LBNF Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Cryogenics (Current status) David Montanari Cryogenic Instrumentation & Slow Controls Joint Consortium Meeting 22 December 2017
Outline • Introduction. • Proximity Cryogenics in Detector Cavern. • Internal Cryogenic. • Cryostat feedthroughs. • Proximity Cryogenics in CUC. • LN2 Refrigeration System. • Lar/LN2 Receiving Facilities on surface. • Next Steps. 2 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Introduction • Technical talk, no funding considerations. • Information is current and design a draft/work in progress. • Different design maturity for various parts. • Designs based on LBNF/DUNE requirements and real size components. • All items transportable down the Ross Shaft. • Preliminary installation sequences thought out (to be finalized). • Lifting eyes on roof of Detector’s cavern and CUC for equipment lifting and positioning. • Goal of design effort is to prepare design packages that could be procured, by DOE and non-DOE parties. 3 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Proximity Cryogenics in Detector’s Cavern Mezzanine LAr circulation pumps 4 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Proximity Cryogenics on Mezzanine – Iso View 5 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Proximity Cryogenics on Mezzanine – Side View Envelope of I-Beam + Crane Stay clear zone 7.7 m 6 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Proximity Cryogenics on Mezzanine – Top View 12 m 2.9 m 4.8 m 35 m 4.8 m +4.8 m for office type spaces 7 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Internal Cryogenics – 1 B C C q 1:10 1:25 340 410 p 370 340 o n 14000 580 m 65.55 Elevation from floor: 180 70 D l 180 mm (may grow) 1:25 340 k 370 B 410 D F E i 1:25 340 1:25 340 400 340 400 h 410 61000 62000 1120 1590 580 340 E 410 340 F 15100 g 14180 Isometric view 13500 1:200 f 12140 10780 e 9080 d 7380 DESSIN, RUGOSITE, TOLERANCES DRAWING, RUGOSITY, TOLERANCES ISO STANDARDS 6020 NORMES ISO ACCORDING TO c SELON 8619 4320 6932 PROJECTION 5417 2960 b GAr Purge: 2 in NPS (DN50) This drawing may not be used for commercial purposes without written authorisation Ce dessin ne peut etre utilise a des fins commerciales sans autorisation ecrite 1600 EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH 920 ORGANISATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLEAIRE 1 1 GENEVE QUA DESCRIPTION POS MAT. OBSERVATIONS REF.CERN a LAr Distribution: 3 in NPS (DN80) ENS/ASS S.ENS/S.ASS DRAWN J. Mayolini 2017-11-03 SCALE CONTROLLED RELEASED LBNF ASSY Internal pipes cryostat APPROVED 1:50 CAD Document Number ST0899069_02 REPLACES QAC SIZE IND. CERN NON VALABLE POUR EXECUTION CERN - 0 NOT VALID FOR EXECUTION 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Internal Cryogenics – 2 9 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Cryostat Cryogenic Feedthroughs (as of Dec 14, 2017) 10 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
List of Cryogenic Feedthroughs (as of Dec 14, 2017) 11 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Cryostat Feedthroughs (as of Dec 14, 2017) 12 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
List of Feedthroughs (as of Dec 14, 2017) 13 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Cryostat Feedthroughs (as of Oct 12, 2017) Instrumentation Purge port Not to scale 14 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
LN2 Refrigeration System The LN2 refrigeration system Big Compressors did not change. on Surface • 4 Commercial units: - Cold boxes and gas boosters in the cavern. Cold boxes & Expanders - GN2 compressors above ground. Underground • Units assembled in cavern, based on transport limits. • 3 units for cryostats 1, 2 and 4 th unit added for cryostats 3, 4. • 4x97 kW units. • Piping in shaft is CF responsibility. 15 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
LAr/LN2 Receiving Facilities Proposed additional temporary LAr Current Cryogens Storage and Vaporizers (LAr fill only) Storage and vaporizers LN2 System Compressors Building LAr Storage Tanks LN2 Storage Tank and Vaporizers and Vaporizer 16 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Next Steps • Proximity Cryo in Detector’s cavern: - Continue to add details to the cryogenics on the mezzanine. - Prepare design documentation (Technical Specifications, 3D models with not-to-exceed envelopes, etc.) for non-DOE parties to take on. - Implement new LAr pumps model (in progress). • Internal Cryogenics: - Update the height over the floor, if needed. - Discuss with stakeholders and finalize the design. - Prepare design documentation (Technical Specifications, 3D models with not-to-exceed envelopes, etc.) for procurement process. • Proximity Cryogenics in CUC: - Continue to prepare design documentation for LAr Purification #1:ICDs, Functional Requirements Specifications for LAr Purification Vessel. - Prepare same documentation for Gar Purification #1, #2 and Regen #1. • LN2 Refrigeration System: - Continue the iteration with DOE on AP and RFP docs. - Issue RFP, get bids, evaluate bids, and select a vendor. - Award contract for design (full system) and fabrication of first 3 units. • LAr/LN2 Receiving Facilities: - Finalize the amount of LAr storage (in consultation with potential LAr vendors). - Prepare AP and RFP docs and iterate with DOE. - Issue RFP, get bids, evaluate bids, and select a vendor. - Award contract for design (full system) and fabrication of first 3 units. 17 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Thanks 18 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
Backup Slides 19 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
LAr Receiving Facilities PFD with Mass and Energy Balance LBNF Argon gas Filling PFD with mass and energy balance Vaporizer Surface s01 s00 s02 Pump Dewars Stream s00 s01 s02 s03 s05 s08 s09 s10 Unit Pressure 35 15 14.6 19.2 17.8 11 10.1 1.5 psig Temperature 88 300 300 300 300 300 300 88.2 K Ross Shaft Flow rate 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 58.3 kg / min Vapor phase Mole phase fraction 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Liquid phase Mole phase fraction 1 1 s03 4850L s05 Purif Filter Detector Cavern s09 s08 condensers Parameter Value Unit Pressure 1.5 psig Heat duty -264.7 kW s10 CUC Cavern Cryostat Updated 2017-01-17 20 12.22.17 David M. | LBNF Cryogenics (Current Status) LBNF
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