorphisms compose = ⇒ ( ≤ i , G c ) is a quasi-order . Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal

  20. Universality Homomorphism order Locally injective homomorphisms Locally injective homomorphism order Denote by G c the class of all finite connected graphs. Denote by N G ( u ) the neighborhood of vertex u in G . A graph homomorphism f : G → H is locally injective . if its restriction to any N G ( u ) and N H ( f ( u )) is injective. For graphs G and H , we denote the existence of locally injective homomorphism f : G → H by G ≤ i H . Identity is locally injective, l. i. homomorphisms compose = ⇒ ( ≤ i , G c ) is a quasi-order . Nešetˇ ril 1971: Every locally injective homomorphism f : G → G is an automorphism of G Jan Hubiˇ cka Locally injective homomorphisms are universal


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