january 9 2014 history of rocky river dam

January 9, 2014 History of Rocky River Dam January 2, 1941 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Property Owners Association Meeting January 9, 2014 History of Rocky River Dam January 2, 1941 HydroPlant placed into service August 5, 1988 FERC required City to secure federal license to continue operations. Over next 10 years &

  1. Property Owners Association Meeting January 9, 2014

  2. History of Rocky River Dam  January 2, 1941 HydroPlant placed into service  August 5, 1988 FERC required City to secure federal license to continue operations.  Over next 10 years & $800,000 later, the City was awarded 30 year Operating License  License issued December 1, 1997 with conditions to be met, at additional cost of $180,000  FERC Inspections required Annually  12-Part Engineering Inspections every 5 years.

  3. Operation Costs 2000 - Current  2000 - $40,100 East Rocky River Dam Park (Picnic Area & Fishing Pier)  2001 - $75,342 FERC License & Patrol Boat  2003 - $16,163 FERC Required Improvements  2004 - $40,225 FERC Required Improvements & Hydro Plant Upgrade Study  2005 - $233,913 Spillway Bridge, FERC 12-Part Inspection, Seismic Detection System, Oil Pump on Gen1  2006 - $20,769 Spillway Consulting, Dam Control Engineering, Paint Gates at Headgate, Dam Electrical Upgrades, Lake Buoys  2007 - $32,422 New Roof on Powerhouse, Spillway Cavity  2009 - $24,620 FERC Upgrades  2010 - $67,000 Spillway Cavity – Erosion Control  2013- $700,940 Upgrade Diesel Generator & Site work  2014 - $258,000 FERC Required Improvements Bridge to Intake replacement, Headgate Opening Grate

  4. Lake Management Today  Monthly Inspection of Dam  Monitoring High-Water events, managing Spillway gate/Hydro release to maintain targeted lake levels  Maintenance of Buoys  Maintenance of Rocky River Picnic Area & Fishing Pier  Inspection of New Permitted Docks & Follow Up Visits  Inspection of Current Docks (upon complaint)  Fish Habitat Management

  5. 2013 Time Line August 27 th : Public Utilities Budget Workshop Following Budget Meeting Fee Communicated via Press & Banner September 10 th : First Reading Budget 2014 Hand Out Available & Discussed Lake Management & Dam Maintenance Fees since 2000 Council Recognized Rick Campbell & Sarah Snell October 8 th : Second & Final Reading Budget 2014 Council Recognized Sarah Snell November 1 st : 2014 Budget Goes into Effect New Dock Applications - $100 Fee Assessed Dock Encroachment Annual Fee – Assessment & Billing still in Planning Phase November 12 th : Regular City Council Meeting Council Recognized Sarah Snell

  6. Why & Why Now?

  7. FERC & Lake Secession  FERC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission  Annual License Fee $5,000+ (minimum)  FERC 12-Part Engineering Inspection $15,000 + Mandated Improvements  Underwater Dam Inspections $32,500  FERC Mandated Lake & Shoreline Management Plan  Environmental (FERC & DHEC)  Public Boating, Fishing & Hunting  Public Landings  Land Use  Water Removal  Docks & Sea Walls All Specifications and Rules contained within the Lake Management Plan 


  9. How & When?  Billed Annually  Implementation On-Going  Inventory of all Encroachments  Site Inspections of all Encroachments  Update Lake Management Plan Examples (including, but not limited to): Appropriate Repair Timelines, Appropriate Fail to Pay Timelines, Daily Fines for Non-Permited Worksites, Removal of Dilapidated Docks, Removal or Encapsulation of Styrofoam Docks Fail to Pay Dilapidated / Fail to Repair Can we be “Grand - Fathered” In?

  10. Current Dock Counts  Registered Docks 764  Unregistered Docks 115  Total Docks 879 Dock & Sea Wall Maintenance  Do I need a permit to do maintenance?  What is considered maintenance vs structural change?  Change in Structure or Design, Additions or Replacement

  11. Transparency of Records Online Resources www.abbevillecitysc.com Annual Operating Budget Comprehensive Financial Report www.abbevilleutilities.com/LakeSecession Lake Management Plan (2002)

  12. How will Funds be Used? What Benefits Can You Expect?  Initial & Annual Inspections of Docks & Sea Walls  Other Lake Management requirements:  Picnic / Fishing Areas, Fish Habitats, Boat Launches  Dilapidated Docks will be removed or repaired  Styrofoam Docks will be required to be encapsulated or will be removed  Removal of “eye sores” around the lake  Improved Property Value & Sale-ability


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