John Muir Medical Center John Muir Medical Center Walnut Creek Cam pus Walnut Creek Cam pus � 324 324- -bed acute care facility bed acute care facility � � Designated as the only trauma Designated as the only trauma � center for Contra Costa County center for Contra Costa County and portions of Solano County and portions of Solano County 9 777 Case Carts Delivered for Case Carts Delivered for � 9 777 � Surgical Procedures in 2006 Surgical Procedures in 2006 (Main O.R. + Labor & Delivery) (Main O.R. + Labor & Delivery) � 115,8 0 2 115,8 0 2 Items Sterilized in Items Sterilized in � 2006 2006
CPD Space and Inventory CPD Space and Inventory Issues Issues Due to volume of inventory wire Due to volume of inventory wire � � running out CPD was running out � CPD was � action shelves were becoming action shelves were becoming of floor sp a ce! of floor sp a ce! extremely heavy and there was a extremely heavy and there was a danger of becoming overloaded danger of becoming overloaded � Wire storage shelves were Wire storage shelves were � Need to prevent potential staff � Need to prevent potential staff antiquated and at � antiquated and at injuries to back, shoulder, elbow injuries to back, shoulder, elbow maximum holding maximum holding and wrists. and wrists. capacity. capacity. Continual need to add more � Continual need to add more � � Without updating, CPD Without updating, CPD � technologically advanced surgical technologically advanced surgical would become unable to would become unable to instrument systems. instrument systems. meet the increasing needs meet the increasing needs of the OR to add of the OR to add instruments and supplies instruments and supplies safely and efficiently. safely and efficiently.
Space and Inventory Issues Space and Inventory Issues Continued Continued � CPD needed a way to better CPD needed a way to better � control and manage valuable control and manage valuable implant storage for (9) implant storage for (9) vendors as well as update vendors as well as update reporting and management reporting and management processes to better identify processes to better identify the true value of implant the true value of implant inventory. inventory. 1.2 Million $ 1.2 Million Projected $ � Projected � needed for CPD Expansion! needed for CPD Expansion!
What is H ä änel Rotom at? nel Rotom at? What is H � It is a tota l It is a tota l � turnkey turnkey solution for a solution for a com p lete com p lete a utom a ted a utom a ted stora ge a nd stora ge a nd retriev a l retriev a l sy stem . sy stem .
What does H ä änel Offer? nel Offer? What does H � H H ä änel Rotom at tailors the interior storage to the m ost nel Rotom at tailors the interior storage to the m ost � varied of requirem ents. varied of requirem ents. � H H ä änel Rotom at looks after thousands of individual item s nel Rotom at looks after thousands of individual item s � in an orderly and protected environm ent - - ready for ready for in an orderly and protected environm ent retrieval at the touch of a button. retrieval at the touch of a button. � H H ä änel Rotom at provides an innovative Local Network and nel Rotom at provides an innovative Local Network and � Internet Capabilities. Internet Capabilities. � Software currently used by CPD (T Software currently used by CPD (T- -Doc and McKesson) Doc and McKesson) � can work effectively with the H ä änel storage system s. nel storage system s. can work effectively with the H � “ “Goods to user Goods to user” ” is the m otto, not user to goods. is the m otto, not user to goods. � � The required item s are brought to the ergonom ic retrieval The required item s are brought to the ergonom ic retrieval � height at the touch of a button! height at the touch of a button! � Safety is of param ount im portance. No clim bing of Safety is of param ount im portance. No clim bing of � ladders; greatly reduced danger of accidents! ladders; greatly reduced danger of accidents!
From Germ any to Port of Oakland From Germ any to Port of Oakland H ä änel Arrival nel Arrival H D - -Da y ! Da y ! D
Each H ä änel wall weighs 8 0 0 lbs! nel wall weighs 8 0 0 lbs! Each H
Watch out for your toes! Watch out for your toes!
änel unit takes shape nel unit takes shape H ä H
How did we m anage the project? How did we m anage the project? It was with It was with Exceptional Exceptional Team Work! Team Work!
After three weeks After three weeks our accom plishm ents our accom plishm ents are realized! are realized!
…. . From This … From This
To This! To This!
From a Maze … … From a Maze
To Am azing! To Am azing!
From narrow and Cram ped… … From narrow and Cram ped
To Organized, Safe and Efficient To Organized, Safe and Efficient
Va lua ble Im p la nt Inv entory Stora ge Va lua ble Im p la nt Inv entory Stora ge From this... From this...
To This! To This!
Hospital and Departm ent Benefits: Hospital and Departm ent Benefits: � The $ The $ 1.2 m illion 1.2 m illion cost of cost of � Over Over 60 % 60 % more storage more storage � � expansion for John Muir capacity! expansion for John Muir capacity! CPD is eliminated. CPD is eliminated. � Inventory control is Inventory control is � � Organization of inventory Organization of inventory d ra m a tica lly improved improved d ra m a tica lly � enhanced by a single with Hä änel automation. nel automation. enhanced by a single with H storage location with storage location with � Valuable Implants Valuable Implants � ergonomic, easy order ergonomic, easy order managed in a controlled managed in a controlled picking capability and picking capability and surrounding. surrounding. computer controlled computer controlled � A safer employee work A safer employee work � access. access. environment. environment. � Search, travel and pick Search, travel and pick � � Optimum use of storage Optimum use of storage � times are reduced by times are reduced by volume, due to height- - volume, due to height enabling the operator to enabling the operator to optimized storage! optimized storage! pick items from a central pick items from a central location. location.
Thank You! Thank You!
Conta ct Inform a tion: Conta ct Inform a tion: HANEL STORAGE HANEL STORAGE SYSTEMS SYSTEMS 121 Industry Drive 121 Industry Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15275 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15275 Tel: (412) 78 7- -3444 3444 Tel: (412) 78 7 Fax: (412) 78 7- -3744 3744 Fax: (412) 78 7 E- -Mail: Mail: E Internet: Internet:
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