leos e manteigas especiais naturais

leos e Manteigas Especiais Naturais So Paulo - Brasil Na tura l Oil - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

leos e Manteigas Especiais Naturais So Paulo - Brasil Na tura l Oil Extra cts | B utter | B a lm s We deliver our 1 0 0 % n a tura l oils w orldw ide Portfolio of Products Our Business We Trades, Import and Export of Special Oils. As

  1. Óleos e Manteigas Especiais Naturais São Paulo - Brasil Na tura l Oil Extra cts | B utter | B a lm s We deliver our 1 0 0 % n a tura l oils w orldw ide

  2. Portfolio of Products

  3. Our Business  We Trades, Import and Export of Special Oils. As a Brazilian company active in the international market, we are experienced in special vegetable oils, selling in wholesale and retail, distributing to several industries and segments, prioritizing quality, punctuality and differential treatment of our clients.  We are importers and exporters, representing and distributing high quality brands of special oils with international quality level. In addition, we deal with relevant companies that avail high quality products, catering to the most demanding markets.  We offer a varied portfolio of special oils, most of them natural, coming from cold press, always accompanied by technical reports, for the most varied finality.  We have a range of items of vegetable oils in our Portfolio. We are always looking to offer the market’s new launches. We cater to a wide variety of industries, among which, we highlight Cosmetic, Food, Animal Food, Animal Health, to mention just a few.

  4. Our Differentials Gran Oils Co. Brazil stands out in the market for negotiating quality products, meeting specific needs of each client, competitive prices, technical support, client support, efficient logistics and ability in meeting deadlines, besides offering:  Constant research and development, identifying the best and most viable suppliers in Brazil and abroad, keeping our clients constantly updated concerning he best business opportunities.  Interchange of information with international partners and clients , allowing agile updating of the market trends.  Bottling and stocking of products in a standardized way, always in adequate and hygienic conditions.  Performing of internal auditing for assessment and maintenance of Quality Policies.  Qualifying and training of staff and collaborators concerning the best practices.  Constant physic-chemical analysis in partner laboratories, keeping the high quality of samples and cargoes of the products offered.  Technical and commercial team available to support the decision-making in the acquisition of the available products, orienting customers about trends and market opportunities.  Products with high standards of quality, aiming to keep all their natural and healthy proprieties.  Stock maintenance that allow the guarantee of quality and continuous supply.

  5. Portfolio of Products

  6. Our Portfolio  Argan  Carrot  Macadamia  Avocado  Asian Centella  Castor Bean  Cotton  Green Tea  Mango  Aloe Vera (Babosa)  Chia  Passion Fruit  Assai  Coco Babasu  Tea Three  Rosemary  Monoi • Apricot Vegetable  Lavander  Lemon Grass  Ojon  Star Anise  Fennel  Brazilian Cherry Oil Extracts  Sweet Almond  Gingere  Primrose  Andiroba  Wheat Germ  Granate 100% Natural  Oat  Ginkgo Biloba  Rosehip  Hazelnut  Sesame  Pumpkin Seed COLD PRESSED  Buriti  Sun Flower  Grappe Seed  Cinnamon  Guava  Urucum  Marigold  Jojoba  Chamomile  Golden Lindseed  Safflower  Brazilian Nut  Cherry And other 150 varieties

  7. Portfolio of Products BUTTERS HANDCRAFTED OILS ESSENTIALS OILS (Cold Pressed) (Cold Pressed) (By Destilation)  Cupuasu  Rosemary  Baru  Green Coffee  Citronela  Safflower  Shea  Brazilian Nut  Eucaliptus  Chia  Cacoa  Sesame  Sunflower  Lavandim Abrialis  Licuri  Golden Lindseed  Sicilian Lemon  Neem  Nuts  Tea Three  Pumpkin Seed  Arvensis Mint  Grappe Seed  Oliban  Ylang Ylang And other 50 varieties

  8. Top Sales By Segment - 40% of Market Share South America COSMETIC FOOD 1. Avocado 1. Sunflower Vegetable 2. Castor Bean 2. Coconut Oil Extracts 3. Grappe Seed 3. Pumpkin Seed 4. Rosemary 4. Sesame 100% Natural 5. Sweet Almond 5. Golden Lindseed 6. Aloe Vera 6. Safflower COLD PRESSED 7. Sunflower 7. Grappe Seed 8. Shea Butter 8. Olive 9. Coconut 9. Cupuasu Butter 10. Jojoba 10. Ginger 11. Argan 12. Jaborandi 13. Carrot Bottles of 250 ml & 1 Liter Bottles of 60ml

  9. Portfólio of Products Handcrafted Balms, lightly aromatized Lips & Hair:  Balm Lips – Moisturizing 10g  Balm Lips – Extreme Moisturizing 10g  Balm Hair – Anti-frizz & Splited Hair 50g  Balm – Nails & Cuticles 50g Skin:  Invigorating Tired Legs 50g  Shower Express Moisturizing 50g  Invigorating of Feets 50g  Long Hydration of Hands 50g  Makeup Remover 50g  Moisturizing & Healing 50g  After Shave Moisturizing 50g  After Depilation Moisturizing 50g  Extreme Skin Repair 50g  Massages - Muscle Pains 50g

  10. Portfolio of Products Kits with Combined Natural Oils Kit Skin: Kits Hair :   Collagen and Toner Activator I Growing & Deep Restoration   Collagen and Toner Activator II Shiny Straight Hair & Extreme Moisturizing   Oily Skin - Toning & Healing Reconstruction & Shielding   Stimulating & Invigorating Regeneration & Sealing  Normal and Dry Skin - Regeneration & Anti-Signals Kit Hair & Skin:  Oily Hair and Skin- Astringent & Toning  Dry Hair and Skin - Deep Hydration  Hair, Skin & Nail - Anti Aging & Growth  Skin & Hair - Brightness Restoration

  11. Packing – Sizes

  12. Packing & Sizes Vegetable Oil Extracts 100% Natural & Cold Pressed Bottles of 10 ml, 60ml, 250ml and 1 liter Bottles in reclycing ambar plastic with dosing chamber. Protect special oils of oxidatins by contact, light and heat.

  13. Packing & Sizes Vegetable Oil Extracts 100% Natural & Cold Pressed 5 Liter Galons Galons in Dark Recycling Plastic. Protect special oils of oxidatins by contact, light and heat.

  14. Packing & Sizes Vegetable Butters 100% Natural & Cold Pressed Jars of 200g in Crystal Glass  SHEA BUTTER  CUPUASSU BUTTER (Amazon Line) CACOA BUTTER 

  15. Portfolio of Products Kits of Combined Oils Botles of 60 ml & 250 ml

  16. Portfolio of Products Handcrafted Balms Pots of 10g e 50g

  17. Portfolio of Products Displays 6 botles of 250ml

  18. We wait for your order. Thanks ! Phones : + 55 11 944461980 (Brazil, South America) + 45 71416374 (Denmark, Europe). Email: contact@granoils.com wwww.granoils.com.br www. loja.granoils.com.br

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