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Learning@Home Clear need to support staff with use of 365 apps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Built upon the foundation which was already in place Learning@Home Clear need to support staff with use of 365 apps whilst ensuring learning activities were delivered from 1st day of closure Plan Primary 7 - Primary 5 all using Onenote During

  1. Built upon the foundation which was already in place Learning@Home Clear need to support staff with use of 365 apps whilst ensuring learning activities were delivered from 1st day of closure Plan Primary 7 - Primary 5 all using Onenote During School Closures Primary 4 – Primary 1 using school website Developed over time increased use of Teams Taking on feedback we increased our use of supportive videos from staff to support learning and wellbeing

  2. Challenges: lockdown prevented staff accessing systems to create P1-P3 365 accounts. Families experiencing digital challenges including: poor wifi, pressures on need for devices especially in families with more than 1 child Keeping connected with families who needed support Challenges Delivery of food parcels to families in need Setting up and staffing of hub schools ASN pupils who were cut off from valuable resources Lots of requests for live video meet ups / zoom calls which were not permitted under CEC guidelines

  3. Survey Results • 145 responses • Enabled us to identify learners who needed school device (challenge for us to access these devices due to lockdown) – priority given to our families in greatest need • Desire for increased contact – use of videos especially for classes not on 365 • Creation of P4 365 accounts • Support for Learning – started live support groups for P5 and P6, numeracy support P4

  4. Results showed a need to increase communication on how to share work • • Needed to increase two way communication • Developed use of Forms • Use of admin account • Twitter • Teams • Onenote

  5. Our Journey at Blackhall Next steps - August All Pupils on Teams. Use of live meets for Set up Teams in wellbeing chats and year stages with individual learners with class channels to teacher. support Staff Digital Learning@Home. Use of live meets for Pedagogy skills learning support P6, P5 Purchase additional further developed. & P4. learn anywhere Use of Screencast resources with a P4 on Teams. to record learning focus on numeracy clips. Whole staff videos. P7 use of and literacy. Use of Teams with Onenote all Online assemblies. Help guides to staff session. P4-7. and parents. P1-P3 teacher videos to Reflect on how to P6 and P5 given support learning Increased use 365 accounts. deliver feedback. activities. of technology. P6 and P5 Use of Forms for Digital children assessment and pre- Strategy set. introduced to assessment. Increase of Onenote. PSAs added onto Teams iPads All staff trained to help support P7s with 365 in Onenote. learning. accounts.

  6. August Renewal Plan

  7. Questions to ask? How do we rebuild a sense of community? How are you feeling? How are you coping? Parents & carers, community partners Staff, parents & carers, community partners What do you need to What have been you help you feel safe? biggest challenges ? Learners Learners, staff, parents & carers, community partners

  8. • What do you think our priorities should be in rebuilding our school community when school reopens? • Helping children reintegrate into a sense of structure and routine after nearly five months without school and probably of not seeing many/any people outside their What did our immediate family. • Safety Parents say? • Maximising as much pupil interaction (between teacher pupils and between pupils themselves) as possible. Reflecting on their experiences of lockdown and consolidation of leanring as every family will have had different challenges and difficulties to address while also home schooling to their best of their ability. This in addition to making the school feel as welcoming as possible.

  9. What have • Balancing 2 working parents with home learning of 2 children. been the • Lack of human interaction out with the household. biggest • Balance work life, family life and homeschooling. Sometimes feeling of failure to mantain a good balance challenges for • Home schooling. But I much prefer it than jeopardising my childs health. you as an adult • Too many online meetings for the parents. Not enough time to dedicate to children's learning. No space. / family?

  10. What have been the • Not seeing their friends, trying to deal with school work at home with Mum biggest • Missing physical social contact and playing with challenges for friends. Missing favourite out of school activities. Missing teachers your child / • Getting outside/being physically active. children?

  11. What has particularly worked well to support your child's learning during school closures? However… The school have provided excellent resources to help with school • work. The school have been good in providing videos showing the kids (and parents) how to do the work. We've really appreciated the • Home learning has been challenging teachers that have been able to prepare videos. We understand how challenging this can be but it has made a big difference. for working parents, families with ASN communication with the teacher • children, families with younger 1)The supply of structured activities from school. 2) The use of • children. Microsoft Teams to build a sense of community 3) The flexibility to arrange the day as we like. • Communication hasn’t been as easy Microsoft 365 and Teams has been brilliant. It’s great the kids have • for our classes who do not have access direct access to their work, learning materials and support from their teacher…. It takes so much pressure off the parents and you feel to Teams reassured your child is being taught in the correct way.

  12. Staff Views

  13. Parent Views

  14. Pupil Views

  15. Siblings to attend school on the same day • Possible model of children attending on the same day • Possible every week – we are awaiting further advice on this Blended Keyworker children attending school hub during school • Learning hours - we are awaiting further information on this Staggered starts and finishes – we are awaiting further • Organisation information on this Details and final arrangements will be shared on 24 th • June

  16. What will school look like in August Health and safety at the centre • Medical room for any suspected COVID-19 cases – this will • be the office in the gym hall PPE equipment available for staff to use • Staggered drop off and pick up – restriction on parents in • the playground only P1 and P2 parents Emphasis on hand washing – on entry to the building • Health and safety procedures in place when administering • first aid 2m social distancing at desks and on the carpet • Children will access toilet one at a time • No public access to the school toilets • Classrooms chosen to support size of class •

  17. What will school look like in August First few weeks will focus on re-establishing relationships, • routines and our sense of community Increased use of outdoor spaces • No bell policy • Plastic book bag of resource for each child • Tray for each child on desk beside them • Play based learning in P1 but with reduced resources – no • sand, water, playdough Toys / games possibly only for single user, will be cleaned • between rotational groups within the class Focus on health and wellbeing, literacy and numeracy • Groups will normally be 1 adult to 9 – 11 children • We will minimise the mixing of different groups or • “bubbles” of children wherever possible. It may be safer for adults to move around classrooms than • children.

  18. Possible Approach ch to Teach ching, Learning and As Asses essmen ment t – de details around und thi this are unde under r discu cussion In school : teaching of curriculum content, assessment and feedback of learning from in-school and at-home. Digital support for Office 365 Teams. At-home : follow up /consolidation of in school learning. Careful consideration to parent / carer circumstances and available resources. Build on success of summer term. Use of Office 365 Teams. Focus on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and wellbeing – contextualised approach as appropriate. Fridays – opportunity for collegiate planning and monitoring / tracking of progress.


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