levenshulme mini holland start with the crossings

Levenshulme Mini-Holland Start with the crossings. Traditional - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Levenshulme Mini-Holland Start with the crossings. Traditional approach A focus on corridors. Local journeys are not covered. A Active Town Centre Approach: Strong well connected town centres B Local Neighbourhood level: Various approaches to

  1. Levenshulme Mini-Holland Start with the crossings.

  2. Traditional approach A focus on corridors. Local journeys are not covered. A Active Town Centre Approach: Strong well connected town centres B Local Neighbourhood level: Various approaches to locality C1 Street Level: Strategic Connections: Connecting To Regional Centre Growth C2 Street Level: Connecting Localities C2 Active Township edge C1 A C1 School B C1 Major Transport Interchange and Amenities C2 Most of our local journeys avoid main roads altogether - walking to the bus/train or cycling to school - main roads are often avoided. And these journeys are not planned for!

  3. A look at a traditional approach Main distributor Residentjal streets By foot or on bikes our journeys from A to B can often be through A SCHOOL our local streets and aren’t necessarily along main roads Corridor Approach to improvements A cycle lane or other facility delivered on the main road bypasses the day to day journeys. A SCHOOL The small local journeys. ie. Many journeys to public transport are to main roads not along them.

  4. Approach 2 - start with the ʻcell’ Roads that are hazardous Identjfy the barriers and routes that are uncomfortable to use or diffi cult to navigate form barriers - these are coloured red. Moving within the cell This is is fi ne on quiet roads but one cell - A journeys on busy roads are SCHOOL The whole city slow/dangerous or both. is made up of cells Identjfy existjng acceptable crossings Identjfy where crossing could be improved Identify the crossings. We can then identify how to cross those roads safely. A Journeys can now be SCHOOL completed on quiet roads right to destinations. (some journeys will of course incorporate main roads)

  5. We can make the quiet roads even safer: by using modal fi lters and blocking through traffi c; vehicles stay on the red, busy roads. A network of routes has been created through low intervention, they are cost effective and it starts with putting in crossings. Investjgate if through routes on side roads cut to create walking and cycling only connectjons A SCHOOL

  6. The revised approach Strong Corridors. Local journeys are maximised. A Active Town Centre Approach: Strong well connected town centres. B Local Neighbourhood level: Focusing on Cells as the basic unit C1 Street Level: Strategic Connections: Connecting To Regional Centre Growth C2 Street Level: Connecting Localities C2 Active Township edge C1 C1 A School B Corridors and local neighbourhood C2 aproaches support each other

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