lasalle street neighborhood blueprint for revitalization

LaSalle Street Neighborhood Blueprint for Revitalization HOUSING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LaSalle Street Neighborhood Blueprint for Revitalization HOUSING CORPORATION COLUMBIA COUNTY LASALLE GATEWAY PROJECT Berwick Borough Population 10,477 LaSalle Street Neighborhood Population 728 2005 Wells Fargo Regional Foundation

  1. LaSalle Street Neighborhood Blueprint for Revitalization HOUSING CORPORATION COLUMBIA COUNTY LASALLE GATEWAY PROJECT

  2. Berwick Borough Population 10,477

  3. LaSalle Street Neighborhood Population 728

  4. 2005

  5. Wells Fargo Regional Foundation Planning Grant Spring 2008 – 3 years after the announcement Blueprint for Revitalization

  6. Porch and Siding

  7. High Efficiency Boiler – House Wrap and Siding

  8. Neighborhood Events This image cannot currently be displayed. Block Party

  9. Beautification Sponsler Park $40,000 CDBG from Berwick Borough Public Works and Volunteers

  10. Beautification

  11. Crime Prevention

  12. Tax Sale Purchases – 2010 $16,000 $3,000

  13. LaSalle Gateway Project

  14. LaSalle Gateway Project

  15. LaSalle Gateway Project SOURCE AMOUNT DCED HOME Grant $500,000 FHLB AHP Grant $250,000 Columbia County Act 137 $100,00 Sale of Homes $400,000 TOTAL $1,250,000 Total Neighborhood Investment $14M

  16. LaSalle Gateway Project 4 NEW HIGH EFFICIENCY HOMES 3 – Three Bedroom 2-Story Homes 1 – Three Bedroom 1- Story Accessible Home Anticipated Heating Cost - $400 per year CCHA 1 st Time Homebuyers Program FHLB First Front Door Program PHFA and USDA Mortgage Products Appraised at $153,000, Selling Price $100,000 Mortgage, Taxes, Insurance $750 per month

  17. LaSalle Gateway Project Wednesday 5-14-2014

  18. LaSalle Gateway Project

  19. LaSalle Gateway Project

  20. CHALLENGES • Securing Site Control (1-2 year agreements) • Securing Grant Funding • Broader Benefit to the Community or Neighborhood • Meeting Priorities of Funders (points) • Compliance, Design, Bidding, Construction • Need Experienced Staff • Consultant • Design Professionals • Marketing • Qualifying Buyers

  21. LaSalle Street Neighborhood Partners

  22. Contact Info Rich Kisner Columbia County Housing Corporation 700 Sawmill Rd., Suite 101 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 570-784-9373 ext. 115


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