john j borg

John J. Borg Senior Curator Natural History Section REMASI Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

John J. Borg Senior Curator Natural History Section REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012 Migration origins and evidence REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012 The Pleistocene REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012 Migratory Species REMASI Meeting Bivona

  1. John J. Borg Senior Curator Natural History Section REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  2. Migration origins and evidence REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  3. The Pleistocene REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  4. Migratory Species REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  5. Quaternary deposits REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  6. Archaeological Deposits REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  7. Migrant birds and the circum -Sicilian Islands (incl. Malta) REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  8. European Species and their migratory routes Most birds avoid crossing open water but island- hopping is common in the Mediterranean where birds migrate over a “broad front” . REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  9. REMASI & The Central Mediterranean Flyway 1. Are there seasonal variabilities in the use of small islands by migrating birds? If so...are these triggered by: FOOD? WEATHER? OTHER? 2. Establish common protocols for the collation of data among partners. REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  10. MIGRATION & RESEARCH PROJECTS REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  11. Adverse weather and migratory birds Nocturnal vs Diurnal Migrants Food supplies in spring & autumn REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  12. REMASI – THE ISLANDS USTICA MARETTIMO Malta Gozo Comino Filfla REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  13. The Sicilian Bird Ringing Stations Lampedusa Linosa REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  14. The Maltese Archipelago The REMASI “stations” REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  15. Bird Ringing Constant Effort Sites (CES) Ghadira NR Simar NR REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  16. COMINO BIRD OBSERVATORY Ringing Station APRIL - MAY OCTOBER - NOVEMBER REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012


  18. Small islands – a stepping stone for migrant birds 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Stiaccino Canapino Sterpazzola Pigliamosche Averla Capirossa Maggiore 1965-1990 1991-2008 REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  19. Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Barn Swallows ringed in 18 European countries and recovered in the Maltese Islands. Three ringed in Malta and controlled in Africa ( n = 134) REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  20. Diurnal Migration - Raptors Italy; 2 Germany; 1 Estonia; 1 Poland; 2 Hungar Finland; 5 Sweden; 16 y; 1 Lithuania; 2 Finland; 27 Latvia; 5 Czech Rep; 4 REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  21. ADDENDA REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  22. Pelagic Seabirds REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  23. Movements 2 7 3 Ringed on Marettimo REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012

  24. REMASI REMASI Meeting Bivona 28.04.2012



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