Joint European Standing Group Meeting 33 Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. 19 February 2015 10:00 - 11.20 Elexon, London
1. Introductions Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Barbara Vest JESG Independent Chair
2. Review of the Action Log Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Sara-Lee Kenney JESG Technical Secretary
JESG Standing Actions Action Action Lead Party No S1 Prepare a commentary / comparison document between the Network NGET Code and the existing GB arrangements at appropriate stages in the Code development for each Network Code. S2 Engage with DECC and Ofgem to ensure appropriate and timely input JESG Chair can be provided from GB Stakeholders in to the Comitology process. S3 Continue to review the membership of the JESG and engage JESG Chair additional industry parties where appropriate. S4 Provide update on future Network Codes and incentives being NGET/Ofgem/DECC developed as and when appropriate. S5 If required by the Commission, facilitate an industry-wide read- JESG through of the Network Codes once they are released by the Chair/Ofgem/DECC Commission. (formerly Open Action 135) S6 Stakeholders are requested to provide specific examples of All inconsistent or problematic definitions in the Network Codes to Ofgem ( and DECC ( (formerly Open Action 140) Consider the need for how to best capture stakeholders’ most recent S7 DECC priority issues before and during the Comitology process, in particular for the RFG, DCC and CACM Network Codes as the codes develop in 4 the pre-comitology phase.
JESG Actions Action Action Lead Party Status Update No 152 Arrange another stakeholder NGET/ Open New draft released to Member States group workshop on RfG and DECC/Ofgem Stakeholder session DECC/ Network Code following took place on 29 January 2015. An Ofgem publication of the next draft. update on RfG will be provided by DECC at todays meeting. 179 Will the TERRE MoU be NGET Open Update from Chris Fox NGET: made available to NRAs NGET are fine in principle to release the and stakeholders? MoU as we don’t believe it is covered by the Non-Disclosure Agreement, however as this is a joint document NGET wanted to first check our partner TSOs are happy before we release it. Upon this approval NGET will circulate through the BSFG mailing list. 182 Speak to press contacts to Energy UK Open Update from Energy UK: publicise CACM, and Action ongoing as a watching brief is consider if this needs to be kept on the CACM developments and raised as an agenda item at when is appropriate to liaise with press a future JESG. contacts to publicise. 187 Circulate for comment the DECC, Open Complete proposals for the new Ofgem, 5 JESG format, including the NGET revised Terms of Reference
JESG Actions (continued) Action Action Lead Party Status Update No 188 Consult GB Code Panels on DECC, Open Ofgem/DECC to update the proposed changes to Ofgem JESG. 189 Circulate the slides used at Energy Open Complete. the Energy UK EU Network UK, Codes workshop slides in NGET the JESG weekly update 190 Provide feedback to JESG Ofgem Open To be covered by Natasha Smith on the ENTSO-E (Ofgem) Transparency Launch Event 191 Consider if the June JESG Energy Open Meeting moved to Thursday 18th June. date needs to be moved UK, (Updated version of 2015 dates NGET available on the website) Covered under today’s Agenda item 5 192 Feedback to JESG on the NGET Open (Paul Wakeley – NGET) formation of the GB Regional Group and how it will work 6
3. Update on EU Network Codes Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Sara-Lee Kenney JESG Technical Secretary
European Electricity Codes Development Status Drafting / Revisions 4 February 2015 ENTSO-E Drafting ACER Review Revisions following ACER Review Third Energy Package: Areas for Network Codes and Guidelines detailed in Articles 8(6) & 18(3) of Regulation 714/2009 (EC) Comitology / Approval Comitology preparations & informal discussions Redrafting as required by Commission Grid Connection System Cross-Border Committee Market Codes Codes Operation Codes Parliament/Council Approval Requirements for Operational Published in OJEU CACM Generators Security Reg (EU) No 543/2013 Transparency Reg. Demand Connection Forward Capacity Operational Planning Code Allocation and Scheduling Future ENCs: indicated as future ENCs, no timescales advised to date Load-Frequency HVDC Balancing Control and Reserves Connection Procedures Staff Training Emergency and Prepared by: and Certification Restoration
European Electricity Codes Development Status: 4 February 2015 18 months – 3+ years 6 EC See note † months programme 12 months 3 months depending on Code Publication in OJEU ACER develops ACER recommends ENTSO-E to develop NC Implemented EC invites ENTSO-E ACER Network Code to EC FWGL develops reviews Member State Comitology Network Implementation Network Revisions to ACER Code Code Code after revises Opinion opinion Framework Guideline Transparency Regulations Balancing Grid Connection E&R CACM System Operation Balancing Developed by EC* Preparations and Informal Cross- Formal Cross-Border Council & Parliament Border Committee Discussions Committee Voting Approval Commission indicated at Florence Forum (May 2014) that further drafting was required to consider these as “Network Prepared by: Codes” * Areas developed by EC follow a different development process and there are no Framework Guidelines. † Timescales for the stages of Comitology are not specified and under the Commission control
Ofgem European Network Code Contacts
4. Balancing Stakeholder Focus Group (BSFG) Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Sara-Lee Kenney (On behalf of Chris Fox) NGET
Balancing Stakeholder Focus Group (BSFG) Update The first BSFG was held on the 20 January at Elexon, London. The Draft Terms of Reference were reviewed which are now in the process of being finalised and will be uploaded to the JESG website. Simon Reid, the Energy UK representative on the ENTSO-E Stakeholder Advisory Group, provided an insight into the purpose and previous topics of the group. It was agreed that the BSFG will be organised around these ENTSO-E meetings and will be used by Simon to gather stakeholder views to represent at the meeting. The ‘ENTSO -E Stakeholder Advisory Group’ Terms of Reference are in the process of changing with scope being expanded from just pilot projects to cover all aspects of the European Network Code Electricity Balancing Implementation – hence link to BSFG is increasingly important.
BSFG meeting content and next steps… At the meeting, National Grid provided detailed updates on the following topics: Project TERRE Standard Products There was a lot of constructive discussions on these topics, which we can build on at future meetings, with positive feedback from stakeholders on the level of engagement from National Grid. As the BSFG will be used to share the latest information from European Work Groups and hence is likely to be ‘unofficial’, slides will only be circulated to the BSFG mailing list and not published to the JESG website. Instead, a headline report will be produced, similar to the JESG report, which will be published to the JESG section of National Grid’s website. The next BSFG will take place on 16 March from 13:00 – 16:00 in advance of the next ENTSO-E Stakeholder Advisory Group on the 17 th March Registration details for the BSFG will be provided through the JESG Weekly Updates
5. Update on the ENTSO-E GB Regional TSOs and associated subgroups Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Paul Wakeley NGET
GB Governance Structure for Implementation of European Network Codes 15
6. Emergency & Restoration Code: Update on the ENTSO-E Stakeholder Session held in Brussels Place your chosen image here. The four corners must just cover the arrow tips. For covers, the three pictures should be the same size and in a straight line. Paul Wakeley (On behalf of Peter Chandler) NGET
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