jensen s inequality and the success of linear prediction

Jensens Inequality and the Success of Linear Prediction Pools - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Jensens Inequality and the Success of Linear Prediction Pools Fabian Kr uger University of Konstanz Ifo-Bundesbank workshop, June 2, 2012 Fabian Kr uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 1 / 33

  1. Jensen’s Inequality and the Success of Linear Prediction Pools Fabian Kr¨ uger University of Konstanz Ifo-Bundesbank workshop, June 2, 2012 Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 1 / 33

  2. Motivation Economists are increasingly interested in probabilistic forecasting “Fan charts” issued by central banks (European) Survey of Professional Forecasters Much recent work on constructing & evaluating probabilistic forecasts. Particular focus: Linear prediction pools . Wallis, 2005; Hall & Mitchell, 2007; Gneiting & Ranjan, 2010, 2011; Jore, Mitchell & Vahey, 2010; Kascha & Ravazzolo, 2010; Clements & Harvey, 2011; Geweke & Amisano, 2011 ⇒ Good performance of linear pools in terms of the log score (LS) criterion. Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 2 / 33

  3. Contribution of this paper: Analyze linear pools under the quadratic and continuous ranked probability scores Important robustness check since these scoring rules are sensible alternatives to LS To date, little evidence on this issue, at least for continuous settings Main findings: Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 3 / 33

  4. Contribution of this paper: Analyze linear pools under the quadratic and continuous ranked probability scores Important robustness check since these scoring rules are sensible alternatives to LS To date, little evidence on this issue, at least for continuous settings Main findings: Generally: Good performance of pools carries over to two other scoring rules Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 3 / 33

  5. Contribution of this paper: Analyze linear pools under the quadratic and continuous ranked probability scores Important robustness check since these scoring rules are sensible alternatives to LS To date, little evidence on this issue, at least for continuous settings Main findings: Generally: Good performance of pools carries over to two other scoring rules Theory: Success of linear pools partly by construction of the scoring rules (concavity!) Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 3 / 33

  6. Contribution of this paper: Analyze linear pools under the quadratic and continuous ranked probability scores Important robustness check since these scoring rules are sensible alternatives to LS To date, little evidence on this issue, at least for continuous settings Main findings: Generally: Good performance of pools carries over to two other scoring rules Theory: Success of linear pools partly by construction of the scoring rules (concavity!) Simulations: Simple, misspecified pools may be hard to distinguish from the true model Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 3 / 33

  7. Contribution of this paper: Analyze linear pools under the quadratic and continuous ranked probability scores Important robustness check since these scoring rules are sensible alternatives to LS To date, little evidence on this issue, at least for continuous settings Main findings: Generally: Good performance of pools carries over to two other scoring rules Theory: Success of linear pools partly by construction of the scoring rules (concavity!) Simulations: Simple, misspecified pools may be hard to distinguish from the true model Empirics: Pools very attractive when there is no “single best model” Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 3 / 33

  8. Scoring Rules Tools for evaluating density forecasts: 1 Probability Integral Transforms (PIT; Rosenblatt 1952, Diebold et al 1998, 1999) 2 Scoring Rules (Winkler 1969, Gneiting & Raftery 2007) Focus on (proper) Scoring Rules here. Assign score S ( y , f ( · )) ∈ R when f ( · ) is the density forecast and y ∈ R materializes. Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 4 / 33

  9. Scoring Rule # 1: Log Score (Good 1952) LS ( y , f ( · )) = ln f ( y ) . (1) Simple Related to ML, Kullback-Leibler divergence Local (Bernardo 1979) Infinite penalty for tail events (Selten 1998) Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 5 / 33

  10. Scoring Rule # 2: Quadratic Score (Brier 1951) � f 2 ( z ) dz . QS ( y , f ( · )) = 2 f ( y ) − (2) Continuous form of famous Brier score for discrete events Neutral (Selten 1998) Numerically more stable than LS Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 6 / 33

  11. Scoring Rule # 3: Continuous Ranked Probability Score (Winkler & Matheson 1976) � ( F ( z ) − I ( z ≥ y ) ) 2 dz CRPS ( y , f ( · )) = − (3) F ( · ) is the c.d.f. implied by f ( · ) Sensitive to distance Generalizes to absolute error if f ( · ) is a point forecast Difficult to evaluate when f ( · ) is non-normal Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 7 / 33

  12. Which rule to pick? All rules are proper, i.e. maximized in expectation by true model. May (easily) give different rankings of misspecified models. Different properties (see above), but no consensus on which properties are desirable I look at all three rules in the following. Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 8 / 33

  13. JI and Linear Pools Linear Pool (Wallis, 2005) n � f c ( Y ) = ω i f i ( Y ) , (4) i =1 weights ω i positive and sum to one. Mean and variance given by n � µ c = ω i µ i , i =1 n n σ 2 � ω i σ 2 � ω i ( µ i − µ c ) 2 , = i + c i =1 i =1 where µ i and σ 2 i are the mean and variance of model i . Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 9 / 33

  14. Following proposition implies that success of pools is partly by construction of the scoring rules Extends results by Kascha & Ravazzolo (2010) in the context of the log score Simillar results by McNees (1992) and Manski (2011) for point forecasts and squared error loss. Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 10 / 33

  15. Proposition Consider a linear pool as defined in Equation (4) and the three scoring rules defined in (1) to (3). Then, if an outcome Y = y materializes, n n � � LS ( y , ω i f i ( · )) ≥ ω i LS ( y , f i ( · )) , (5) i =1 i =1 n n � � QS ( y , ω i f i ( · )) ≥ ω i QS ( y , f i ( · )) , (6) i =1 i =1 n n � � CRPS ( y , ω i f i ( · )) ω i CRPS ( y , f i ( · )) . (7) ≥ i =1 i =1 Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 11 / 33

  16. What does this mean? Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 12 / 33

  17. What does this mean? Let ω i = 1 n ∀ i . Then the score of the pool is necessarily higher than the average score of the n components. Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 12 / 33

  18. What does this mean? Let ω i = 1 n ∀ i . Then the score of the pool is necessarily higher than the average score of the n components. E.g. with n = 2, combination closer to the better of the two models. Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 12 / 33

  19. What does this mean? Let ω i = 1 n ∀ i . Then the score of the pool is necessarily higher than the average score of the n components. E.g. with n = 2, combination closer to the better of the two models. This holds for ◮ Each ex-post outcome y ∈ R . ◮ Each set of densities f i ( · ); i = 1 , . . . , n . Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 12 / 33

  20. What does this mean? Let ω i = 1 n ∀ i . Then the score of the pool is necessarily higher than the average score of the n components. E.g. with n = 2, combination closer to the better of the two models. This holds for ◮ Each ex-post outcome y ∈ R . ◮ Each set of densities f i ( · ); i = 1 , . . . , n . Attractive property since predicting the relative performance of n models is usually very hard Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 12 / 33

  21. What does this mean? Let ω i = 1 n ∀ i . Then the score of the pool is necessarily higher than the average score of the n components. E.g. with n = 2, combination closer to the better of the two models. This holds for ◮ Each ex-post outcome y ∈ R . ◮ Each set of densities f i ( · ); i = 1 , . . . , n . Attractive property since predicting the relative performance of n models is usually very hard ◮ Pool is “always on the side that’s winning” Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 12 / 33

  22. Example: Quadratic score of two Gaussian densities Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 13 / 33

  23. Corollary Let f 0 ( Y ) be the true density of Y , and denote by ELS 0 ( f ( · )) the expected log score of a predictive density f ( · ) , with respect to the true density f 0 ( · ) . Then, n n � � ELS 0 ( ω i f i ( · )) ≥ ω i ELS 0 ( f i ( · )) , (8) i =1 i =1 and analogous relations hold for the quadratic and continuous ranked probability scores. Fabian Kr¨ uger (University of Konstanz) JI and Linear Pools Eltville, June 2, 2012 14 / 33


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