kaituna river re diversion and te awa o ngatoroirangi

Kaituna River Re-diversion and Te Awa o Ngatoroirangi / Maket - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Kaituna River Re-diversion and Te Awa o Ngatoroirangi / Maket Estuary Enhancement Project 2 May 2018 Update Meeting agenda 1. Background to project 2. What has been done? 3. Introducing J Swap Contractors 4. What work is planned? 5. How

  1. Kaituna River Re-diversion and Te Awa o Ngatoroirangi / Maket ū Estuary Enhancement Project 2 May 2018 Update

  2. Meeting agenda 1. Background to project 2. What has been done? 3. Introducing J Swap Contractors 4. What work is planned? 5. How will that affect you? 6. How will we communicate? 7. He patai / questions

  3. Background

  4. 4

  5. 5

  6. 2011 Aerials

  7. The flood tide delta – lower estuary full of sand

  8. Gracilaria algae and anoxic mud

  9. Lingbya and Ulva flexuosa algae at Papahikahawai

  10. Meeting agenda 1. Background to project 2. What has been done? 3. Introducing J Swap Contractors 4. What work is planned? 5. How will that affect you? 6. How will we communicate? 7. He patai / questions

  11. Progress to date • 45ha land acquisition • Papahikahawai Bridge • Investigations, modelling • Chenier creation • Consenting and appeals • 20,000 plants so far • Causeway removal • Power and water lines

  12. Meeting agenda 1. Background to project 2. What has been done? 3. Introducing J Swap Contractors 4. What work is planned? 5. How will that affect you? 6. How will we communicate? 7. He patai / questions

  13. • Company Mike Swap established 1937 in Shanan Mowatt Matamata Paul Baker 3 rd generation of • Dudley Clements Swap family Sean Paterson • 500 employees 027 642 0935 • Key personnel for sean.paterson@jswap.co.nz this project are:

  14. Meeting agenda 1. Background to project 2. What has been done? 3. Introducing J Swap Contractors 4. What work is planned? 5. How will that affect you? 6. How will we communicate? 7. He patai / questions

  15. What work is planned? • Final pre-start monitoring • Pre-start blessing • J Swap will set up on site next to ‘Uncle Boys’ / Tukotahi Marae on Ford Rd late June • Pre-start ceremony and release of Kaituna River Document early July • Haul roads and stopbank from August • New inlet channel excavation • 4 culverts to be replaced with 12 larger ones

  16. What work is planned? • Widening of Ford’s Cut • Creation of salinity block and boat berths • Wetland creation on Te Paika • Removal of Papahikahawai causeways • Planting on Te Paika and Papahikahawai • Construction will take two years • Commissioning planned in June 2020

  17. Meeting agenda 1. Background to project 2. What has been done? 3. Introducing J Swap Contractors 4. What work is planned? 5. How will that affect you? 6. How will we communicate? 7. He patai / questions

  18. How will you be affected? • Ford Rd will be closed from 1 August until 20 December 2018 at the pump station • Alternative white baiting access will be available on south side of Ford’s Cut • The boat ramp on Ford Rd will be closed from 1 August 2018 for construction • Alternative boat ramps at Bell Rd and Maket ū • In the long run, a healthier estuary

  19. Meeting agenda 1. Background to project 2. What has been done? 3. Introducing J Swap Contractors 4. What work is planned? 5. How will that affect you? 6. How will we communicate? 7. He patai / questions

  20. Communication • Project webpage at: www.boprc.govt.nz/kaitunamaketurediversion • Register there for email updates • Regular community and stakeholder meetings • Updates in MaiMaketu and Te Puke Times • BOP Regional Council Facebook • How would you like us to communicate?

  21. Meeting agenda 1. Background to project 2. What has been done? 3. Introducing J Swap Contractors 4. What work is planned? 5. How will that affect you? 6. How will we communicate? 7. He patai / questions

  22. any questions? He patai,

  23. Papahikahawai bridge construction and grand opening

  24. Creation of 1km of southern shoreline as a chenier (allowing a more natural interface with the estuary)

  25. Removal of pampas covered bund. Creation of new chenier and planting. June 2017 October 2017

  26. Native planting progress June 2017 October 2017

  27. Clearing out of algae build up following causeway removal March 2017 Now

  28. The removal of the first causeway saw rapid improvements 6 June 2017 Now

  29. Maketu Whanau Planting 2017


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