Konferenzbeiträge und -präsentation auf Englisch “Academic Presentation Skills“ 25 to 26 January 2010 Gustav-Stresemann-Insitut e.V., Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn Seminarprogramme Monday, January 25th 2010 Time Method/Information 9.00 am Welcome and introductions 10.00 am Getting your paper accepted for a presentation: Presentation on “Johan Galtung’s Theories on Cultural Differences in Scientific Papers” Break 10.30 am 10.45 am The social side – conference small talk: Participants can practice small talk, in English. Discussion guided by trainer 11.30 am Presentations: “Soft-skills” Discussion and information on body language, non-verbal communication, cultural differences in audience expectations, overcoming stage-fright 12.30 pm Lunch break 2.00 pm A 5 minute presentation by each participant on their scientific area of interest. “Describing your scientific field in 3 sentences” 3.00 pm Presentations: “Hard skills” Structure of presentation and design of visual aids; discussion. 4.00 pm Break 4.15 pm Dealing with questions/discussing: Discussion on answering questions and discussing. Information on cultural differences from trainer 4.45 pm Preparation time: Preparation of scientific presentation. Trainer assistance where necessary Optional: informal get together at GSI
Tuesday, January 26th 2010 8.30 Presentations and cultural awareness tasks: A 10 minute presentation by to 12.30 pm each participant on a scientific topic of their choice. Block will be interspersed with cultural awareness tasks break included 12.00 pm Lunch break 1.45 pm Language tips on presenting and discussing in English: Input from trainer related to presentations 2.15 pm Improving fluency: Information and practical exercises 2.45 pm Break 3.00 pm Ad hoc presentations by each participant: 5 min. presentation on topic to be set by trainer 4.00 pm Feedback 4.30 pm End of Seminar Referentin: Anne Wegner, i p e l s/Bad Honnef, gebürtige Engländerin, arbeitete nach ihrem Studium an der Loughborough University of Technology in den Bereichen Arbeitswissenschaft, Datenbankbetreuung und Beantragung/Durchführung europäischer Projekte. Ihr beruflicher Werdegang, der unter anderem Tätigkeiten als Übersetzerin und als "Teacher of English as a Foreign Language“ (TEFL) einschließt, führte sie von England nach Belgien, in die Niederlande, Frankreich und Deutschland. Anne Wegner besitzt theoretische und praktische Zusatzqualifikationen im Bereich des interkulturellen Trainings sowie des Konfliktmanagements bei der transnationalen Zusammenarbeit. Ihre jahrzehntelangen Erfahrungen als Weiterbildungstrainerin führten 2004 zur Gründung von IPELS. Sie ist Mitglied der Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, sowie des Interculture Network der Universität Jena. Anne Wegner führt Businesscoaching im Interkulturell- und Sprachenbereich durch und arbeitet als Lehrbeauftragte an der Universität Bonn. Anne Wegner, ipels - intercultural projects and english language support
Information about the seminar “Academic Presentation Skills“ Aim The main aim of the seminar is to give the participants more confidence in presenting their scientific results at international conferences and responding to questions as well as to im- prove their English language presentation vocabulary. Over and above this, the seminar will provide the participants with information about some of the unwritten “rules” of international conferences and aspects of cultural differences in research writing, important for overcoming the hurdle of getting a paper accepted for presentation at a conference. As a result of being at the seminar the participants will be able to tailor their presentation to the target audience, use visualisation media correctly, structure and present their information understandably in English and respond to questions. Methods The methods used in the seminar place emphasis on providing the participants with as much practice in presenting information in English in front of an audience as possible. A total of three presentations are foreseen in the seminar. All presentations by the trainer will be sup- ported by hand-outs and incorporate a discussion element giving the participants argumen- tation practice. At the end of the first day, a short practical session on “small talk” at confe- rences has been foreseen, if required. Organisation Barbara Boecker „Internationale DAAD-Akademie“ (iDA) DAAD, Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn Tel.: 0228-882 672 boecker@daad.de Das Programm der Veranstaltung wird mit Zuwendungen des BMBF gefördert.
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