kaiser family foundation forum on the cdc s kaiser family

Kaiser Family Foundation Forum on the CDC's Kaiser Family Foundation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Kaiser Family Foundation Forum on the CDC's Kaiser Family Foundation Forum on the CDC's New HIV Testing Recommendations New HIV Testing Recommendations October 3, 2006 October 3, 2006 Washington, DC Washington, DC Findings from the 2006

  1. Kaiser Family Foundation Forum on the CDC's Kaiser Family Foundation Forum on the CDC's New HIV Testing Recommendations New HIV Testing Recommendations October 3, 2006 October 3, 2006 � Washington, DC Washington, DC Findings from the 2006 Kaiser Family Foundation Findings from the 2006 Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS Americans on HIV/AIDS

  2. Chart 1 Trends in NON-ELDERLY Who Report HIV Testing Percent saying they have ever been tested for HIV among those under age 65… Yes, in last 12 months Yes, but not in last 12 months No, never tested 43% Sep. 1997 19% 25% 56% 50% Aug. 2000 20% 29% 50% 55% March 2004 23% 32% 44% 55% March 2006 21% 34% 42% Note: Don’t know responses not shown; Numbers may not add up exactly due to rounding. Source: Kaiser Family Foundation surveys

  3. Chart 2 Reported Reasons for Not Being Tested Is each of the following a reason you haven’t been tested for HIV, or not? Yes No You don’t think 61% 38% you’re at risk Your doctor never 21% 77% recommended it You worry about 13% 85% confidentiality You don’t know where 10% 88% to go to get tested You don’t like needles or 8% 90% giving blood You’re afraid you’ll 3% 96% test positive Notes: Don’t know responses not shown. Asked of 46% who say they have never been tested for HIV. Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS (conducted March 24 – April 18, 2006)

  4. Chart 3 Reported Reasons for Knowing HIV Test Was Done The last time tested for HIV, knew the test was done because… Asked to Doctor/Nurse Be Tested Told Me 24% 51% Under 18% Impression it was 5% Routine 3% Part of Blood Exam Don’t Donation know Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS (conducted March 24 – April 18, 2006)

  5. Chart 4 Views on Routine HIV Testing Which comes closer to your opinion… HIV testing should be treated just like routine 65% screening for any other HIV testing is different disease, and should be from screening for other included as part of diseases, and should regular check-ups and require special 27% exams procedures, such as written permission from the patient in order to perform the test 4% 5% Neither/Both equally (Vol.) Don’t know Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS (conducted March 24 – April 18, 2006)

  6. Chart 5 Perceptions of Whether Stigma Follows Testing If you were to be tested for HIV, do you think it would make people you know think less of you, think more of you, or would it make no difference in how people you know think of you? Would make no difference 62% 21% 9% People would 7% think less of me People would think more of me Depends/ Don’t know Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS (conducted March 24 – April 18, 2006)

  7. Chart 6 Perceptions of Prejudice and Discrimination Against People Living With HIV/AIDS in the U.S. How much prejudice and discrimination do you think there is against people living with HIV and AIDS in this country today? Some 36% A lot 45% 11% Only a little None 3% 5% Don’t know Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS ( conducted March 24 – April 18, 2006)

  8. Chart 7 Reported Comfort Level With People Who Have HIV In general, how comfortable would you be, personally… Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable know …working with 41% 30% 13% 8% 8% someone who has HIV or AIDS? …having a 25% 27% 20% 19% 9% roommate who is HIV-positive? …if your children had a teacher who 29% 33% 18% 12% 7% was HIV-positive?* *Among parents of children ages 21 or younger. Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS ( conducted March 24 – April 18, 2006)


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