liberating structures novel tools for engagement

Liberating Structures: Novel Tools for Engagement, Innovation and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Liberating Structures: Novel Tools for Engagement, Innovation and Inclusion Sponsored by October 25, 2018 Presenters Thomas McDonald Helena Rodrigues Catherine Lilly Director for Strategic Initiatives, Associate Vice President, Senior

  1. Liberating Structures: Novel Tools for Engagement, Innovation and Inclusion Sponsored by October 25, 2018

  2. Presenters Thomas McDonald Helena Rodrigues Catherine Lilly Director for Strategic Initiatives, Associate Vice President, Senior Consultant, National University of Arizona University of Arizona Higher Education Practice, Sibson Consulting



  5. IMPROMPTU NETWORKING Rapidly share challenges or expectations while building new connections

  6. IMPROMPTU NETWORKING Find someone you don’t know well. Each person responds to the question in 1 minute (2 mins TOTAL to share) Bells *DING* Switch partners and respond to the same invitation (2 mins TOTAL to share) Bells *DING* Switch and repeat

  7. IMPROMPTU NETWORKING What are some of the “bright spots” on your campus regarding diversity and inclusion? Rapidly share challenges or expectations while building new connections



  10. OF EVERY STRUCTURE & INTERACTION An INVITATION Arrangement of PHYSICAL SPACE Sequence of Steps in an allocation of TIME CONFIGURATION of Groups Distribution of PARTICIPATION

  11. PRESENTATION Thou shall not bore people…

  12. MANAGED DISCUSSION I’ve called this meeting to discuss a decision that I’ve already made…

  13. STATUS UPDATE Yeah, here’s everything little thing I’ve done recently. Aren’t you impressed?…

  14. BRAINSTORM As you can both see, I’ve got nothing…

  15. OPEN DISCUSSION Better known as, The Goat Rodeo

  16. WHAT ARE LIBERATING STRUCTURES? Simple, Engaged, Structured, Group Activities

  17. WHAT ARE LIBERATING STRUCTURES? Simple, Engaged, Structured, Group Activities

  18. EXPERT-LESS only a few minutes to introduce; novices can succeed after a first experience RESULTS-FOCUSED likely to generate better-than-expected purposeful results RAPID CYCLING fast iterative rounds are very productive SERIOUSLY FUN boosts joy, freedom, & responsibility

  19. INCLUSIVE together, everyone is invited to shape next steps MULTI-SCALE works for everyday solutions, projects, strategy, movements SELF-SPREADING simple to copy without formal training MODULAR-MINIMALIST the parts can be combined & recombined endlessly

  20. IMPACT AND REACH University of Minnesota, Flagship University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Carleton University University of Wisconsin, Madison Michigan State University University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Eastern Michigan University Canadian Mennonite University University of British Columbia Bates College University of Washington Washington State University York University NY University, Buffalo Princeton CU-Denver University of Michigan, Dearborn University of Cal, Berkeley Case Western Reserve University Cal Poly George Washington University Pepperdine University of Virginia Cal State, San Bernardino University of North Carolina CSU-Long Beach Madison Area Technical College Purdue University University of Kentucky Indiana University UC San Diego Western Kentucky University ASU University of Arizona University of Arkansas, Clinton School of Public Service University of Texas, El Paso University of Arkansas Eastfield Community College University of Texas, Austin Tulane University

  21. 1-2-4-ALL Engage everyone simultaneously in generating ideas, questions, or suggestions

  22. 1-2-4-ALL Invitation 1 Minute 3 – 10 Alone Minutes in the Whole Group 2 Minutes in a Pair, 4 Minutes in Refine a Foursome, Synthesize

  23. 1-2-4-ALL What are your biggest Invitation obstacles (top 3) to 1 Minute 3 – 10 Alone creating a more Minutes in the ENGAGED, INNOVATIVE, Whole Group AND INCLUSIVE 2 Minutes CULTURE in a Pair, 4 Minutes in Refine on your campus? a Foursome, Synthesize

  24. 25|10 CROWDSOURCING Rapidly Generate, then Sift-and-Sort a Group’s Most Powerful Actionable Ideas

  25. 25|10 CROWDSOURCING GENERATING IDEAS 1 Bold Idea + 1 First Step SIFTING & SORTING 5 Rounds – Pass & Rate, Pass & Rate… IDENTIFYING THE BEST IDEAS Score & find the Top-10

  26. 25|10 What BOLD IDEA will CROWDSOURCING GENERATING IDEAS create a more 1 Bold Idea + 1 First Step ENGAGED, INNOVATIVE, SIFTING & SORTING AND INCLUSIVE 5 Rounds – Pass & Rate, Pass & Rate… CULTURE IDENTIFYING THE BEST IDEAS on your campus? Score & find the Top-10

  27. 25|10 CROWDSOURCING Rapidly Generate, then Sift-and-Sort a Group’s Most Powerful Actionable Ideas

  28. WHAT, SO WHAT NOW WHAT? Look Back on an Experience and Decide How to Apply It

  29. WHAT, SO WHAT NOW WHAT? WHAT? What stood out for you about this session? SO WHAT? Why is that important? NOW WHAT? What next step could you take to apply this to your campus?

  30. OUR PROGRESS IMPROMPTU CROWDSOURCING NETWORKING Generate and sift through a group’s best ideas Engage and clarify purpose WHAT, SO WHAT, 1-2-4-ALL NOW WHAT Explore the nature of the challenge Make sense of the experience & identify what to do next

  31. RESOURCES THE BOOK The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless ONLINE/APPS Available for Apple and Android FURTHER READING Tools of Engagement, NACUBO – Business Officer Magazine, Catherine Lilly

  32. USE. SHARE. FREE. Slides made available through a Creative Commons Non-Commercial, Attribution, Share-and-Share Alike License Slide content adapted from materials developed by Keith McCandless and Fisher Qua

  33. Q & A Don't forget to submit your questions to our presenters. How? Submit via the Chat box with the left pane. Thank you for joining us today! Catherine Lilly Thomas McDonald Helena Rodrigues Senior Consultant, Director for Strategic Initiatives Associate Vice President National Higher Education Practice University of Arizona University of Arizona Sibson Consulting tom1 hrodrigu CLilly

  34. Thank You! “Liberating Structures: Novel Tools for Engagement, Innovation and Inclusion” October 25, 2018 Sponsored by


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