G EOGRAPHY P RESENTATION Quadrant: South of Market Presenter: Jim Gardner, Board member, South Portland Neighborhood Association
S OUTH P ORTLAND N EIGHBORHOOD A SSOCIATION Boundaries Adopted Plans Portions of NA in North Macadam URA South Portland Circulation Plan North Macadam Transportation Development Strategy Diversity of uses Proximity to downtown, PSU, OHSU, Historic and Conservation Districts
N EIGHBORHOOD V ISION Retain close-knit family neighborhood feeling Preservation of single-family housing stock Reduce impacts of regional traffic through neighborhood Reunite divided halves of neighborhood Create “village center” with neighborhood services and additional housing
C HALLENGES Transportation Ross Island Bridge Naito Parkway Barbur Boulevard Route 43
C HALLENGES Low Income Housing for Workforce Average for people who work in area: PSU (average wage $35,000) 60% of 2009 MFI = $42,000 South Portland National Historic District Threats to district Up-zoning after designation of URA? Challenges have resulted in reduced livability in neighborhood: Lack of essential services such as grocery, hardware and laundromat
O PPORTUNITIES /C RITICAL N EEDS Low income housing (30-60% MFI) Equalize who lives here and who works here TIF could provide local match to implement South Portland Circulation Plan (2001) Improved neighborhood connections Redirection of regional traffic around neighborhood (versus through) Ross Island Ramp improvements could be more viable than Tax Increment Node than “G” High potential for taxable redevelopment
C ONSIDERATIONS Invest in the neighborhood if it is to be designated as a URA Set realistic expectations and follow through on promises More parking/parking structures are not desired
R ECOMMENDATION Include Ross Island ramp area Include Naito south to Barbur Include entire commercial area north of Duniway Park Invest in 30-60% MFI housing Invest in support services that create livability and 20- minute neighborhoods
This one-story brick building was once a horse car garage and a brass factory First Orthodox Synagogue in Portland– built 1890
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