josephine county sheriff s office

Josephine County Sheriffs Office BUDGET PROPOSAL 201819 FISCAL YEAR - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Josephine County Sheriffs Office BUDGET PROPOSAL 201819 FISCAL YEAR Sheriffs Office Mission The mission of the Josephine County Sheriffs Office is to provide superior public safety services in a professional, ethical, and

  1. Josephine County Sheriff’s Office BUDGET PROPOSAL 2018‐19 FISCAL YEAR

  2. Sheriff’s Office Mission “The mission of the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office is to provide superior public safety services in a professional, ethical, and fiscally responsible manner.” The following slides provide budget figures as well as outcomes, accomplishments, and changes for each of the divisions of the Sheriff’s Office that provide mandated services for Josephine County.

  3. Sheriff’s Office Funds Fund 17 Fund 12 Fund 26 • Adult Jail • Admin • Animal Care • SAR • Civil • Records • Dispatch • Patrol • Evidence • Court Services

  4. Budget Figures 18‐19FY Budget Request by Fund • Fund 17 (Adult Jail): $7,879,500 • Fund 12 (SO All Other): $4,605,000 • Fund 26 (Animal Care) : $417,000 Total Budget Request: $12,901,500

  5. HISTORICAL STAFFING LEVELS (FTEs) 100.25 98.25 95.9 87* 78.5 77 58 56 51.25 37.8 37.3 08‐09 FY 09‐10 FY 10‐11 FY 11‐12 FY 12‐13 FY 13‐14 FY 14‐15 FY 15‐16 FY 16‐17 FY 17‐18 FY 18‐19 FY *18‐19 FY is first year with ACOs

  6. Adult Jail – Budget Info • Anticipated revenue of $1,466,000 from state grants and bed rentals • Remainder of budget funded by a five year corrections levy passed May 2017 • 49.8 FTEs, an increase of 3 FTEs funded by JRI monies for downward departure program • Budgeted for 185 bed capacity

  7. Adult Jail – Outcomes • Successful hiring of quality employees, anticipate all positions will be filled by fiscal year end • 4,700 bookings last fiscal year • 5,200 bookings anticipated for the current fiscal year • Body scanner purchased with inmate funds to increase safety and security of facility

  8. Patrol – Budget Info • Anticipated revenue of $549,000 mostly from contracts with the Forest Service, BLM, Marine Board, and City of CJ • 19 FTEs, an increase of 1 FTE for a School Resource Deputy paid for with general fund Marijuana Tax revenue • Reclassifying a Deputy position to a Corporal position for better supervisory coverage

  9. Patrol – Outcomes • Currently patrol over 1,600 square miles 10 hours a day, 7 days a week – will likely change to 12 hour shifts • Last fiscal year 673 cases referred to DA, anticipate close to 900 for the current FY • Purchase of in‐car cameras for every vehicle • Successful implementation of Naloxone program with $1,500 grant • Added three Resident Deputies

  10. Dispatch/Records • Calls for service are on the rise: 17,305 in 16‐17 FY, up from 15,146 in 15‐16 FY, and 12,458 in 14‐15 FY • Increased staffing dedicated to answering the non‐ emergent phone line • Added a Dispatch Supervisor who will also oversee the Records Division

  11. Search & Rescue • With close to 100 volunteers the Sheriff’s Office provides one Deputy who acts as the SAR Coordinator • In 2017 there were 41 missions including searches, rescues, recoveries, and assists to fire agencies • 1,260 hours of training and public events in 2017

  12. Civil Division • Anticipated revenue of $225,300 from fingerprinting, CHL, and service fees • Last fiscal year: 2,856 paper service received, 1,958 CHLs issued, 904 citizens fingerprinted, 112 foreclosure sales • About the same stats expected for this year and next year, except foreclosure sales are on a slight downward trend • CHL processing time is only about 3‐4 weeks and increased service days

  13. Animal Care • New to the Sheriff’s Office this fiscal year • Sharing resources with the SO will improve services • Increased from 3 FTEs to 4 FTEs to add a supervisor • Calls for service in 16‐17 FY were 1,215 and are expected to remain at that level for 17‐18 FY and 18‐19 FY • In May 2017, renewed a 5 year levy shared with the shelter

  14. Office Goals for 18‐19FY • Continue to fulfill all levy promises:  185 bed Jail  Bring all who are arrested to Jail  Independent audit to ensure the proper use of levy funds • Continue to increase training opportunities – Power DMS • Continue communication and transparency utilizing office website and social media

  15. Request for SRS Funds • The Sheriff’s Office requests additional funding for four years to fund an Unregistered Marijuana Task Force • This task force would likely be part of RADE • The team would be made up of 3 detectives and 1 support staff member • An additional Deputy DA with support staff would also be necessary to handle the increase in referred cases

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