Kinveachy Estate, Strathspey - Estate Management in a Special Area of Conservation Odell Milne Partner and Head of Agriculture and Estates, Brodies LLP Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow With special thanks to all at Seafield Estate for their help, support and wonderful photographs
Kinveachy Estate - Designations - SSSI : 5335.7 ha SPA/SAC : 2849.361 ha Estate Boundary Main Woodlands
European Designations: 92/43/EEC – “the Habitats Directive” The ‘Lappel Bank’ Case 79/409/EEC – “the Birds Directive”
European Designations: “the Birds Directive” Art 1: “protection, management and control” of birds, nests and habitats Art 2: “requisite measures” to maintain population Art 4 : Special Protection Areas (“SPAs”)
European designations: The Conservation (Natural Habitats etc) Regulations 1994 The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Estate Business Grouse Shooting Seafield and Strathspey Estates Turnover Deer Stalking 4 % Commercial forestry 14% Farming Salmon Fishing Forestry 4 4 % Rents Letting Accommodation Sport Other 4 4 % Services to sporting 6% clients
Impact of Designations Little scope for citing economic factors in challenging designations Expense of challenging designations Proposals backed by compulsory acquisition powers
Historic Agreement: Agreement under S 15 of Countryside Act 1968 10 year duration Kinveachy managed to enhance Caledonian forest, juniper scrub, bog woodland, capercaillie and crossbill Grant assistance towards costs NOT compensation for economic loss
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