linear coding of non linear hierarchies revitalization of

Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies: Revitalization of an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Problem P an .inis Solution Generalization Transfer Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies: Revitalization of an Ancient Classification Method Wiebke Petersen Institute of Language and Information University of Dsseldorf

  1. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies: Revitalization of an Ancient Classification Method Wiebke Petersen Institute of Language and Information University of Düsseldorf GfKl 2008 Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  2. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer The Problem: Sometimes we are forced to order things (nearly) linearly, e. g. in . . . Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  3. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Libraries Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  4. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Warehouses Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  5. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Stores Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  6. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer The problem is old! Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  7. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer But more than 2 000 years ago it has been solved! P¯ an .ini’s Grammar of Sanskrit (ca. 350 BC) Sanskrit: rich morphology, complex Sandhi-system linguistics in ancient India: astram ‘science of sciences’ ś¯ astr¯ an¯ am . ś¯ oral tradition P¯ an .ini’s grammar: system of more than 4. 000 concise rules many phonological rules Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  8. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer But more than 2 000 years ago it has been solved! P¯ an .ini’s Grammar of Sanskrit (ca. 350 BC) Sanskrit: rich morphology, complex Sandhi-system linguistics in ancient India: astram ‘science of sciences’ ś¯ astr¯ an¯ am . ś¯ oral tradition P¯ an .ini’s grammar: system of more than 4. 000 concise rules many phonological rules Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  9. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Phonological Rules modern notation A is replaced by B if preceded by C and succeeded by D . A → B / C D example: final devoicing in German     + consonantal + consonantal  →  / − nasal − nasal ♯   + voiced − voiced Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  10. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Phonological Rules modern notation A is replaced by B if preceded by C and succeeded by D . A → B / C D example: final devoicing in German     + consonantal + consonantal  →  / − nasal − nasal ♯   + voiced − voiced Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  11. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Phonological Rules modern notation A is replaced by B if preceded by C and succeeded by D . A → B / C D P¯ an .ini’s linear Coding A + genitive , B + nominative , C + ablative , D + locative . example . aci ( �������� ������������ ) s¯ utra 6.1.77: iko yan analysis: [ ik ] gen [ yan . ] nom [ ac ] loc modern notation: [ iK ] → [ yN . ] / [ aC ] Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  12. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Phonological Rules modern notation A is replaced by B if preceded by C and succeeded by D . A → B / C D P¯ an .ini’s linear Coding A + genitive , B + nominative , C + ablative , D + locative . example . aci ( �������� ������������ ) s¯ utra 6.1.77: iko yan analysis: [ ik ] gen [ yan . ] nom [ ac ] loc modern notation: [ iK ] → [ yN . ] / [ aC ] Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  13. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Śivas¯ utras ����������� � ������� � � 1. a i u N a.i.un . .l . . | r .k | 2. r l K . . �������� � � ������������ � ˙ 3. e o N e.o˙ n | ai.auc | 4. ai au C ����������� � � ������ � 5. h y v r T . 6. l N . hayavarat . | lan . | 7. ñ m n ˙ n n M . ������������������ � ��������� � 8. jh bh Ñ nama˙ ˜ nan . anam | jhabha˜ n | 9. gh d .h dh S . ������������ � ������������������ � 10. j b g d d Ś . 11. kh ph ch t .h th ghad . hadhas . | jabagad . ada´ s | ��������������������������� � c t t V . 12. k p Y .atav | khaphachat .hathacat 13. ś s s R . ��������� � ����������� � ���� � 14. h L kapay | ´ .asar | hal | sas Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  14. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Śivas¯ utras ����������� � ������� � � 1. a i u N a.i.un . .l . . | r .k | 2. r l K . . �������� � � ������������ � ˙ 3. e o N e.o˙ n | ai.auc | 4. ai au C ����������� � � ������ � 5. h y v r T . 6. l N . hayavarat . | lan . | 7. ñ m n ˙ n n M . ������������������ � ��������� � 8. jh bh Ñ nama˙ ˜ nan . anam | jhabha˜ n | 9. gh d .h dh S . ������������ � ������������������ � 10. j b g d d Ś . 11. kh ph ch t .h th ghad . hadhas . | jabagad . ada´ s | ��������������������������� � c t t V . 12. k p Y .atav | khaphachat .hathacat 13. ś s s R . ��������� � ����������� � ���� � 14. h L kapay | ´ .asar | hal | sas Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  15. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Śivas¯ utras ����������� � ������� � � 1. a i u N a.i.un . .l . . | r .k | 2. r l K . . �������� � � ������������ � ˙ 3. e o N e.o˙ n | ai.auc | 4. ai au C ����������� � � ������ � 5. h y v r T . 6. l N . hayavarat . | lan . | 7. ñ m n ˙ n n M . ������������������ � ��������� � 8. jh bh Ñ nama˙ ˜ nan . anam | jhabha˜ n | 9. gh d .h dh S . ������������ � ������������������ � 10. j b g d d Ś . 11. kh ph ch .h t th ghad . hadhas . | jabagad . ada´ s | ��������������������������� � c t t V . 12. k p Y .atav | khaphachat .hathacat 13. ś s s R . ��������� � ����������� � ���� � 14. h L kapay | ´ .asar | hal | sas marker Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  16. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer Śivas¯ utras ����������� � ������� � � 1. a i u N a.i.un . .l . . | r .k | 2. r l K . . �������� � � ������������ � ˙ 3. e o N e.o˙ n | ai.auc | 4. ai au C ����������� � � ������ � 5. h y v r T . 6. l N . hayavarat . | lan . | 7. ñ m n ˙ n n M . ������������������ � ��������� � 8. jh bh Ñ nama˙ ˜ nan . anam | jhabha˜ n | 9. gh d .h dh S . ������������ � ������������������ � 10. j b g d d Ś . 11. kh ph ch .h t th ghad . hadhas . | jabagad . ada´ s | ��������������������������� � c t t V . 12. k p Y .atav | khaphachat .hathacat 13. ś s s R . ��������� � ����������� � ���� � 14. h L kapay | ´ .asar | hal | sas marker Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  17. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer praty¯ ah¯ aras 1. a i u N . 2. r l K . . ˙ 3. e o N 4. ai au C 5. h y v r T . a praty¯ ah¯ ara is a pair of a sound and a marker it denotes the continuous sequence of sounds in the interval between the sound and the marker Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen

  18. Problem P¯ an .ini’s Solution Generalization Transfer praty¯ ah¯ aras 1. a i u N . 2. r l K . . ˙ 3. e o N 4. ai au C 5. h y v r T . iK a praty¯ ah¯ ara is a pair of a sound and a marker it denotes the continuous sequence of sounds in the interval between the sound and the marker Linear Coding of non-linear Hierarchies Wiebke Petersen


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