Junior Registration Night January 17, 2017
Agenda Whole Group Presentation by ◦ Dr. Kathy Pevey ECCA Assistant Principal ◦ Mr. Ashley Kieffer ECCA Principal Question and Answer
Individual Conferences Please see Mrs. Center before leaving tonight to schedule an individual conference to discuss the specifics of your child’s education. You may also contact Mrs. Center at: (912)754-5610 dcenter@effingham.k12.ga.us Conferences are being scheduled in 15 minute time slots.
Class of 2019 Graduation Requirements 4 English Courses 4 Math Courses 4 Science Courses 4 Social Studies Courses 1 Personal Fitness and Health (½ Personal Fitness, ½ Health or 3 years of JROTC) 3 Pathway Courses (3 courses in one concentrated area of CTAE, Foreign Language or Fine Arts) 24 Credits Required to Graduate
Requirements for Admissions to a Post-Secondary Institution 2 Foreign Language Courses (must be the same language for both courses) Post-Secondary Math Precalculus, AP Calculus A/B, AP Calculus B/C or AP Statstics as fourth math To be accepted to a four year or two year college, students must meet additional college admission requirements, usually an Entrance Exam (SAT, ACT and/or Accuplacer)
Scholar Endorsement English Language Arts – minimum of 4 units ◦ Honors, AP , or MOWR level courses Mathematics – minimum of 4 units ◦ Honors, AP Calc, AP Stats, or MOWR level courses Science – minimum of 4 units ◦ Chemistry, Physics, Honors, AP , or MOWR level courses Social Studies – minimum of 4 units ◦ Honors, AP or MOWR level courses Modern Language – 3 courses required ◦ 3 Spanish or 3 French courses
Scholar Endorsement Three Electives in ONE of the following areas: Three academic electives including a minimum of one additional AP or MOWR academic course in addition to graduation requirements Three CTAE courses in a designated pathway Three Fine Arts courses in a designated pathway
STEM Endorsement English Language Arts – minimum of 4 units Mathematics – minimum of 5 units ◦ Honors, Accelerated and AP courses Science – minimum of 5 units ◦ Honors and AP courses Social Studies – minimum of 4 units Modern Language – minimum of 3 units ◦ 3 Sequential Foreign Language courses Scientific Research – minimum of 3 units STEM Pathway – minimum of 3 units ◦ Engineering & Tech, Healthcare Science, Information Technology, Biomedical Sciences * Health & Personal Fitness – minimum of 1 unit
HOPE Scholarship Eligibility Requirements Graduate from an accredited Georgia High School Maintain a 3.0 high school HOPE GPA in academic classes only; HOPE GPA can be accessed through www.gafutures.org Take and pass Four HOPE rigor courses: ◦ Any AP class from a core academic subject ◦ Any core academic class taken at a college through MOWR ◦ Chemistry and Physics ◦ Foreign Language: Spanish II, Spanish III, French II, French III
HOPE Scholarship GPA Calculations Administered by Georgia Student Finance Commission 3.0 academic GPA as determined by the GSFC Clarification: Your HOPE GPA is different from the cumulative GPA that is listed on your transcript. The HOPE GPA only includes academic courses — English, Math, History, Science, and Foreign Language 5 Honors/AP points are removed prior to GSFC calculating HOPE GPA .5 point added back for AP courses by GSFC Log in to your www.gafutures.org account to view your current HOPE GPA
Zell Miller Scholarship 5 Honors/AP points are removed prior to GSFC calculating HOPE GPA .5 point added back for AP courses by GSFC Requirements: ◦ 3.7 HOPE GPA ◦ Minimum 1200 composite score on the Math and Critical Reading portions of the SAT OR a minimum 26 composite score on the ACT in a single national test administration ◦ Earned credit in 4 courses that meet the rigor requirement
ECCA STEM HOPE RIGOR COURSES Move On When Ready Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies 26 HOPE RIGOR COURSES OFFERED AT ECCA STEM AP Language AP Literature Acc. Pre-Calculus AP Calculus A/B AP Calculus B/C AP Statistics AP Computer Science AP Biology AP Environment Science Chemistry AP Chemistry Physics AP Physics AP Government AP Microeconomics AP Macroeconomics AP Human Geography AP US History Spanish II Spanish III French II French III Scientific Research I Scientific Research II Scientific Research III Scientific Research IV
Completing the Registration Form Students must choose TEN courses on the registration form. Many of the courses are HOPE Rigor courses. ◦ Teachers will initial beside each academic course the student is to take. The student will initial beside any non- academic course they would like to take. For students not returning to STEM: ◦ Students interested in the work-base learning program must see Mrs. Duff (ECHS)or Mrs. Baggott (SEHS), the Work-Base Learning Coordinators. ◦ Students interested in enrolling with a college or technical school during their junior year must see their counselor as soon as possible.
The Registration Form Rising Juniors will be selecting courses from the column on the far right of the form.
Registration Dates and Deadlines Thursday, Jan 12 th : Advisement #1, distribute registration bulletins and conference with students Tuesday, January 17 th : Advisement #2, continue conferencing with individual students Monday, January 23 th : Advisement #3, collect registration bulletins Monday, January 30 th – Wednesday, February 1st: Advisors input student course requests into Infinite Campus
Post-Secondary Advisement These sessions will take place with a school counselor during your 11 th grade year. 11 th Grade Post-Secondary Advisement Meeting ◦ 30 – 45 minutes appointment with 11 th graders and their parents to begin outlining the student post-secondary plans for college or career training Classroom Guidance Sessions ◦ The college admissions process ◦ Move On When Ready (dual enrollment) ◦ Work-Based Learning ◦ Hope Scholarship, Hope Grant and Zell Miller ◦ Searching for Scholarships ◦ ACT, SAT, PSAT, ASVAB, AccuplacerTesting
ACT/SAT/PSAT ACT www.act.org ◦ 4 Sections – English, Reading, Math, Science ◦ Optional Writing section ◦ $56.50 - Fee waivers are available for students that qualify for free/reduced lunch SAT www.collegeboard.org ◦ 3 Sections – Critical Reading, Mathematics, Writing ◦ $54.50 - Fee waivers are available for students that qualify for free/reduced lunch PSAT ◦ October 2017 ◦ The National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) ◦ $16
Accuplacer and ASVAB Accuplacer T est ◦ Technical college admissions test ◦ Offered for free. Testing schedule will be handled by ECCA Administration. ◦ Evaluates students’ skill levels in reading, essay writing, mathematics, and English as a second language The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) ◦ Designed to measure aptitude and used to determine the best job for placement in the military ◦ 10 Subtests – General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge, Electronics Information, Auto Information, Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, Assembling Objects ◦ Offered at ECHS and SEHS once a year.
The College Search The college search should happen 2 nd semester of the junior year and during the summer prior to the senior year. Juniors are allowed one “College 10 - day” to visit a college. Seniors are allowed two “College 10 - days” for visitation. Students must apply for a “College 10 - day” PRIOR TO visitation. Permission must be granted by the administration. Visit the college while it is in session. Note what is required for admission.
Resources for Parents & Students Infinite Campus Portal (Live Information) — Keep your contact information current so you will receive emails, phone calls, and mailed correspondence T eachers, Counselors, and Administrators — Call us if you have questions ECHS and SEHS Counselor Web pages GAFutures/HOPE Scholarship Night PROBE Fair Apply to College Days Financial Aid Night
What is Advanced Placement Advanced Placement courses are College Level Classes taught to high school students Advanced Placement courses are taught under the auspices of the College Board, the non-profit that also produces the SAT. Teachers must receive special AP training and certification in order to teach AP courses. Students may receive college credits for taking AP courses and scoring a 3, 4 or 5 on the AP exam (check with the college you are attending for acceptable AP exam scores)
Why Should I Enroll in AP Courses? AP Courses help: Develop better study habits Improve writing skills Sharpen your problem solving abilities All these skills are vital to your success later in college!
Other Reasons to take AP Courses By earning good scores (3, 4 or 5) on several AP exams, you may earn up to a year of college credits! This can help you graduate from college sooner. Even if you don’t graduate earlier, it leaves room in your schedule for some college electives you would like to take. Prestigious colleges accept very few students who have not taken Advanced Placement courses.
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