lbnf dune beam target system

LBNF/DUNE Beam & Target System John Back, University of Warwick - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LBNF LBNF/DUNE Beam & Target System John Back, University of Warwick DUNE UK Meeting March 5, 2019 Introduction Neutrinos from decays of secondary particles ( , ,K): - 120 GeV proton collisions with graphite target, 1.2 MW then

  1. LBNF LBNF/DUNE Beam & Target System John Back, University of Warwick DUNE UK Meeting March 5, 2019

  2. Introduction • Neutrinos from decays of secondary particles (  ,  ,K): - 120 GeV proton collisions with graphite target, 1.2 MW then 2.4 MW • 3-horn focusing system, ~2m long (4  ) graphite target - See Beam Optimisation Task Force report: DUNE-doc-2901 • High Power Target RAL group (Chris Densham et al.) is to build the target: - Fermilab will do Horns & rest of Target Station (e.g. shielding) • News on: - RAL target proposal & preliminary designs - Target physics performance 2

  3. LBNF Beamline Layout Fig from DUNE-doc-7338 3

  4. Target Station Geometry Fig from DUNE-doc-7554 4

  5. RAL “LBNF/DUNE Beam & Target System” Project • Phase 1: Jan 2019 – Mar 2022: design, prototyping & costing - Successful full funding obtained from STFC (~£1.4M) - Very strong science case & impact recognised by Projects Peer Review Panel (PPRP) and Accelerator Strategy Board (ASB) - No project descoping  maximises design phase effort • Phase 2: Apr 2022 – Mar 2026: procurement & manufacture - Proposal due 1 st half 2021 for PPRP review (~£4.6M) • Phase 3: Apr 2026 – Sept 2028: installation & commissioning - Dates depend on international project schedule • Sept 2028 onwards: ongoing maintenance & support similar to T2K 5

  6. Target Project Priority List • Design & build 1 prototype & 1 operational target (1.2 MW) • Design & build target support & interface with 1 st magnetic horn • Design & build target remote handling/replacement system • Specify, select & supply master-slave manipulators • Specify & supply key components for He target cooling plant • Design & build instrumented collimator, protecting downstream components from missteered beam 6

  7. 2m Target with Downstream Support 7

  8. 2m Target with Downstream Support 8

  9. Double (2 x 1m) Target Concept Horn current striplines Beam Target 1 Target 2 9

  10. Upstream Target He Cooling 10

  11. Double (2 x 1m) Target Downstream Detail He flow 11

  12. Single Cantilevered Target 12

  13. CP Sensitivity vs Target Length: Geant4 studies 3+3 years running, normal hierarchy, 120 GeV protons, 1.2 MW power, target R = 8 mm, beam  = R/3 13

  14. Summary • Successful STFC funding for Phase 1 target engineering design • Investigating 3 graphite target options: - Single ~2 m cylinder with upstream & downstream supports - Double (2 x ~1m) cylindrical target - Single ~1.5 m cantilevered target (upstream support only) • Detailed design work by RAL: - Target supports, interface with 1 st horn, alignment & He cooling - Assuming full 2.4 MW beam power • Checking physics performance with Geant4 (Warwick) 14

  15. LBNF Beamline Schedule (DUNE-doc-7338) Dec-19 March-22 March-30 CD-2/3b Project CD-3 NS CD-4 (early completion) Baseline & FS Constr. Approval Constr. Approval Beamline Design Magnets Procurement and Assembly Horns Target Conventional Construction Shield Pile Disassemble MI Extraction Enclosure (Long Shut Down) Components Install New / Existing Components Upstream of Shield Wall - Primary Beam Enclosure completed during long shut down Downstream of Shield Wall Target Hall Install Target Shield Pile Remote Handling Commissioning Mechanical and Electrical Rough-in Install Horn A, B, C and initial Power-up Absorber Component Installation Remote Handling and Muon DAQ Mechanical and Electrical Rough-in Beamline Checkout Period FY28 FY18 FY20 FY29 FY30 FY19 FY21 FY24 FY22 FY23 FY26 FY27 FY25 Beamline Complete Absorber Hall Beneficial Occupancy Start MI Long Shutdown Conventional Facilities Construction Complete Primary Beam Enclosure Target Hall Beneficial Occupancy Beneficial Occupancy 15


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