key findings from puntland background paper for nat

Key Findings from Puntland Background Paper for Nat ationa ional - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Key Findings from Puntland Background Paper for Nat ationa ional l Huma man De Development elopment Rep epor ort t 2011 11 Em Empowering owering You outh th fo for Pea r Peace ce & D & Dev evelo elopment pment

  1. Key Findings from Puntland Background Paper for Nat ationa ional l Huma man De Development elopment Rep epor ort t 2011 11 Em Empowering owering You outh th fo for Pea r Peace ce & D & Dev evelo elopment pment Stakeholder Workshop Garowe, The Puntland State of Somalia 26 September, 2011 The Puntland State University Kaalo Somali Family service

  2. Transitional challenges facing Puntland  Weak governance system and inadequate financial and human resources  Limited public infrastructure and Limited access to public services  Fragile environment – due to poor environmental management, recurring drought and desertification.  Extensive khat addiction – ( 5 – 20 % of the population addicted) causing a financial flow out of the country which is exceeding the annual State budget.  The uncertainty over the federal system – due to containing war and instability in the South and Central regions of Somalia.  Extent of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s)  Large youth population ( 78% below the age of 30 ) and massive youth unemployment and under employment  Gender bias, stereotyping and discrimination – cultural, social, biological and economic barriers hinder gender equality.  Puntland national youth policy is a milestone but the success lies in how well it is implemented and integrated with national development strategy  2

  3. State and Peace Building in Puntland  State and peace building efforts have been characterized by a complex interplay of the roles of traditional leaders, politicians, intellectuals and members of the Diaspora,  Traditional conflict management structures and the modern system of governance worked in a complimentary way that provided for the application of law and order.  Three critical ingredients for peace and reconciliation process include - political leadership with vision; a committed bureaucracy to catalyze and turn the vision into reality; and a hard-working population  However peacemaking in Puntland will continue to be haunted by the clan factor since democratic institutions do not necessarily conform to customary law and basic clan social structures, and has to be taken into consideration at all times when discussing politics and development in Puntland.  3

  4. Potential Drivers of Conflict  Persistence of widespread poverty and unemployment makes it easier to recruit the young into militias  Regional disparities between under-developed/inaccessible ( nomadic areas) versus privileged regions  Inequality among culturally defined clan groups - growing grievances among fishing community over illegal fishing & dumping of waste – threatened livelihoods forcing people towards piracy  Piracy both as consequence and driver of conflict  Competition for declining natural resources Land disputes due to lack of well defined property right, huge annual deforestation due to charcoal extraction, environmental disaster beyond the limit of carrying capacity  The looming youth bulge and youth multiple exclusions – if not addressed timely will lead to outbreak of conflict – a key factor corroborated by recent popular uprising in Arab world  4

  5. Nati tional onal Youth th Su Survey 20 2010 10 in Pu Puntl tlan and d : Se Selec ecte ted d findings ngs  Sample Survey of 1084 youth using pre-structured questionnaire  Focus Group Discussion (FGDs) separately administered for Young men, Young Women, Adult/elder groups  Key Informant Interview (KII) with Government officials, Religious leaders, Civil society /NGOs, Business community , Academ ia  5

  6. Looming Youth population and youth crisis  The proportion of young people below 30 years is over 78 %  Share of youth (14-29 years) in total sample population was 39 %  Youth voices were not heard in the decision making processes  Youth are expected to obey political and religious community leaders.  Youth face multiple exclusions – inappropriate and inadequate education & skill , lack of employment opportunities , lack of outlet to express thier needs and aspirations, legacy of past violence  Youth are considered only as part of the problem but not part of the solution; they are historically excluded from the peace and reconciliation processes.  Traditional customs, norms and fragmented nature of the legal system do not provide a sound basis for the resolution of gender issues.  6

  7. Literacy rate among youth population ( 14-29) 100 80 61.4 55.7 60 50.8 45.6 40 33.2 20 0 Puntland Male Female Urban Rural  7

  8. Unemployment rate of economically active population Overall unemployment (15-64) = 47 % Youth unemployment (14-29) = 62 % 100 80 68.7 62.0 56.2 60 55.9 Both 47.0 Male 38.4 40 Female 20 0 Overall (15-64) Youth ( 14-29)  8

  9. Per capita annual income ( US$/year) Overall 320 Rural 247 Urban 368 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

  10. Youth opinion toward deprivation & response strategies Mean score ( strongly agree =5; agree=4; undecided=3; Disagree=2; Strongly disagree=1) Mismatch between education/skill and job 3.3 opportunities Feeling of relative deprivation & exclusion 3.2 Much discontent & grievance among youth 3.2 Greed motives for engagement in violence 3.4 Forced recruitment in militia group 3.1 Youth are both victim & perpetrator 2.9 Willing to leave the country for better 3.3 livelihood opportunities 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

  11. Youth Frustration Index & underlying causes Overall Mean score = 3.7 out of 5 Lack of family support 5.0 Greed motivation in the absence of Feelings of humiliation 4.0 survival alternatives 3.0 2.0 Poor governance and Drug abuse justice 1.0 0.0 No space/outlet to Lack of self esteem express need, aspiration Inadequate Lack of employment recreational facilities opportunities Lack of employable skill opportunities

  12. How optimistic are you about your future prospects? Very pessimistic 4 Fairly Pessimistic 6 Indifferent 8 Fairly optimistic 26 Very optimistic 53 0 20 40 60 80 100 % response

  13. Youth Priority Needs & Suggestions Youth dialogue and peace education 52 Young women specific program 70 Need for effective National youth policy 66 Involve youth in decision making process 67 Create youth organizations 69 Recreational facilities 63 Micro credit facilities 59 Economic programs 68 Leadership training 65 Vocational training program 84 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

  14. Program of action prioritized by youth during consultative workshop Inclusi sive e qualit ity y educa catio ion: - National al Curricul culum m for the whole educatio ion system em and adopt  it; demand and driven TVET for the youth, counselin seling g and mentorin ing g school l program ams Youth partici cipa pati tion and leader er ship develo lopmen pment - youth should ld participa cipated ed in develo lopmen pment, ,  capac acity ty building g for Youth Organiza izations Disarm armamen ament , s security ity and peace e building g - rehabil ilit itati tions s of piracy, clan-milit litia a returnee ees; s;  educa cate e child soldier ers; develo lop p alternativ ive e and employm yment ent opportuniti ties es; ent - through “ Sustain ainable le livelih ihoods ds & youth emplo loym yment  employability of the youth through investing in education and vocational  training, equal opportunities – giving young women the same opportunities as young  men; entrepreneurship skills – making it easier for young people to start and run  businesses; and employment creation – placing employment creation at the centre of  macroeconomic policy Healt lth - trainin ing g more health worker ers; s; develo lopi ping g health centres es; Connec ecti ting g together er;  increa easi sing national al budget et for health; ; waste managemen ment ; C Clean water Sustain ainable le environment ent: : reduct ctio ion /termin inatio ion/a /avoidi iding g of plastic ic bag usage; e; reduct ction of  charcoal coal use; update e youth how to cope with clima mate e change; e; Gende der: : awarenes ess s of HIV /stigma ma reducti tion; ; develo lop p HR policy y for the youth  Youth Centers: : public – establi lish shment ent of librari ries; es; Multipurpose e Youth centres es ; ;   14 Sports/co s/competi mpetitio ions; s; Youth employm yment ent opportun tunities; ies; Busin iness ess skill training; g; Seed grants s

  15. Thank you.  15


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