life sciences identifiers life sciences identifiers

Life Sciences Identifiers. Life Sciences Identifiers. Finally? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Life Sciences Identifiers. Life Sciences Identifiers. Finally? Finally? Presented by: Martin Senger Presented by: Martin Senger k Identifier? The names names of pharaohs of pharaohs Identifier? The

  1. Life Sciences Identifiers. Life Sciences Identifiers. Finally? Finally? Presented by: Martin Senger Presented by: Martin Senger k

  2. Identifier? The names names of pharaohs… of pharaohs… Identifier? The “…were important from the earliest “… were important from the earliest times through the end of ancient times through the end of ancient Egyptian history, frequently offering Egyptian history, frequently offering clues to their personality, the , the period period in in clues to their personality which they lived and particularly, the which they lived and particularly, the gods that they most worshipped…” that they most worshipped…” gods “…At times, some of the naming “…At times, some of the naming techniques of the ancient Egyptians techniques of the ancient Egyptians could also lead to considerable considerable could also lead to confusion. This is obvious among confusion . This is obvious among some kings, who had a number of number of some kings, who had a different names, but at times also , but at times also different names changed their names, particularly changed their names, particularly when they inherited or otherwise when they inherited or otherwise ascended to the throne of Egypt. ascended to the throne of Egypt. Furthermore, some individuals seem Furthermore, some individuals seem to possibly have had different names different names to possibly have had in different parts of Egypt…” in different parts of Egypt…”

  3. Identifiers – – more practically more practically Identifiers Identifiers are here to help Identifiers are here to help sharing and integration in sharing and integration in our domains. Fine, but: our domains. Fine, but: � “ “The sharing is an attitude The sharing is an attitude” ” � Unless one wants to share Unless one wants to share data, the common/universal data, the common/universal identifiers cannot help much identifiers cannot help much

  4. LSID - - The golden rules The golden rules LSID (even before we start to introduce LSIDs) (even before we start to introduce LSIDs) The data with the same LSID never The data with the same LSID never changes changes � they may cease to exist but the same LSID they may cease to exist but the same LSID � cannot be reused for anything else cannot be reused for anything else An LSID is location independent An LSID is location independent � when data moves its LSID stays the same when data moves its LSID stays the same � LSID is not only syntax but also an API LSID is not only syntax but also an API how to get data identified by this LSID how to get data identified by this LSID � …and not only getting data but also metadata …and not only getting data but also metadata �

  5. History & Acknowledgement History & Acknowledgement I3C started the initiative I3C started the initiative � concentration on early implementation concentration on early implementation � IBM implemented it IBM implemented it � main and first use case: PDB main and first use case: PDB � OMG standardized it OMG standardized it � based on a joint submission of IBM, EBI and based on a joint submission of IBM, EBI and � I3C I3C People started to use it People started to use it

  6. More concretely… More concretely… (affiliations are of the time of the contribution) (affiliations are of the time of the contribution) IBM Avaki Corporation Corporation IBM Avaki Jordi Albornoz Jordi Albornoz Philip Werner Philip Werner � � � � Stefan Atev Stefan Atev Josh Apgar Josh Apgar � � � � Ray Lee Stephanos Bacon Bacon Ray Lee Stephanos � � � � Alister Lewis Lewis- -Bowen Bowen Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc Alister � � Sean Martin Sean Martin Ted Liefeld Liefeld Ted � � � � Chetan Murthy Chetan Murthy MIT/Whitehead Institute MIT/Whitehead Institute � � Dennis Quan Dennis Quan Brian Gilman Brian Gilman � � � � Ben Szekely Ben Szekely � � Alyssa Wolf Alyssa Wolf � � EBI EBI Ugis Sarkans Ugis Sarkans � � Martin Senger Martin Senger � �

  7. Availability Availability Specification Specification � -bin/doc?dtc/04 bin/doc?dtc/04- -05 05- -01 01 � � -bin/doc?dtc/04 bin/doc?dtc/04- -05 05- -02 02 � � (recently about 14 [minor] issues corrected; the (recently about 14 [minor] issues corrected; the � final available specification will get new final available specification will get new document numbers in September 2004) document numbers in September 2004) Reference implementation (by IBM, for Java Reference implementation (by IBM, for Java and Perl Perl) ) and � http://www http://www- - �

  8. Three basic parts Three basic parts LSID Syntax LSID Syntax � how to name uniquely data entities how to name uniquely data entities � LSID Resolution Service LSID Resolution Service � how to get (to) data entity from its LSID how to get (to) data entity from its LSID � � subpart: subpart: how to find how to find the the LSID Resolution LSID Resolution � Service Service LSID Assigning Service LSID Assigning Service � how to invent LSIDs for new data entities how to invent LSIDs for new data entities �

  9. LSID Syntax LSID Syntax Examples Examples -PROT.accession:P34355:3 PROT.accession:P34355:3 � � � � � � Parts: Parts: � authority:namespace:object[:revision authority:namespace:object[:revision] ] � Notes: Notes: � An LSID usually represents a piece of data, but it is allowed to An LSID usually represents a piece of data, but it is allowed to � have LSIDs representing an abstract entities or concepts have LSIDs representing an abstract entities or concepts If an LSID represents real data, the LSID Resolution service must t If an LSID represents real data, the LSID Resolution service mus resolve always the same set of bytes representing such data resolve always the same set of bytes representing such data If an LSID represents an abstract entity the LSID resolution service vice If an LSID represents an abstract entity the LSID resolution ser must always resolve an empty result must always resolve an empty result


  11. What technologies is that API for? What technologies is that API for? Pure Java API Pure Java API Web Services Web Services � using SOAP over HTTP using SOAP over HTTP � � using pure HTTP GET using pure HTTP GET � � using FTP using FTP � � all of these are real web all of these are real web � services APIs – – having their having their services APIs own WSDL descriptions own WSDL descriptions

  12. How to find an appropriate LSID How to find an appropriate LSID Resolution Service from an LSID? Resolution Service from an LSID? LSID Resolution Service is well advertised LSID Resolution Service is well advertised with the correct endpoint (URL, …) with the correct endpoint (URL, …) � usually the same resolution service works for a collection of da usually the same resolution service works for a collection of data ta � entities from the same repository entities from the same repository If the “authority” field in the LSID is a If the “authority” field in the LSID is a or domain name, a DDDS/DNS resolution domain name, a DDDS/DNS resolution service can be used to find the LSID service can be used to find the LSID Resolution Service Resolution Service � DDDS = Dynamic Delegation Discovery System DDDS = Dynamic Delegation Discovery System � Use “LSID Resolution Discovery Service” Use “LSID Resolution Discovery Service” or API API � getLSIDResolutionServices(LSID getLSIDResolutionServices(LSID) ) �

  13. Major discussion topics: attributes attributes Major discussion topics: How many data attributes to include in an How many data attributes to include in an identifier? identifier? � e.g. should be a data format a part of an e.g. should be a data format a part of an � identifier identifier � finally, only version remained in LSID finally, only version remained in LSID � not always easy to implement it…but it is AGT (“A not always easy to implement it…but it is AGT (“A Good Thing”) Good Thing”) treat everything else as “metadata” treat everything else as “metadata”


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