LGNZ NZ & & NZ NZ I Ini nitiative Loc ocalism sm S Symposi sium The Importance of Localism 28 February 2019 Hon Lianne Dalziel Mayor of Christchurch
Central vs Local Government
Local Government Services
Everything is Local
Give Localism a Chance The Doctrine of Subsidiarity “the principle that decisions should always be taken at the lowest possible level or closest to where they will have their effect, for example in a local area rather than for a whole country”
Resilience is the key
Loca calism m – 10 10 Rea easons W Why 1. strengthens allocative efficiency 2. ensures services reflect local diversity 3. provides a check on the potential misuse of public power 4. solves the problem of public service silos 5. promotes innovation 6. strengthens resilience 7. leads to better local government 8. incentivises councils to invest in economic well-being 9. empowers our cities to achieve their economic, social and cultural potential 10.reduces the cost of government
Give Localism a Chance
Give Localism a Chance
Give Localism a Chance
It’s all about Trust
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