item 6e plan 2019 1234 south paddock pyle hill sutton

ITEM 6e PLAN/2019/1234 South Paddock, Pyle Hill, Sutton Green, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Slide 49 ITEM 6e PLAN/2019/1234 South Paddock, Pyle Hill, Sutton Green, Woking Erection of a four bedroom family dwelling with integral garage following demolition of existing house and garage (Amended Description). Slide 50 Location Plan

  1. Slide 49 ITEM 6e – PLAN/2019/1234 South Paddock, Pyle Hill, Sutton Green, Woking Erection of a four bedroom family dwelling with integral garage following demolition of existing house and garage (Amended Description).

  2. Slide 50 Location Plan – PLAN/2019/1234

  3. Slide 51 Aerial Photograph – PLAN/2019/1234

  4. Slide 52 Existing Site Plan – PLAN/2019/1234

  5. Slide 53 Existing Floor Plans – PLAN/2019/1234

  6. Slide 54 Existing Elevations (1) – PLAN/2019/1234

  7. Slide 55 Existing Elevations (2) – PLAN/2019/1234

  8. Slide 56 Proposed Site Plan – PLAN/2019/1234

  9. Slide 57 Proposed Elevations – PLAN/2019/1234

  10. Slide58 Proposed Floor Plans – PLAN/2019/1234

  11. Slide 59 Proposed Street Scene (1) – PLAN/2019/1234

  12. Slide 60 Proposed Street Scene (2) – PLAN/2019/1234

  13. Slide 61 Site Photographs (1) – PLAN/2019/1234

  14. Slide 62 Site Photographs (2) – PLAN/2019/1234

  15. Slide 63 Site Photographs (3) – PLAN/2019/1234

  16. Slide 64 Site Photographs (4) – PLAN/2019/1234

  17. Slide 65 Site Photographs (5) – PLAN/2019/1234


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