Auður Ýr Steinarsdóttir Legal Officer – Internal Market Division EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
Outline of the process 1. EU drafts new legislation 2. EU adopts new legislation 3. Secretariat: Identification and preliminary assessment 4. EFTA states: Relevance and need for adaptations 5. Secretariat: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
The EEA EFTA States contribute to EU decision shaping 1. EU drafts new legislation • Participation in EU expert groups and committees, but without the 2. EU adopts new right to vote legislation 3. Secr: Identification and preliminary • Early assessment by experts of EEA challenges in EU proposals assessment 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations • EEA EFTA comments on important policy issues 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
EU adopts new legislation 1. EU drafts new legislation 2. EU adopts new legislation 3. Secr: Identification and preliminary assessment 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
EFTA Secretariat: Identification and preliminary assessment 1. EU drafts new legislation EFTA Secretariat: 2. EU adopts new legislation • Identifies relevant acts and conducts a preliminary assessment 3. Secr: Identification • EEA relevance and preliminary assessment • Need for adaptations 4. EFTA states: Relevance and • Sends to experts in the EFTA States (Working/Expert Groups) adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision • Proposes procedure: Fast track or Standard for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
Experts assess the act 1. EU drafts new legislation • EEA relevance 2. EU adopts new legislation • Need for adaptations? 3. Secr: Identification and preliminary ➢ Technical adaptations assessment ➢ Substantive adaptations 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
Adaptations - Different forms Three different forms of adaptations: > Horizontal ➔ Covers all acts in Annexes ( Protocol 1 EEA ) > Sectoral ➔ Covers a specific Annex/part of an Annex > Specific ➔ Covers specific act All adaptations have the same effect: The act(s) are to be read in a specific way for the purpose of the EEA! EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
Adaptation texts – different categories Technical adaptations: > No material changes to the act (e.g. inclusion of EFTA States to lists, references to TFEU, transitional measures etc.) Substantive adaptations: > Modifies rights and/or obligations contained in the EU rules (e.g. exemptions, different institutional setup, decision-making powers, fines etc.) EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
National procedures in the EEA EFTA States 1. EU drafts new legislation • Procedures vary between the three EEA EFTA States 2. EU adopts new legislation • See Webtool for more details on procedures in each State 3. Secr: Identification and preliminary assessment 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
The EEA EFTA States agree on a draft decision to incorporate an act 1. EU drafts new legislation • Drafted by the EFTA Secretariat based on feedback from 2. EU adopts new experts legislation • Approved by the EEA EFTA States 3. Secr: Identification • Submitted to European External Action Service (EEAS) once and preliminary assessment approved 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
The EU reviews and approves the draft Decision 1. EU drafts new legislation The European Commission 2. EU adopts new Inter-service consultation on the draft Decision with the legislation relevant Directorates-General 3. Secr: Identification Timeline depends on if there are substantive adaptations and preliminary assessment 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
The EU reviews and approves the draft Decision 1. EU drafts new legislation The Council of the EU 2. EU adopts new If the draft Decision contains substantive adaptations or legislation budgetary consequences, the Council of the European Union 3. Secr: Identification must give the EEAS the mandate to adopt it and preliminary assessment 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
List of acts ready to be incorporated 1. EU drafts new legislation • EEA EFTA States and the EU agree on a list of draft Joint 2. EU adopts new Committee Decisions that are ready for adoption legislation • Decisions put on the agenda for the next meeting of the EEA 3. Secr: Identification Joint Committee and preliminary assessment 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
The EEA Joint Committee adopts the Decision 1. EU drafts new legislation Adoption of the Decision 2. EU adopts new The EEA Joint Committee is responsible for managing the EEA legislation Agreement 3. Secr: Identification In this forum the EU and the EEA EFTA States exchange views and preliminary assessment and take decisions by consensus to incorporate EU acts into the EEA Agreement 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
Entry into force of the Joint Committee Decision 1. EU drafts new legislation • Normally one day after adoption 2. EU adopts new legislation • Exceptions ➢ Fulfilment of constitutional requirements 3. Secr: Identification and preliminary assessment 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
The EEA EFTA States are obliged to implement incorporated acts 1. EU drafts new legislation 2. EU adopts new legislation • Surveillance by the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) 3. Secr: Identification and preliminary assessment • Jurisdiction of the EFTA Court 4. EFTA states: Relevance and adaptations 5. Secr: Drafts decision for incorporation 6. Negotiations with the EU 7. EEA Joint Committee Decision 8. Implementation in the EFTA States EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION
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