iucn asia

IUCN Asia Providing integrated solutions to sustainable development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IUCN Asia Providing integrated solutions to sustainable development and conservation challenges Li Jia Forest Landscape restoration coordinator, Asia IUCN Asia IUCN Members Commissions Secretariat 1,392 Members in Around 15,000

  1. IUCN Asia Providing integrated solutions to sustainable development and conservation challenges Li Jia Forest Landscape restoration coordinator, Asia IUCN Asia

  2. IUCN Members Commissions Secretariat •1,392 Members in •Around 15,000 •Over 1,500 staff more than 160 volunteer experts in worldwide countries, 6 commissions •HQ in Gland, including states, Switzerland Government agencies, NGOs •More than 60 offices worldwide •More than 60 regional and national committees

  3. Asia: dynamic growth of members 300 274 250 255 250 226 200 200 172 150 156 100 50 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 • Membership grows from 156 in 2009 to 274 today • 21 of 23 countries in region represented (except Timor Leste and Brunei have no members), • 14 State Members • National Committees in 10 countries • Regional Committee (chaired by China)

  4. Asia: IUCN Commissions in Action 231 250 154 164 WCPA WCEL SSC 203 CEM CEESP CEC 1379

  5. IUCN offices in Asia Bangladesh Cambodia China India Indonesia Lao PDR Maldives Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam + regional office

  6. IUCN program 2017 - 2020

  7. Examples of IUCN knowledge products • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (12) • IUCN / UNEP-WCMC World Database on Protected Areas and ProtectedPlanet.net (11) • IUCN Key Biodiversity Area Standard (11) • IUCN Red List of Ecosystems (5) • Global Invasive Species Database (9) • Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (15)

  8. Examples of technical assistance to countries • Support of regional cooperation and dialogues on trans-boundary conservation issues (eg. PA, watershed management ) • National policy frameworks; • Development of new initiatives; • Implementation of conservation programs

  9. Collaboration with the Government of Korea Co-chairing Asia Protected Areas Partnership Conservation of migratory birds on East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF)

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