Job Job Sea Searc rching hing Dur uring the ing the Pan andemic demic an and Be d Beyond ond Staying on Track American Psychological Association M a y 2 8 , 2 0 2 0
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Job Searching Karen Stamm, PhD Director During the APA Center for Workforce Studies Pandemic and Russ Riendeau, PhD Beyond Senior Partner & Chief Behavioral Scientist New Frontier Search Company Eddy Ameen, PhD Moderator & Associate Executive Director APA Early Career & Graduate Student Affairs
Undergrad Other Late 5% 4% Masters 8% 9% Career Mid Doctoral 13% Stage 25% Early 36%
Current Job Search Status Late career (25+ years post graduate) Mid career (10-25 years post graduate) Early career (0-10 years post graduate) Doctoral student Terminal master's student Undergraduate student 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Graduating school, entering the job market Unemployed/underemployed, seeking work immediately Hoping to change jobs in the next 1-2 months Hoping to change jobs in the next 3-6 months Curious about changing jobs at least 6 months from now Seeking information to better assist others
Karen Psychology Jobs: What we Knew Stamm, PhD Director Center for Workforce Studies American Psychological Association
AP APA A Ce Cent nter er for or Workf orkforce orce Stu tudies dies
Key Points Focus on your SKILLS. Your education and experiences can be used in versatile ways. What you train to do is not necessarily what you do on a day-to-day basis.
For orecas ecasting ting - Projections ≠ predictions - The best guess about the the th e Fut uture ure future is to look at the past for or Jo Job b - What did we know about jobs psychology degree holders Se Seek eker ers held? - Careers in Psychology data tool: tools/careers-psychology - Top occupations for psychology graduate degree holders - Skills and traits 14
Pop op Qu Quiz! iz! How many psychology doctorate holders work in the occupations of psychologist or psychology professor? a) 1 in 10 b) 1 in 5 c) 1 in 3 d) 1 in 2 15
Occ ccup upatio ations ns for or Psy Psycho holo logy gy Doc octor orat ate e Hol older ders 16 Source: 2017 National Survey of College Graduates, NCSES, National Science Foundation
Ps Psychology hology Do Doct ctorat orate e Ho Holder lders - Top occupations - Psychologist - Psychology professor - Counselors - Top-Level Managers and Executives - Other Management-related Positions - 97% of psychology doctorate holders say their jobs are closely or somewhat related to psychology 17 Source: 2017 National Survey of College Graduates, NCSES, National Science Foundation
Occupations for Psychology Master’s Deg egre ree e Hol older ders 18 Source: 2017 National Survey of College Graduates, NCSES, National Science Foundation
Psychology Master’s Degree Hol older ders - Top occupations - Counselors - Psychologists - Social Workers - Special Education Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools - Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists - 89% of psychology master’s degree holders say their jobs are closely or somewhat related to psychology 19 Source: 2017 National Survey of College Graduates, NCSES, National Science Foundation
Top p 5 Ski Skill lls in s in Ps Psychol hology ogy Jo Jobs Source: APA, 2018, 2015-17 Psychology Job Advertisements: An Overview Top 5 S Skills in Psychology Job Ad Adve vertisements Leade Leadersh ship ip sk skill ills 40% Applied App lied 30% Psyc sychologist hologist 20% Fac aculty lty Cultu Cultural al Analytical Anal tical Skill ills Awar Aw aren eness ess 10% 0% 0% Heal Health th Ser ervi vice Psyc sychologist hologist Resear Re archer her Comm Co mmunicatio ication Te Teamwo amwork Skills lls Skill ills 20
Top p 5 T Tra rait its in Ps s in Psychol hology ogy Jo Jobs Source: APA, 2018, 2015-17 Psychology Job Advertisements: An Overview Top 5 Traits its in Psychology ology Job Advertisements tisements Adapta ptability ty 20% 20 16 16% Appli pplied ed Psycho sycholoigst st 12% 12 8% 8% Comp Co mpassi assion/ on/ Mot Motiva vated ted Fac aculty ulty Empa Em pathy thy 4% 4% 0% 0% Heal ealth Se th Service rvice Psycho sychologis gist Rese esearche archer Indepe In depende ndent nt Ethi Ethica cal 21
What you train to do is not necessarily what you do on a day-to-day basis. Source: APA, 2018-2019 How Did You Get That Job [Unpublished special analyses]
What you train to do is not necessarily what you do on a day-to-day basis. Source: APA, 2018-2019 How Did You Get That Job [Unpublished special analyses]
Actionable ctionable - Skills, skills, skills - Teamwork Poi oints nts to o - Communication - Leadership Focus on… - Skills of the future: Adaptability, flexibility, and learning - Role of technology - Opportunities for applied psychology - Opportunities to address equity issues 24
Think - Think beyond job titles, occupations, industries, and Creatively employers about Job - Be self-reflective - What skills do you have? Options - What skills do you need? - O*NET job profiles: - Plan but adapt 25
Russ If I Were Looking for a New Opportunity Right Riendeau, Now PhD Senior Partner & Chief Behavioral Scientist New Frontier Search Company
If I were looking for a new opportunity right now, I would be… 1. Thinking about “What if I could invent my own job as a psychologist in business or in private practice? What would it look like in a company and how could I prove my salary would make/save the company money?” 2. Training myself to never again say “Give me a chance to prove myself…” if you have not done anything to prove you have really researched and prepared for the job you are interviewing. No one owes us anything in a competitive marketplace. We must earn the chance with evidence of smart work and research. 3. Gathering evidence of my target job options/interests/success stories and income requirements. Capitalism is what pays your salary — give them value in your skills and contribution ideas. 4. Watching weak links in the workplace productivity chain have shown risk in this pandemic and create activities/research and ideas to fix these issues in the post-pandemic world. 5. Documenting every project/case study/research/job successes since I was in pre-school to prove I have a track record of success in everything I do. 6. Creating a file/paper trail to prove to a hiring manager I have done my research on the industry I am interested in, find the common challenges/needs/issues and future of that industry to show I am different from the people sending resumes and hoping for a call. Hope is not a strategy.
If I were looking for a new opportunity right now, I would be… 7. Creating a compelling, engaging LinkedIn profile to insure people see a rock star and that my resume and LI profile are both demonstrating I am for real. 8. Calling, emailing every hiring manager/HR manager/director of talent acquisition on the planet to share my value as a proactive, value-added professional that can prove that my contributions in research and insights as a employee will be significant. 9. Looking at other professionals like me on LinkedIn to learn what jobs they had before getting their current one to look for clues and for job openings at where they left. 10.Writing articles and posts on LinkedIn about areas I am familiar with to show my proactive behaviors, show that I can write and show I am a credible professional. Writing will give you an edge over 90% of the other applicants. 11.Tweaking my resume and online presence to be sure I look sharp online, as well as in person. Can you prove you are who you say you are? 12.Asking “What examples can I show of my research and preparation to pursue a job opening?” not asking “How do I find a job?” Only you can manage what time you dedicate to your job search.
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