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Jean Tabaka, Rally Software @jeantabaka growth good change weird - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Applying Design Thinking and Complexity Theory in Agile Organizations Jean Tabaka, Rally Software @jeantabaka growth good change weird An Agile Adoption Story 2002 5000 14 7 1 1 Bureaucracy Cookbook Agile Algorithm

  1. Applying Design Thinking and Complexity Theory in Agile Organizations Jean Tabaka, Rally Software @jeantabaka

  2. growth

  3. good

  4. change

  5. weird

  6. An Agile Adoption Story

  7. 2002

  8. 5000

  9. 14

  10. 7

  11. 1

  12. 1

  13. Bureaucracy

  14. “Cookbook Agile”

  15. Algorithm



  18. Lack of innovation

  19. Diminishing customer base

  20. Escalation

  21. Agile “blame game”

  22. MOST “ Organizations have what appear to be suicidal tendencies”

  23. Agile adoptions need to leverage the science of complexity

  24. Agile adoptions need to leverage the discipline of design thinking

  25. Our journey must embrace vision with hunches, exploration and empathy

  26. 3 thoughts

  27. Don’t latch onto a cookbook of Agile practices

  28. Invite principles and practices outside of Agile as your organization matures

  29. Combine emergence and resilience for sustained Agile innovation

  30. Death by Agile

  31. Thrive versus merely survive

  32. Leverage the wildly unexpected

  33. Why

  34. 4 Dots

  35. 6 Connections

  36. 64 Patterns

  37. 10 Dots

  38. 45 Connections

  39. ? Patterns

  40. Patterns 35,184,372,088,832


  42. We live in an unordered, complex world

  43. We have complexity of…

  44. Organizations

  45. Code-base

  46. Customers

  47. Market

  48. We can’t afford to latch onto recipes of…

  49. Order

  50. Control

  51. Algorithm

  52. Are you complex?

  53. “What you predict doesn’t come true.”

  54. “What worked yesterday, doesn’t seem to be working today.”

  55. “What you don’t know is unknown.”

  56. Are you a chef or a recipe follower?

  57. Analysis and induction alone cannot manage complexity

  58. We should must invite abductive logic

  59. We must invite mystery to allow innovative patterns to emerge

  60. How

  61. How do we make sense of environments like this?

  62. Gaussian Probability is not sufficient

  63. But where are the low probability, high impact events?

  64. Pareto Plausibility seeks outliers

  65. Seek the low signal outliers

  66. Cynefin

  67. David Snowden

  68. Plausible Probable Unordered Ordered

  69. Plausible Probable Chaotic Complex Complicated Simple Unordered Ordered

  70. Plausible Probable Complex Complicated Chaotic Simple Unordered Ordered

  71. Plausible Probable Complex Complicated Disorder Chaotic Simple Unordered Ordered

  72. The relationship between cause and effect

  73. Plausible Probable Complex Complicated only coherent in requires analysis or retrospect, and not expertise repeatable Disorder not perceivable obvious & repeatable Chaotic Simple Unordered Ordered

  74. What practices are appropriate?

  75. Plausible Probable Complex Complicated Emergent practices Good practices Disorder Action Best practices Chaotic Simple Unordered Ordered

  76. Relisience vs Robustness

  77. Effectiveness vs Efficiency

  78. Design Thinking

  79. George Kembel, Stanford University

  80. “It is not possible to prove any new thought, concept or idea in advance.” – Charles Sanders Pierce

  81. Exploration Mystery Heuristics Algorithm Exploitation


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