Lake Jessamine Lake Jessamine Sediment Inactivation Project Final Results June 5 2014 June 5, 2014 Harvey H. Harper, Ph.D.,P.E. Melissa Lavigne
NE Lobe General General East Overview Lobe Central of Lake Lobe J Jessamine i SW Lobe South South Lobe
Probing Locations for Water and Muck Depths in Lake Jessamine (March 29, 2011) ( , )
Water Depth Contours Water Depth Contours (ft) for Lake Jessamine on March 29, 2011
Muck Depth Contours Muck Depth Contours (ft) in Lake Jessamine on March 29, 2011
60 Middle 50 l - a (mg/m3) Northeast Southwest 40 30 Chlorophyl 20 Trends in Chlorophyll-a 10 0 Concentrations in Lake 60 Middle Middle Year Year Jessamine from 50 p = <0.0001 Chlorophyll - a (mg/m3) slope = 0.4861 40 2000-2013 30 20 C 10 - chlorophyll-a is a 0 60 photosynthetic pigment Northeast Lobe Year 50 p = 0.5683 mg/m3) slope = -0.0682 40 Chlorophyll - a (m - indicator of algal biomass 30 20 10 0 60 Year Southwest Lobe 50 p = 0.0071 ophyll - a (mg/m3) slope = 0.5063 40 30 Chloro 20 10 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Year
Lake Trophic State Classifications Oligotrophic Lake - Low in nutrients - Few algae grow - No algal blooms N l l bl - Water is very clear - Support very few plants and fish - About 12% of Florida lakes - Water clarity > 12 feet W t l it 12 f t - Chlorophyll < 3 micrograms/liter - Total P < 15 micrograms/liter M Mesotrophic Lake t hi L k - Moderate in nutrients - Moderate algal production - Periodic algal blooms Float Float - Slightly green water - Support moderate amounts of plants and fish Seepage Meter - About 31% of Florida lakes - Water clarity 8 – 12 feet - Chlorophyll 3 - 7 micrograms/liter -Total P 15 to 25 micrograms/liter
Lake Trophic State Classifications – cont. Eutrophic Lake - High in nutrients - High level of algal production g g p - Frequent algal blooms - Green water with poor visibility - May have large amount of plants - About 41% of Florida lakes - Water clarity 3 - 8 feet - Chlorophyll 7 to 40 micrograms/liter - Total P 25 to 100 micrograms/liter H Hyper-eutrophic Lake t hi L k - Very high in nutrients - Extremely high algal production - Virtually constant algal blooms y g - Most biologically productive lakes - Support large amounts of plants and fish - About 16% of Florida lakes - Water clarity < 3 feet y - Chlorophyll > 40 micrograms/liter - Total P > 100 micrograms/liter
80 Hypereutrophic 70 Eutrophic 60 Mesotrophic 50 TSI 40 T 30 20 Oligotrophic Middle Northeast 10 Southwest Trends in TSI Values 0 80 in Lake Jessamine in Lake Jessamine Hypereutrophic Middle Middle Eutrophic 60 from 2000-2013 Mesotrophic TSI 40 p = 0.0001 slope = 0.7227 20 Oligotrophic 0 80 Hypereutrophic Northeast Lobe Eutrophic 60 Mesotrophic TSI 40 p = 0.0048 Oligotrophic 20 slope = -0.3644 0 80 Southwest Lobe Hypereutrophic Eutrophic 60 Mesotrophic TSI 40 p = 0 0043 p = 0.0043 slope = 0.7917 20 Oligotrophic 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Year
Mean Monthly Concentrations of Total Ph Phosphorus in Lake Jessamine from 1989-2009 h i L k J i f 1989 2009 Dry Season Dry Season Rainy Season
H d Hydrologic Budget Components l i B d t C t Interconnected Lake Inflows Evaporation p Precipitation ec p tat o Runoff Outflow ± ∆ Storage Groundwater Seepage Deep Recharge
Summary of Mean y Annual Hydrologic Inputs and Losses to Lake Jessamine Lake Jessamine
Nutrient Budget Components Nutrient Budget Components Bulk Precipitation Precipitation Interconnected Lake Inflow Runoff Outflow Internal Recycling Sedimentation Groundwater Seepage Deep Deep Groundwater
S Summary of Mean f M Annual Mass Inputs and Losses of Total Phosphorus to Lake Jessamine - Lake Jessamine is a P limited lake - P inputs must be controlled to improve water quality
Locations of Sediment Locations of Sediment Monitoring Sites in Lake Jessamine
Photographs of Typical Sandy Sediments Collected in Lake Jessamine During December 2010
Photographs of Typical Sandy and Organic Muck Sediments Collected in Lake Jessamine During December 2010
Typical Zonation in a Lake Littoral Pelagic Zone (Open water) Littoral Zone Zone Zone Zone Epilimnion Photosynthesis > Respiration - Photic zone ~1% of surface light g Hypolimnion Respiration > -Poor circulation Photosynthesis - Anoxic Lakes are sinks for nutrients - Organic matter accumulates in the bottom of lakes and undergoes decomposition Organic matter accumulates in the bottom of lakes and undergoes decomposition – Nutrients are released during the decomposition 18 18
Phosphorus Bonding in Sediments P i P in lake sediments is generally bound in associations with: l k di t i ll b d i i ti ith – Saloid Consists of soluble P in pore water and easily exchangeable P – Iron and manganese I d Direct inorganic precipitates (ex. FePO 4 ) and adsorption onto Fe/Mn oxides Stability depends on redox potential – Bond with P is strong under oxidized conditions g – Bond breaks apart under reduced conditions – Calcium Primarily as inorganic precipitates B Becomes more significant at higher pH i ifi t t hi h H Stability depends on pH – Aluminum Direct inorganic precipitates (ex. AlPO4) and adsorption onto metal oxides Direct inorganic precipitates (ex AlPO4) and adsorption onto metal oxides Stability depends on pH – Organic matter Fresh matter – decomposes relatively quickly p y q y Recalcitrant matter – decomposes very slowly Significance depends on geology of the watershed and lake 19 19
P Fractionation of Sediments - Available for release release Saloid Saloid – soluble + easily exchangeable P l bl il h bl P - Σ (Saloid + Fe Bound) is referred Fe Bound – sediment P bound with Fe to as “Total available P” available P Al Bound Al Bound – sediment P bound with Al sediment P bound with Al Ca Bound – sediment P bound with Ca Unavailable for release Organic Bound Organic Bound – P associated with P i t d ith organic matter
Inactivant Dose Determination Based on available P in sediments Generally considered to be the extent of be the extent of The 0 10 cm layer of the sediments is The 0-10 cm layer of the sediments is P diffusion from sectioned off and speciated for available sediments P using a modification of the Chang and Jackson technique 10 cm 10 cm Sufficient inactivant is added to bind all available P in the top 10 cm Thick, flocculent, organic sediments Thick flocculent organic sediments Alum dose determined by: Alum dose = total available P x Al:P ratio Electronegativity g y El Element t (Pauling Scale) Al:P ratio usually between 5-10 Fe 1.8 Al 1.6 Ca Ca 1 3 1.3 La 1.1
Modified Chang and Jackson Speciation Procedure for Evaluating Sediment P Bonding Procedure for Evaluating Sediment P Bonding 2N NH 4 Cl (30 minutes) ( ) Saloid-Bound Saloid Bound Wet Wet 4 Sediment Phosphorus Potentially available Aluminum- 0.5 N NH 4 F (1 hour) Residue Residue Bound Bound Phosphorus Unavailable 0.1 N NaOH (17 hours) Iron-Bound Residue Residue Phosphorus Potentially available
Isopleths of Total Available Phosphorus Phosphorus in the Top 10 cm of Sediments in Lake Jessamine - sum of saloid + iron bound P Internal Recycling = 139 kg total P/yr = 43% of total inputs Groundwater Seepage = 36 kg total P/yr = 10% of total inputs Combined inputs = 49%
Application Map Indicating the Fraction of Total Alum the Fraction of Total Alum to be Applied to the Identified Zones
Applied Chemical Quantities for Lake Jessamine Sediment Inactivation Lake Jessamine Sediment Inactivation Sodium Sodium Gallons per Application Gallons per Application Fraction Alum Zone Aluminate Sodium of Total (gallons) Alum (gallons) Aluminate 1 0.24 45,027 11,436 15,009 3,812 2 0.48 91,280 23,182 30,427 7,727 3 0.22 41,545 10,551 13,848 3,517 4 0.04 6,993 , 1,776 , 2,331 , 592 5 0.02 4,155 1,055 1,385 352 TOTAL: TOTAL: 189 000 189,000 48 000 48,000 63 000 63,000 16 000 16,000
Application Boat and Tanker Barge Used for Al Alum Application in A li ti i Lake Jessamine
3000 Middle 2500 Northeast itrogen (µg/l) Southwest 2000 ERD Middle ERD Northeast 1500 ERD Southwest Total Ni 1000 500 0 3000 Middle ent Comparison of Pre- Comparison of Pre ent ent Alum Treatme Alum Treatme Alum Treatme 2500 Total Nitrogen (µg/l) 2000 and Post-Treatment 1500 Concentrations of Total 1000 500 500 Nitrogen in Lake 0 Jessamine 3000 Northeast Lobe Year 2500 n (µg/l) 2000 Total Nitrogen 1500 1000 500 0 3000 Year Southwest Lobe 2500 Nitrogen (µg/l) 2000 1500 Total 1000 500 0 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Year
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