Law Society of Alberta Part-Time Membership Fees Research Report
DEMOGRAPHICS Profile of 1,043 survey respondents. Gender Length of Time as a Bar Member Student or Student- 3% at-Law 56% 39% 2% Less than 1 year 5% <1% 16% 1-5 years Male Female Transgender Prefer not to identify 17% 6-10 years 11% 11-15 years Current Status with Law Society 9% 83% 16-20 years 9% 21-25 years 11% 3% 2% 9% 26 - 30 years Active Inactive Pro bono Student practicing lawyer lawyer lawyer at law 24% More than 30 years 2 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Illumina Research Partners
DEMOGRAPHICS Profile of 1,043 survey respondents. Practice Setting Primary Area(s) of Practice* Who Pays Annual Membership Fees Corporate 26% Sole Practitioner 28% Government 12% Civil Litigation 23% The organization Commercial Corporate 12% 20% 47% I work for Academic Wills and Estates 2% 19% Matrimonial/Family Law firm (2-10 lawyers) 18% 24% Real Estate Conveyancing Law firm (11-25 lawyers) 17% 8% Law firm (26-50 lawyers) Employment/Labour 5% 8% Law firm (51+ lawyers) Administrative/Boards/Tribunals 8% 8% Estate Planning and Administration 8% 53% I do Criminal Practice Location 7% Entrepreneurial/Business 5% 82% Municipal Government 4% Intellectual Property 3% Aboriginal 3% 13% 5% Mediation 3% Student at law Small urban Large urban Rural area 3% centre centre Other 18% *Areas of practice over 3% shown 3 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Illumina Research Partners
Summary of part-time membership fee survey results MAXIMUM 1 2 3 4 STRUCTURE 5 MAJORITY ARE BENEFITS CONCERNS HOURS AND AND FEE IN FAVOUR INCOME PREFERENCE 84% of respondents Part-time fees are Concerns were voiced Two options rise to the While most feel 20-25 were in favour of perceived as offering about issues of fairness, top with almost equal hours is the implementing part- tracking and support : benefits for both the appropriate maximum time membership profession (e.g., monitoring for hours ceiling , there are 1) a $1,300 annual fees. This question increased diversity, compliance , increased mixed views on the membership fee with a was asked at the easier to practice part- costs for full-time appropriate maximum maximum hours ceiling end of the survey. time) and lawyers members , and that it income ceiling . and personally (e.g., better will not have enough 2) a $1,300 annual work-life balance, work impact without membership fee with longer before insurance reductions. both a maximum hours retirement, return to and income ceiling. profession after a leave of absence). 4 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Illumina Research Partners
After a detailed review of structure and fee options, majority are in favour of implementing part-time membership fees. Female and inactive lawyers are most favourable. Most react positively saying they are interested, excited The majority feel the Law Society should implement or enthusiastic about possible part-time membership fees. a part-time membership fee status. 84% 8% 7% Yes No Undecided 96% of inactive lawyers and 89% of females feel the Law Society should implement part-time fees. 5 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Illumina Research Partners
Demographic breakdown Males & Females Active & Inactive Lawyers Should the Law Society Implement a Part-Time Should the Law Society Implement a Part-Time Membership Fee Status? Membership Fee Status? Total n=1043 Male n=410 Female n=579 Total n=1043 Active Lawyer n=868 Inactive Lawyer n=114 96% 89% 84% 84% 82% 81% 11% 10% 8% 8% 8% 7% 7% 7% 7% 4% 4% 1% Yes No Undecided Yes No Undecided Notably higher than males Notably higher than active lawyers Notably lower than males Notably lower than active lawyers 6 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Question: Do you think that the Law Society should implement a part-time membership fee status? Illumina Research Partners
Benefits Impact of Part-Time Status to Profession Make it easier for lawyers to maintain a part- Diversify the pool of Help inactive lawyers return to the profession and time practice by reducing costs lawyers in Alberta revive their practice after a leave of absence 90% 79% 73% Agree Agree Agree “They are a great idea as they will support those groups “I have been inactive for 9 years. There have been of individuals who may not be able to commit to full- times that I would have liked to be able to continue a time practice and thus further diversify our profession.” part- time practice but the option was not available.” “If the fees associated with full -time practice are serving as an impediment to lawyers continuing to serve in the profession, then we have a problem. I see the issue as affecting not only the lawyers, but “Having this option may decrease the attrition of “There could actually be better retention of female lawyers also the public.” lawyers in our profession, including for family or within the profession if part-time practice was more encouraged health obligations.” through the introduction of part- time membership fees.” 7 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Illumina Research Partners
Benefits Personal Impact of Part-Time Status 62% 59% 37% 34% 26% To enhance work-life balance To practice longer rather To reduce costs in a part-time sole To return to the profession after To start my own part-time sole than retiring practitioner practice a leave of absence practitioner practice “I fully support this idea. Especially for young “It would be a very good idea for long - “It will especially help smaller firms and “I know a lot of people who have gone lawyers who are trying to balance starting a family time members (like me) who have a sole practitioners who may not have on maternity or paternity leave and and work. It's a great way to promote work-life specific field they are comfortable in and the work load required to carry the never returned to the law as they do not balance.” want to wind down over time rather than current fees and insurance and make a want to return to the firm life but are quit suddenly.” reasonable income.” discouraged by the start up costs of “I also feel it may be an incentive for those starting a private practice.” struggling in a full-time practice (and this can be for many work or life balance situations) to remain in practice.” 8 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Illumina Research Partners
Concerns Defining Tracking and Increased Costs to Token Gesture without LSA Services are What is Fair Auditing for Compliance Full-Time Members Part-Time Insurance Rate the Same for Everyone Underpinning preferences for Regardless of preferred structure Some full-time members are Membership fee reductions is Some question whether LSA part-time structures and fees type, many expressed concerns concerned about increased seen as a good first step; should allow a reduction in are concerns about what about how part-time status would costs in their membership however not all believe the fee since membership and constitutes ‘fairness’. be tracked and monitored for fees and potential insurance impact will be meaningful or access to service is equal compliance. increases due to greater far-reaching without an regardless of status, Is it fair… liability with part-time accompanying reduction in How will the LSA create ▪ For those facing financial practitioners. insurance rates for part-time ▪ consistent and reliable barriers to be limited on members. “The services by the Law measures that would take into Not all agree that increasing hours worked? Society do not change account diversity in practice- full-time fees is necessary based on how many hours To limit hours given to types and billing practices? ▪ since part-time status should one practices.” case files? bring in more revenue for What would be the added ▪ LSA, by slowing attrition and For lucrative part-time administrative burden to part- ▪ welcoming new members. lawyers to be able to apply time lawyers and to LSA? “I do understand that it is for part-time status? costly to practice law, but if Alternative suggestions include: the fees charged bear some For full-time lawyers to pay ▪ Tie a part-time fee to certain ▪ more for same services from relationship to the work being events in a lawyer’s career (e.g., LSA? done by the Law Society, for maternity leave, sick leave, things like registration, etc., doing pro-bono work) then I don't see how Base part-time status on number ▪ practicing for fewer hours a of clients rather than hours of week changes that.” income Offer bursaries instead ▪ 9 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Illumina Research Partners
Preference for a $1,300 annual part-time fee is strongest because half the current fees seems fair and reasonable. Preferred Part-Time Annual Fee Top Reasons for Preferring $1,300 Annual Part-Time Fee 61% Seems fair and reasonable $1,000 21% 58% Is half the current fees $1,300 35% Balances reduction in fees for 23% part-time status and the increase in fees for full-time status $1,500 28% “I think a 50% reduction is fair for both full -time and part-time lawyers, especially if part-time lawyers are working about half of a standard work week (20- 25 hours/week).” 10 | LSA Part-time Membership Fees Study Illumina Research Partners
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