Learn rning outcomes At the end of this training you will be able to: Evaluate which tool to use to record your lecture: Camtasia or Zoom. If after explaining the pros and cons of Zoom and Camtasia you decide to stay for our training…
Learn rning outcomes You will have resources to learn: - Basics of Camtasia. - Video Editing Basics. - Produce Video, Export, and Share. - Annotations, Callouts & Custom Visuals. - Record from Power Point.
Teaching o online: What t t tool should I use? Videoconference Record a lecture Automatic closed captioning Record to the Cloud Edit your video Create tutorials 18 dollars Cost
1.2nHow does es i it loo ook m my l lec ecture after er rec ecordin ing i it? Recording a Power point presentation
What a are your Ex r Expectations for r this training?
Basics of Camtasia https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-record-edit-share.html
Video Editing Basics https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-video-editing.html
Prod oduce V e Video eo, Expor ort, and Share https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-produce-share.html
An Annotations, C Callouts & Custom Visuals https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-transitions-annotations-behaviors.html
Record from Powe wer Po Point https://youtu.be/jxYQou07q7c
Let’s practice! How to record, edit, upload, and share a lecture
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