k 1 2 s c h o o l d i s t r i c t s the companies that

K - 1 2 S C H O O L D I S T R I C T S The companies that survive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

B U I L D I N G A F U T U R E F O R K - 1 2 S C H O O L D I S T R I C T S The companies that survive longest are the ones that work out what they uniquely can give to the world not just growth or money but their excellence, their

  1. B U I L D I N G A F U T U R E F O R K - 1 2 S C H O O L D I S T R I C T S

  2. “The companies that survive longest are the ones that work out what they uniquely can give to the world — not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy. Some call those things a soul.” C H A R L E S H A N D Y

  3. A B O U T L S W A R C H I T E C T S At LSW Architects, we’re building a stronger community, one space at a time. Impactful design is the heart of who we are — we purposefully facilitate collaboration, connection, and creativity to bring out the best in every project. We are intuitive listeners who love a challenge. We have a talent for crafuing innovative solutions that benefit all involved. We ofger a full range of architectural, interior design, and planning services. Our extensive experience includes new construction, renovations, feasibility studies, and master planning for both private and public projects. 3 LSW ARCHITECTS.COM

  4. Location LSW Architects, PC 610 Esther Street, Ste. 200 Vancouver, WA 98660 Contact Casey John Wyckofg, AIA Casey@LSW-Architects.com Don Luthardt, AIA, LEED™ A.P. DonL@LSW-Architects.com Lauren Johnson, AIA, LEED™ A.P. LJohnson@LSW-Architects.com Size LSW is comprised of 47 qualified employees: → 22 licensed architects → 14 design production/support stafg → 3 interior designers → 8 administrative support stafg Years in Business 60+ years (founded in 1955) Area of Service Washington and Oregon Multi-purpose space at Ridgefield High School Ownership Casey John Wyckofg, AIA, Principal (50%) Ralph Willson, AIA, Principal (50%)

  5. U N I Q U E Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S “Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” H A R R Y S . T R U M A N W E ’ RE GROUNDED BY YEARS O F EXPER IENCE Historically, 90% of our projects have been educational architecture; we’re experienced in crafuing innovative spaces to enhance learning and teaching. We understand the process and are well-versed on state and local rules, requirements, and procedures. We have a long history of working with the Ofgice of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) D-form process, understanding how to assist school districts with the documentation and submission process. Our collaborative efgorts ensure optimal delivery for project design, funding, and construction along with helping maintain a smooth and timely workflow. W E ’ RE COMMUNITY- MINDED We believe in building a stronger community – from the people we hire, to the resources we use, to the companies we partner with – so all the financial capital goes right back into the community. We view all our projects as part of the success of the living fabric of the communities in which they reside. Our team has a special focus on rural school districts and understands the many considerations these districts face in regard to resource management, longevity and flexibility of facilities, and community involvement. 5 LSW ARCHITECTS.COM

  6. LONG-RA NG E FACILITIES PL ANNING | STUDY & SURV E Y LSW provides guidance, leadership, and the tools needed for school district personnel to actively participate in the Study & Survey process in the following areas: Building Systems Narratives LSW will develop systems narrative descriptions across district properties per OSPI Study & Survey requirements. We work with the school district to assist with guided walk-throughs, facilities descriptions, support, and feedback in the development of content. Building Condition Assessment Per OSPI requirements and format, LSW will provide facility assessments through on-site analysis with school district personnel to best inform the long-range planning process. Long-Range Facility Planning Participate, help facilitate, and listen to any and all ideas while providing an outsider’s perspective. We use our experience and knowledge to graphically represent the ideas and concepts of influencing outcomes.

  7. P RE -BOND ASSISTANCE LSW has provided assistance to a number of districts to support their pre-bond planning efgorts and we have been pleased to see the successful passage of many of them. Through our experience, we have found that there are a few key elements to a successful passage: Engagement It is important to engage the school board, district stafg, school stafg, and community in the planning process to garner widespread support. LSW’s symposium process and open house events help to create and strengthen partnerships, generate ideas and participation, and build consensus for the school districts vision and individual school designs. Communication Clear and consistent communication educates the community on why the bond is necessary and how the funds from the bond will be used to support the schools. A bond advocacy committee can support the school district by promoting the bond, where the district can only educate about the bond. Thorough Planning The entire pre-bond process is based on identifying solutions to the district’s needs and formulating a plan to achieve those solutions. Thorough research into the existing conditions, district needs and vision, and development of concepts with associated costs shows the community that the district is prepared to be a good steward of the funds. 7 LSW ARCHITECTS.COM

  8. COM M UNITY INVESTMENT LSW has established a nationally recognized programming and design process that fosters participation and support amongst stakeholders, and allows people to feel they have been heard. Our symposium process is usually a multi-day event in which we gather ideas, prioritize design and program elements, and generate plan concepts. Our symposium process is designed to accomplish the following: → Develop and strengthen relationships with project partners and the community → Enable difgerent groups to ofger their own unique perspective → Foster the acknowledgment and respect of one another’s opinions and views → Encourage integrated thinking and participation → Build consensus in large and diverse groups → Instill an ownership of the process and product We also ofger an optional community open house as an informal way to gather ideas and gauge priorities from the public at large. It provides a platform for the public to comment on concepts in a more flexible and accessible timeframe which allows more people to provide input. In most instances, we recommend inviting key permitting ofgicials to participate in community planning and investment events as well. This creates a project development path based on teamwork, mutual respect, transparency, and stakeholder by-in thereby reducing the possibility for unexpected process delays.

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