julia chen ia k hk nen inkeri nuutinen patrick rintala

Julia Chen Ia Khknen Inkeri Nuutinen Patrick Rintala Design meets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Julia Chen Ia Khknen Inkeri Nuutinen Patrick Rintala Design meets Biomaterials, 2016 Ideas The story behind Goals & Challenges Experiment #1 Nanocellulose + unravelled hemp yarn non-woven PLA CMC powder cattail seeds viscose

  1. Julia Chen Ia Kähkönen Inkeri Nuutinen Patrick Rintala Design meets Biomaterials, 2016

  2. Ideas

  3. The story behind

  4. Goals & Challenges

  5. Experiment #1

  6. Nanocellulose + unravelled hemp yarn non-woven PLA CMC powder cattail seeds viscose cotton sth.

  7. Experiment #2

  8. Recyclable pot Step #1 cover mould Step #2 wrap hemp yarn around Step #3 massage in nanocellulose Step #4 dry in oven

  9. Experiment #3

  10. A pot with a function ● scattering woodchips around ● supporting growth

  11. Experiment #4

  12. PLA Pot

  13. Experiment #5

  14. Pressing ● mechanically grinded nanocellulose pressed into a sheet ● molded on top of a glas while still damp

  15. Experiment #6

  16. Plaster mould removing moisture out of nanocellulose ● Flat surface ● Concave mold

  17. Future

  18. thanks! Photos: Ia Kähkönen, 2016

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