lights music action

Lights, Music, Action! Final Project Nicole Yuen 12/3/19 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lights, Music, Action! Final Project Nicole Yuen 12/3/19 Functionality Art Exhibit : Stimulating, unique, and awe-inspiring experience Combination of music, biometrics, and visual display Allows individuals to have different

  1. Lights, Music, Action! Final Project Nicole Yuen 12/3/19

  2. Functionality Art Exhibit : • Stimulating, unique, and awe-inspiring experience • Combination of music, biometrics, and visual display • Allows individuals to have different experiences within the same room similar to a silent disco, and using those unique experiences to create multiple shared art displays

  3. User Experience • This experience should take about 7 minutes. An individual regulates the line and ensures that the correct number of visitors enter/leave the room. Another worker will be inside to ensure that the experience runs smoothly. • Maximum of 4 individuals walk into the dark room containing 4 illuminated circles on the floor of each quadrant of the room. On each illuminated circle are footprint silhouettes, which contain sensors. • Upon standing on the footprint silhouette sensors, a podium will rise containing an Apple Watch. • When the individual places the Apple Watch on their wrist and the watch senses a heartrate, the parabolic speakers will play a random song from a playlist containing a variety of music genres. The Apple Watch will continue to monitor the heartrate of each individual. • The measured heartrate will determine the color of the light flows in that quadrant of the room. A random number generator will decide the pattern that is displayed. The colors and patterns can continue to change throughout the experience.

  4. User Experience • After 30 seconds, the music in each of the speakers will change, which will result in a unique biometric response, most likely changing the heartrate and therefore the color and pattern of the digital light display. • The individuals will be able to enjoy not only their music and lights but also the movements and lights of the other individuals. • This process will continue for 5 minutes, or 10 music/song changes. When the experience is over, the worker inside the room will have to press the “stop” button which will stop the music and turn the lights on in the room. The individuals will have to place the Apple Watches back on the podiums before leaving the room. • The worker inside the room will check to make sure all the watches are placed back on the podium, which will lower back into the ground once the watch is put back on the stand. • The line regulator will make sure all individuals leave the room and that the next 4 individuals are ready to enter.

  5. Key Technologies • Volutone 20” Dome Focusing Dual Parabolic Parabolic Speaker Speaker • Narrow 30 degree coverage angle • Allows for individuals in each quadrant of the room to hear their own music without the hassle of using headphones • In a 30 ft x 30 ft room, with 12 ft walls, the speaker can be hung from the ceiling and cover about 13 ft-diameter circle below

  6. Key Technologies Apple Watch • Connected to parabolic speakers and the digital display tiles • Once a heartrate is detected, it will send a signal to the speaker that it is connected to via Bluetooth and the speaker will start playing music • The detected bpm will be sent to the control interface for the LED Display tiles, which will determine the color of light outputted on the tiles in the specified region

  7. Key Technologies LED Display Tiles • Christie MicroTiles LED • MicroTiles LED WebUI is a web-based control interface that can be accessed from any connected device • Each tile is programmed at time of installation to know its location and orientation relative to the other tiles • Digital patterns on tiles will be programmed using Processing

  8. Key Technologies Processing Software • Generates unique and colorful patterns/animations

  9. Pseudo Code • If foot sensor is activated • Raise podium • If Apple Watch is no longer on the podium • Turn off all lights • Lower podium • If Apple Watch detects a heartrate • Use random number generator to output music for 30 seconds

  10. Pseudo Code • While outputting music • If heartrate is 60-75 bpm • Output white light in first LCD tile of respective quadrant • Use random number generator to output digital pattern created in Processing • If heartrate is 75-80 bpm • Output red light in first LCD tile of respective quadrant • Use random number generator to output digital pattern created in Processing • If heartrate is 85-90 bpm • Output blue light in first LCD tile of respective quadrant • Use random number generator to output digital pattern created in Processing • If heartrate is 95-100 bpm • Output yellow light in first LCD tile of respective quadrant • Use random number generator to output digital pattern created in Processing

  11. Pseudo Code • If a tile is filled with digital pattern • If surrounding tiles are not filled with a digital pattern and it is within the respective quadrant • fill tile with digital pattern • repeat until all tiles are filled with a pattern or if the music stops • if pattern reaches wall LCD tiles and touches a different pattern • output light that is a combination of both light colors • use random number generator to output digital pattern created in Processing

  12. Pseudo Code • If music stops • Turn off all digital displays • Use Random number generator to output music for 30 seconds • If stop button is activated • Turn on all lights • Raise all podiums • If Apple Watch is placed on podium • Lower podium


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