LLNL Legacy Chemical Reduction Efforts 2014 EFCOG Chemical Safety & Lifecycle Management Spring Meeting March 18-20, 2014 Greg Lee LLNL-PRES-651438 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
Legacy Chemicals at LLNL 2010 Baseline • ~ 92,000 bar coded containers • ~ 36,600 containers considered legacy (39.7%) • ~ 17,300 containers 17+ years old (18.8%) Challenges: • Motivate chemical custodians and organizations to reduce their chemical inventory • Make it easy; reduce time and effort to identify and remove targeted chemicals Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 2 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Past Chemical Legacy Reduction Efforts Were Narrowly Scoped (i.e., hazard and/or location) FY2011 • Targeted High Hazard Legacy Chemicals — Peroxidizable — Alkali metals — Corrosive & flammable gases • Methodology — The LLNL chemical management system, ChemTrack, was used to generate the list of high hazard legacy chemicals — Each Directorate looked at the chemicals on the list, determined if there was a programmatic need to keep the chemicals, and approached container owners to dispose of them • Results — Disposed of 44 legacy peroxidizables — Disposed of 21 legacy alkali metals — Disposed of 8 legacy corrosive gases — Disposed of 77 legacy flammable gases Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 3 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Achieving ISO 14001 Registration Resulted in Broader Objectives and Targets for Chemical Reduction FY2012 • Each LLNL organization (i.e., principal directorate) committed to reach one of the following goals: — 10% reduction in total inventory — 10% reduction in total gas cylinder inventory — 5% reduction in legacy inventory — 5% reduction in legacy gas cylinder inventory • Methodology — Used inventory baseline of 10/1/10 to reflect beginning of previous inventory cycle • Results — Attrition lead to only a modest reduction of approximately 2,500 legacy chemicals — How could we streamline the process to engage chemical custodians and line management in reducing unneeded chemicals? Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 4 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
FY13 Efforts Expanded with Improved Tools to Achieve Our Goals FY2013 • Same goals as FY2012 — 10% reduction in total inventory — 10% reduction in total gas cylinder inventory — 5% reduction in legacy inventory — 5% reduction in legacy gas cylinder inventory • New Inventory Tablets • Pilot Study — Methodology — Results • Pilot Study Expansion Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 5 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Why a new ChemTrack Mobile? Aged Inventory Equipment Hardware/Software • Windows CE4 • C# code • Discontinued Symbol PDA hardware • Hardware/software/OS past life-cycle Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 6 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Requirements for ChemTrack Inventory Tablets Scan barcodes Data processing using local database Substantial database size (~ 1M rows in multiple tables) Used at all buildings (including Limited Areas) and LLNL’s Site 300 where WIFI/OpenLabNet may not be available Data upload/download using RESTful web service Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 7 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
IT Development for Chemical Inventory Tablets Development • 2 developers - 4 months designing and coding software • 2 developers and 2 inventory technicians - 1 month testing tablets, software and Bluetooth scanner Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 8 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Final Tablet Specs Hardware • Windows 7 touch screen tablet — WIFI and microphone disabled — Uses wired network to upload/download data • Bluetooth bar code scanner Software • Tablet code written entirely in HTML5/Javascript • Local data storage holds over 1 million rows • Communicates with back-end server via web service calls (Back end server code is written in Java language) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 9 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
What is Stored on the Tablets? A subset of the ChemTrack inventory is downloaded to the tablet, so it works as a portable ChemTrack lookup database As inventory personnel scan bar codes, inventory information such as location, timestamp, custodian, etc. is captured and stored on the tablet in real time The tablet alerts the inventory tech when a pre-identified legacy item is scanned so it can be pulled The tablet is also capable of identifying “orphaned” containers, missing containers (unaccounted for in last inventory cycle), and unregistered containers The captured data is uploaded to the ChemTrack database located at the institutional Data Center Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 10 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Main Menu Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 11 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Certification of Scan Head Certified Count: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 12 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Scanning Bar Codes Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 13 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Scanning Bar Codes (continued) DOE, JOHN Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 14 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 15 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction, Search Application Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 16 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction, Search Application Results Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 17 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction (continued) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 18 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction (continued) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 19 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction (continued) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 20 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction (continued) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 21 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction (continued) DOE DOE, JOHN Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 22 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Data Correction (continued) JOHN DOE 123456 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 23 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Orphaned Containers DOE, JOHN Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 24 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Inventory Tablet – Targeted Containers DOE, JOHN Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 25 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Using the Annual Chemical Inventory Process for Legacy Reduction Chemicals are bar coded and tracked electronically using ChemTrack An annual wall-to-wall chemical inventory scan is conducted every year Was it possible to use the functionality of the new inventory tablets for targeted legacy chemical reduction? • A pilot reduction effort was developed for Building 151, a former nuclear chemistry facility with lots of legacy items Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 26 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Legacy Chemicals in B151 B151 has ~ 75 laboratories Total number of chemicals: ~ 10,000 Number of legacy chemicals (>10 years old): 4,173 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 27 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Methodology for Identifying Targeted Chemicals ChemTrack generated a list of legacy chemicals (>10 years old) for B151 Chemical Science Division Deputy Department Leader (DDL) sorted the list according to locations and owners • Total number of legacy chemicals: 4,173 • Total number of owners: ~ 70 (top 5 owned ~ 57%) • DDL decided to focus on the top 5 owners, identifying 2,398 potential chemicals for disposal DDL worked with owners to identify chemicals for disposal • Reinforce that the process would just involve highlighting chemicals to be disposed on a spreadsheet • Initially, 696 legacy chemicals identified for disposal Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 28 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Methodology for Identifying Targeted Chemicals (continued) ChemTrack and waste management personnel reviewed the list of targeted chemicals, ensuring a coordinated effort to safely handle and dispose of the identified materials The list of targeted chemicals was also reviewed to evaluate opportunities for repurposing The list of targeted chemicals was loaded onto the tablets A kickoff meeting was held with key players to ensure that everyone was on the same page before starting field work • Safety considerations • Controlling access • Upfront coordination with waste management techs for timely disposition Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 29 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
Field Work Coordinated Effort • Chemical Science Division provided access/escort to the laboratories • Waste techs provided secondary containers and guidance on segregation • ChemTrack inventory techs scanned and sorted chemicals • The area ES&H Technician performed swipes to verify containers were free of radiological contamination • Waste techs picked up and processed chemicals before removal from the ChemTrack Inventory database • The field work minimally impacted the chemical custodians Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 30 LLNL-PRES-xxxxxx
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