laser plasma acceleration status from italy

Laser-Plasma Acceleration: Status from Italy Danilo Giulietti - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Laser-Plasma Acceleration: Status from Italy Danilo Giulietti Physics Department of the University and INFN, Pisa, Italy PLASMONX National Representative The beginning of the Italian activity in LPA In the 2000 the Pisa group performed the

  1. Laser-Plasma Acceleration: Status from Italy Danilo Giulietti Physics Department of the University and INFN, Pisa, Italy PLASMONX National Representative

  2. The beginning of the Italian activity in LPA In the 2000 the Pisa group performed the first experiments in LPA at LOA. After that INFN manifested interest in our activity and Sergio Bertolucci, at that time Director of the LNF invited me for a seminar. The LNF colleagues were very shocked when I was speaking of acceleration gradients of several 100GV/m !

  3. The birth of PLASMONX Later on NTA Commission (whose chairman was Sergio Bertolucci), after considering a CDR of a project devoted to the development NTA based on LPA and innovative X-gamma sources based on TS, launched in the 2005 the Strategic Project PLASMONX. The project takes advantages from the complementary expertises of INFN and CNR in the fields of HEP and LASER-PLASMA Interactions respectively.

  4. The birth of…. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

  5. Conceptual Design Report PLASMA ACCELERA TION AND MONOCH ROMATIC X-RAY PRODUCTION Acronym: PLASMONX D. G iulietti Unive rsit ฀ di Pisa e INFN-Pisa A. Barbini, W. Baldeschi, M. Galimberti, A. Gamucci, A. Giulietti, L.A. Gizzi, P. Koester, L. Labate, A. Rossi, P. Tomassini ILIL Tea m @ CNR/I PCF - Pisa D. Alesini, S. Bertolucci, M.E. Biagini, C. Biscari, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, M. Castellano, A. Clozza, G. Di Pirro, A. Drago, A. Esposito, M. Ferrario, V. Fusco, A. Gallo, A. Ghigo, S. Guiducci, M. Incurvati, C. Ligi, F. Marce llini, M. Migliorati, C. Milardi, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, L. Pellegrino, M. Prege r, P. Raimondi, R. Ricci, C. Sanelli, M. Serio, F. Sgamma, B.Spataro, A. Stecchi, A. Stella, F. Tazzioli, C. Vaccarezza, M. Vescovi, C. V icario, M. Zobov SPARC- Project Tea m @ INFN-LNF F. Alessandria, A. Bacc i, I. Boscolo, F. Broggi, S.Cialdi, C. DeMar tinis, D. Giove, C. Mar oli, V. Pe trillo, M. Rom ¸, L. Serafini SPARC Project Tea m @ INFN-Milan o e Università di Milano R. B onifacio, N. Piovella, R. Pozzoli Unive rsit ฀ di Milano e INFN-Milano

  6. PLASMONX: The Conceptual Design Report The proposal was discussed and prepared by the Pisa, Milan and LNF groups …….soon joined by the Bologna, Naples and LNS groups

  7. PLASMONX UNITS Milano Bologna Pisa Roma, LNF Napoli LNS

  8. @ LNF-INFN The site for the new INFN facility was chosen in LNF….

  9. The 300TW LASER laboratory The 300TW LASER laboratory …. the new lab replaced a small hill

  10. The final amplifier of the PLASMONX 300TW LASER Pulse duration 20 fs Pulse duration 20 fs Pulse energy 6J Pulse energy 6J Rep. Rate 10Hz Rep. Rate 10Hz and a very powerful LASER was Peak power up to 300 TW Peak power up to 300 TW assembled ….. ASE contrast ≈10 ASE contrast ≈10 -10 Pre Pre-pulse contrast < 10 -8

  11. LPA Target Area LPA Target Area Radiation Main beam (>250 TW) protection walls Vacuum transport line Beam transport to sparc bunker Interaction vacuum chamber Compressor vacuum chamber ……with an underground LPA target area

  12. LPA Target Area LPA Target Area Main beam (>250 TW) Vacuum transport line Compressor vacuum chamber Beam transport to SPARC bunker Interaction vacuum chamber Radiation protection walls completely shielded and connected to the bunker of a 200MeV LINAC


  14. synchronisation laser pulse vacuum compressor acceleration chamber detectors area control & data LINAC UNDULATOR

  15. SPARC: the 200MeV LINAC and the UNDULATORS

  16. Self-injection Wed 4/5 11:15, SITE by L.Gizzi The first experiments of SI-LPA offer also the possibility to test the LASER main parameters

  17. LASER PLASMA ACCELERATION N e =10 19 cm -3 L=1mm T=20fs W=9µm I=1.5 10 20 W/cm 2 QuickTime™ and a YUV420 codec decompressor are needed to see this picture. U el ≈400MeV PIC simulation for the first SI-LPA experiments @ LNF

  18. LPA LPA-Self Injection:first results Self Injection:first results 20 mrad First results focusing less than 1/10 of the maximum LASER power in a supersonic gas-jet at about 10Atm of N 2

  19. External injection We intend also to inject monochromatic e-bunches into LPW excited by the powerful LASER to reduce the energy spread of the accelerated electrons. The experiment is challenging due to the required synchronization between LASER and LINAC (10fs) and the shortness of the e-bunches (few µm) with respect to the plasma wavelength. Wed 4/5 11:00, LPA/EI by L.Serafini

  20. COherent Multi e-Bunches for electron acceleration in plasmas QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Due to the high control on the LINAC photo- injector we intend to accelerate electrons in a plasma wave resonantly excited by a train of e-bunches Wed 4/5 11:30, COMB by M. Ferrario

  21. Table-top source of femtosecond X-rays In the Project X-gamma ray sources will be developed based on the TS; using only the LASER ……. 2J pulse He jet e - beam X-rays Gas-jet system

  22. Tuneable X-ray radiation source based on Thomson Scattering from the LINAC BEATS-experiment ……and LASER and LINAC

  23. LPA of ions LILIA-experiment The LASER parameters are suitable also for ion LPA once the LASER is focused on solid thin targets

  24. Spectral distributions Typical anular 0 n°prot.MeV -1 sr -1 2.2x10 11 structures E 1 = 10.3 MeV E 2 = 11.8 MeV E 3 = 13.2 MeV E 4 = 14.7 MeV E 5 = 17.3 MeV E 7 = 21.1 MeV E 8 = 23 MeV E 6 = 19.5 MeV Angular divergence decreases as proton energy increases.

  25. Human Resources and expertises *Complementary expertises from HEP and LASER-Plasma community *Major Italian Universities involved *International collaborations

  26. Goals and planned activity • Control of LPA mechanism • Development of new targets • Multi stages • External Injection • Coherent multi e-bunches • X-gamma secondary sources • LPA of ions

  27. TO FROM ELI would be the first infrastructure dedicated to the fundamental study of laser-matter interaction in a new and unsurpassed regime of laser intensity: the ultra-relativistic regime (I L >10 23 W/cm 2 ). The infrastructure would serve to investigate a new generation of compact accelerators delivering energetic particle and radiation beams of femtosecond (10 -15 s) to attosecond (10 -18 s) duration. ELI would afford wide benefits to society ranging from improvement of oncology treatment, medical imaging, fast electronics and our understanding of aging nuclear reactor materials to development of new methods of nuclear waste processing. The PLASMONX activity naturally fits the one of the European Project ELI

  28. Project leader Steering committee G. Mourou Project manager J.P. Chambaret + System Engineer SAFETY BUILDING Safety Manager Laser Laser plasma High field Ultrafast X-ray Attosecond system accelerator radiation beams Science Science A. Rousse D. Giulietti D. Habs G. Tsakiris, D Charalambidis P. Georges B. Rus P. Audebert V. Malka D. Bernard S. Karsch Ultra relativistic OPCPA Attosecond Coherent (X,  )-rays plasma TiSa:ampli to zeptosecond (FEL, HHG & plasma) Electron beam Diode pumping NLQED Physics Incoherent (X,  )-ray Proton beam Coherent beam Fundamendal physics Ultra relativisitc optics beams (synchrotron- Ions beam combining Exotic physics like, atomic) Muons beam Adaptative optic Nuclear Physics Beam lines Beam lines Beam lines Proposed Applications Gamma imaging Probe ultrafast Radiotherapy Test and Calibration dynamics (atom, Probe ultrafast molecule and plasma) Probing plasmas dynamics, high Transmutation Ultra Non Linear X-UV Polarised beam resolution image & induced by laser phenomena High energy physics create new states of Electron dynamics … matter

  29. CONCLUSIONS • @ LNF will offer unique opportunities for: • New Acceleration Techniques • High brightness sources of electrons, protons, ions, positrons, neutrons, X &  - rays, … • Applications in HEP, medicine, material science, astrophysics, ultrafast science, …


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