juniors spring presentation

Juniors Spring Presentation First of all. Congratulations on all - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Juniors Spring Presentation First of all. Congratulations on all your hard work junior year! Now everyone take a deep breath And get ready for whats next: 1. Finish strong over these last 4 weeks 2. Make the most of your summer 3.

  1. Juniors Spring Presentation

  2. First of all……. Congratulations on all your hard work junior year!

  3. Now everyone take a deep breath And get ready for what’s next: 1. Finish strong over these last 4 weeks 2. Make the most of your summer 3. Senior year is almost here which means lots of cool things!

  4. College Vocab Quiz  Common Application  Coalition Application  Rolling Admission  Early deadlines  AA degree  BA degree  FAFSA  Naviance

  5. Timeline  Spring Take SAT and ACT tests (and subject tests for highly selective private schools)  June Ask junior teachers for letters of rec (private colleges and common application schools only)  Summer Explore college options, visit campuses, draft essays, update resume, study for SAT or ACT retakes  Sept/Oct Retake SAT/ACT tests if needed  Mid Sept College applications “live”  Oct 1 FAFSA online  Mid Oct Some art portfolios due  Nov 1-15 Early decision and early action applications due  Nov-Jan Regular applications due  Dec-April Colleges notify students of decision  May 1 Decision Day: Tuition and housing deposits due  July Final transcript sent to one college  Summer: Math/writing placement exams and register for classes

  6. May/June and summer tips  Get those grades up to next level if possible (No +/- on transcripts)  Sign up for summer school if you need to  Turn in your community service (check your hours on-line)  Turn in your PE for sport paperwork  Ask junior teachers for letter of rec. process (for common app. and private colleges)  Create or update your resume’  Create a college list (about 3-8 schools and ALL ones you’d be HAPPY with)  Visit Colleges and programs  Create your common application account (if applying to schools on it)  Start working on college application essay prompts  Sign up for and study for SAT/ACT fall retakes  Sleep and enjoy your summer vacation time with friends/family!

  7. After NHS, The options are l imitless………  4 year college 3400  2 year college 1700  Technical college  Military academies  Gap year  Employment  Volunteer program

  8. Overview of 4 year College Application Process Public Private/Common App Schools Check app deadlines + ED/EA  Check app deadlines  Complete background info for   Apply online counselor letter of rec 3 weeks before 1st application deadline  Essays in application Request teacher letters of rec   Order official transcripts Apply online   Send ACT/SAT scores Essays in application   Check additional requirements for Order official transcripts  honors programs Send ACT/SAT scores  Set up college interviews 

  9. Public College Honors Programs  A “private college education at a public college cost”  May require a separate application

  10. A few other tips  Try to have fun with your search---no wrong choice  Nothing is due in the summer  Counseling office will start submissions in October – not September  A complete submission is better than an early submission.  Talk to your parents about options and $$

  11. Creating Your College List  Academic Fit – Student = College Ave GPA and Tests  Reach  Target  Safety (you know you are getting in)  Career Fit Major or broad base to choose later  Placement in jobs, internships, grad school   Personality Fit  Size, Urban/Rural, Religious/Political, student body  Dorm, food, activities, overall “feel”, etc. Take a campus tour or visit similar local schools Research using Naviance Attend college fairs and Admissions rep visits

  12. Apply Early Decision or Early Action? Early Action Early Decision Typically, apply to one school. Can apply to more than one   school. If accepted, you must enroll pending  Acceptance is non-binding  acceptable financial aid package Easier to compare different  Can’t compare financial aid packages  financial aid and and scholarships scholarship packages May increase the chance of admission  May increase chances and  for strong students and legacy students admission decisions are made easier.

  13. Sending ACT/SAT scores  Typically required – (there are always exceptions)  BOTH SAT and ACT accepted by all colleges.  Scores sent directly from test agency (for a fee).  Order official score reports from ACT and SAT websites.  Score choice may be an option – some require all scores.  Students who have not yet taken either exam should register now.  Students can retake in the fall if desired.  Allow 3 – 4 weeks for scores to be sent.  UW will take the December exam (require all scores).  Fee waivers for the exam – possibly for the scores to be sent.

  14. Letters of Recommendation  Required for Common App, private schools, special programs (always a few exceptions)  No state colleges in WA require letters  Counselor and 1-2 Teachers  Different process for requesting  Packet on Counselor website  Teachers – ask directly  Submit materials 4 weeks prior to deadline  Gracious and grateful attitude 

  15. Counselor Guidance for Seniors  Senior classroom presentations (Sept)  College application process, Naviance and timelines  SR BLITZ----Counselor meetings with each senior (Sept)  Transcript review (credits, grades, CS, HSPE)  Finalize post high school plans (2 or 4 year college, “gap” year)  Super Wed (Oct)  Essay editing and college application workshop  As requested – always available to answer questions and help with next step  Additional help through Summer College App Workshop and College Corp volunteers  On-site visits by college admission reps

  16. Financial Aid  FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Submit beginning October 2016 (new start date)  http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/  Parent night in October - TBD  CSS Profile (College Board)  Western Undergraduate Exchange ( WUE ) http://wue.wiche.edu/  Research different types of aid available at http://studentaid.ed.gov- understand the differences between loans, grants, work-study etc.

  17. SPU EWU CWU SU A “Good” College UW WWU  Is in the location/environment you want WSU  Offers academics you are interested in  Offers the internships/research/co-ops/study abroad/career placement you need WC  Offers activities you are interested in ESC  Is affordable for you and your family  Is a place that will both challenge and support you  Is a place you will graduate from

  18. A Good College List…..  Is in the Single Digits  Has at least 2- 3 ‘Likely’ schools  Every school meets student’s priorities  Every school will make the student happy  Accounts for family financial situation  Represents collaboration between students and parents and others involved.

  19. Experiences + Talking to people + Reflection = Clarity  Talk to current seniors about college process  Talk to siblings, parents, friends  Try things to see what you like and don’t like  Talk with teachers and counselors Enjoy the process and remember to

  20. College Application Workshop  August 1-5 (3 hours per day)  Get a jump start on applications by: Completing college searches, compose a list of colleges to apply to 1. Get started on the Common Application and the Washington Public college applications. 2. Work on and get feedback on your essays and short answers for the applications. 3. *Sign up same as summer school process (cost is $100 and if you qualify for free/reduced lunch then less)

  21. Other Search Options  College Board’s Big Future Search  NACAC and local College Fairs  Visits by College Admission Officers  Visiting Colleges  Guidebooks (Fiske, Insiders, etc.)  Websites (College Navigator, NCAA, College Portrait, etc.)

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