literature review slide authoring tools and techniques

Literature review: Slide Authoring Tools and Techniques For - PDF document

Literature review: Slide Authoring Tools and Techniques For Presentations Kartik Andalam University of Auckland Software Engineering ABSTRACT For slide generation we study three tools of varying function- ality. The

  1. Literature review: Slide Authoring Tools and Techniques For Presentations Kartik Andalam University of Auckland Software Engineering ABSTRACT For slide generation we study three tools of varying function- ality. The first is a tool called Turning Point [6] which offers Presentation software like PowerPoint has existed for over 20 a canvas for narrative driven presentations that in turn gener- years. Since then, research related to such software has ex- ate PowerPoint slides. The second tool called HyperSlides [2] panded and grown immensely. Current research yields new uses a “Planning with points” approach and a simple mark- techniques to improve the effectiveness of tools to help pre- up language to dynamically generate prototype slides, thus senters during the early stages of slide authoring, rehearsals, allowing user to easily experiment with structure of content. and delivering presentations. In this report, we explore re- The third tool is Next Slide Please (NSP) which explores a search related to authoring of slides and tools that help to cre- graph based approach for slide generation focusing on prior- ate effective slides. ity and presentation time. For each of the works, we discuss We explore three research areas. (1) We discuss slide author- the tool as well as the motivation and user study findings. ing assistants, in particular a tool for analysing slide content Then we briefly compare them in a qualitative summary. and suggesting new content of interest. (2) We investigate various slide generation techniques and present a qualitative In canvas and slide authoring, present a comparison of the comparison. (3) We discuss a new presentation style called canvas and slide decks against a set of characteristics defined canvas presentations and how authoring of slides is affected. in [1]. We see the restrictive nature of slides presented by [1]. Later we discuss results of a study done regarding canvas Author Keywords presentations vs slide deck presentations and their correlation Slide authoring;PowerPoint with audience recall. ACM Classification Keywords SLIDE AUTHORING ASSISTANTS H.5.m. Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g. HCI): Creation of slides requires a substantial amount of time Miscellaneous searching the internet for information, images, phrase. This surfaced a need for a knowledge panel embedded in the pre- INTRODUCTION sentation software like PowerPoint that can assist the user in Presentations act as a strong medium for communication, finding concise relevant content for the information on the weather it is to inform an audience about an idea or tell a current slide. This task is composed of various challenges story. While great stories can be told with just speech, it is such as extracting the information on the slides so that key common for the presenter to have supporting slides. The pri- information can be used to as part of effective search queries. mary purpose of the slides is to act as visual support for the audience, hence it is crucial for slides to be effective. The pro- As part of the work presented by [5], a user study was con- cess of authoring slides requires careful planning and exper- ducted where participants were given one hour to create a five imenting to find an optimal method to structure the content. minute presentation slides. Their findings showed that a large The process is further complicated with restrictions such as majority of the time was spent outside the presentation soft- time expectations and presentation deviations. ware, searching for content. They also found that participants had two distinct needs they were trying to satisfy from web This literature review present work related to slide authoring searches. The first is referred to as “active needs”, where the tools and techniques, in particular we analyse slide authoring participant was looking for a particular information. The sec- assistants, slide generation, and discuss the impact of canvas ond is “latent needs”, where the participant has come across based presentation for authoring. unanticipated content and deems it to be useful while search- For slide authoring assistants we study a tool called Side ing simultaneously. Point [5], which offers the ability to analyse the slide content With the findings from their user study experiment, they de- and can suggest related content such as images and phrases. veloped SidePoint[5]. A presentation tool that is assists the We then briefly discuss its implementation of slide analysis active and latent needs during presentation authoring. Side- with a different technique for slide reuse presented in [3]. Point uses external web services to parse in to keyword sets (noun or nouns phrases) and fetch semantically relevant in-


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