learn rning outcomes

Learn rning outcomes At the end of this training you will be able - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Learn rning outcomes At the end of this training you will be able to: Evaluate which tool to use to record your lecture: Camtasia or Zoom. If after explaining the pros and cons of Zoom and Camtasia you decide to stay for our

  1. Learn rning outcomes At the end of this training you will be able to:  Evaluate which tool to use to record your lecture: Camtasia or Zoom.  If after explaining the pros and cons of Zoom and Camtasia you decide to stay for our training…

  2. Learn rning outcomes You will have resources to learn: - Basics of Camtasia. - Video Editing Basics. - Produce Video, Export, and Share. - Annotations, Callouts & Custom Visuals. - Record from Power Point.

  3. Teaching o online: What t t tool should I use? Videoconference Record a lecture Automatic closed captioning Record to the Cloud Edit your video Create tutorials 18 dollars Cost

  4. 1.2nHow does es i it loo ook m my l lec ecture after er rec ecordin ing i it? Recording a Power point presentation

  5. What a are your Ex r Expectations for r this training?


  7. Basics of Camtasia https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-record-edit-share.html

  8. Video Editing Basics https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-video-editing.html

  9. Prod oduce V e Video eo, Expor ort, and Share https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-produce-share.html

  10. An Annotations, C Callouts & Custom Visuals https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-transitions-annotations-behaviors.html

  11. Record from Powe wer Po Point https://youtu.be/jxYQou07q7c

  12. Let’s practice! How to record, edit, upload, and share a lecture


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