learning in year 3

Learning in Year 3 Owls Class September 2019 What we learn All - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Learning in Year 3 Owls Class September 2019 What we learn All subjects in the National Curriculum English speaking and listening, reading and writing Maths Science Art and design, computing, design technology,

  1. Learning in Year 3 Owls Class September 2019

  2. What we learn • All subjects in the National Curriculum • English – speaking and listening, reading and writing • Maths • Science • Art and design, computing, design technology, geography, history, music, PE • French or Spanish (in Key Stage 2)

  3. Science topics: Autumn Term Rocks, fossils and soils Magnets and Forces Spring Term Animals, including humans Summer Term Plants Light and shadows

  4. Topics: Autumn Term Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age Spring Term Ancient Egypt Summer Term Europe The Mediterranean

  5. Reading scheme Our books are organised into book bands. Children work through these book bands as they learn to read.

  6. Reading By the end of Year 3 we hope that children will be reading books from the lime, brown or grey book bands.

  7. Band 8 – Purple

  8. Band 9 – Gold

  9. Band 10 – White

  10. Band 11 – Lime

  11. Band 12 – Brown

  12. Band 13 – Grey

  13. Spellings • In Year 3, the focus for spellings is being able to … • Spell words with prefixes: dis-, mis-, in-, and im, e.g. disappear. • Suffixes – tion/ -sion/ -cian/ -ssion, e.g. station. • Spell the 11 sets of homophones, e.g. there/their • Spell words from the Year 3 and 4 word list. • There is more information in your child’s reading record book

  14. Recognising words • Lots of words cannot be sounded out • The words your child should be able to read at the end of each year group are shown in the reading record

  15. Rising Stars reading tests

  16. How you can help your child with reading • Talk about books, stories and information • Listen to your child at home • Read to your child at home • Read with your child at home • Ask questions

  17. Useful questions • What happens in the story? • Where is the story set? • Who is in the story? • What do you think this character is like? How do you know? • What do you think will happen next? • How did “Sam” feel when …? • Why was “Sam” surprised? Explain, using the story to help you. • What are your favourite words and phrases? Why? • Who is your favourite character? Why? • Find a word which means… e.g. helpful, brave etc.

  18. Rising Stars Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test

  19. Writing Key skills in Year 3. Children… • Talk about their writing • Plan writing • Structure and organize work clearly • Use interesting words to describe characters and settings – adjectives, similes and adverbs • Extend sentences using a wider range of connectives: when, because, if, after, while, also, however • Ensure writing includes A . ! ? Start to use , “ ” • Spell most of the commonly used words for Year 3 • Begin to use paragraphs • Start sentences in interesting ways: in the morning, before, finally. • Write neatly, clearly and in a joined style, e.g.

  20. How you can help your child with writing • Help them to learn spellings • Encourage use of a dictionary to find meanings of spelling words and unfamiliar words • Encourage use of a thesaurus - interesting vocabulary • Talk about stories • Encourage your child to write diaries, stories or poems • Handwriting practise skills books – book shops

  21. Maths Key skills in Year 3. Children… • Count forwards from 0 in 4’s, 8’s, 50’s and 100’s • Read and write numbers up to 1000 • Know the place value of each digit in 3 digit numbers • Compare and order 3 digit numbers • Use Maths words confidently • Add and subtract 3 digit numbers • Recall and use multiplication and division facts for 3, 4 and 8 times tables • Find unit and non-unit fractions of numbers, e.g. unit = ¼ non-unit = 3/10 • Measure, compare, add and subract time, length, capacity, mass • Draw 2D shapes, make 3D shapes and angles • Problem solving and reasoning, e.g. 123 + 123 = 246 … Explain

  22. Maths How your child learns Maths

  23. Maths How your child learns Maths

  24. Maths How your child learns Maths

  25. Maths How your child learns Maths

  26. Rising Stars maths tests

  27. How you can help your child with maths • Give your child opportunities to handle money, learn to tell the time and understand it • Involve your child in measuring things • Ask questions and talk about number problems, e.g. working out the change when buying items • Ask your child to explain their working out, e.g. I know 232 + 100 = 332 because …

  28. Assessment Rainbow Rising Stars Assessments • Dates for assessment: Autumn 1 October 2019 Autumn 2 December 2019 Spring 1 February 2020 Spring 2 March 2020 Summer 1 May 2020 Summer 2 July 2020

  29. Parents consultations Parent consultations will be on the following dates: Monday 5 th November 2019 Monday 4 th March 2020


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