it s too heavy rms mission

Its Too Heavy! RMS Mission Working together to Educate , Inspire , - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Its Too Heavy! RMS Mission Working together to Educate , Inspire , and Empower ALL students through a Relentless Pursuit of Continuous Improvement . Outcomes for Tonight 1. To EDUCATE you on the transition from elementary to middle school.

  1. It’s Too Heavy!

  2. RMS Mission Working together to Educate , Inspire , and Empower ALL students through a Relentless Pursuit of Continuous Improvement .

  3. Outcomes for Tonight 1. To EDUCATE you on the transition from elementary to middle school. 2. To INSPIRE you to embrace the change to middle school. 3. To EMPOWER you with information to share with your child.

  4. Lockers ● Locker numbers and combinations are printed on schedules . . . encourage your student to keep his/her schedules in a safe place ● Students should not share locker combinations SHARING LOCKERS is forbidden ● Students will also have their own lockers in the physical education locker room ● Students should report locker problems to the receptionist in the atrium office

  5. Attendance Procedures ● Regular attendance is vital to strong academic performance ● Absences- Call the attendance line, send a note with your child to school, or email attendance secretary. ● Tardy to school and tardy to class ● Student pick-up- send a note with child ● Illness at school- students must check in with the health office, should not text parent

  6. Digital Citizenship • We use technology to help us learn – Google Apps, iPad Apps (film, etc), E-books, IXL, Study Island, Schoology, and more to come! • This includes how you treat each other online! – If you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t type it. – RMS supports the district's Anti-Bullying Policy • Negative online behavior can carry school consequences. • 1:1 Chromebook initiative year 3 • Responsible use technology agreement • GoGuardian Monitoring Program

  7. Parent Portal/Schoology • Portal- grades reported • Schoology- current, resources

  8. Math Placement All students’ grades and scores are analyzed at the beginning of their 6 th grade year to decide placement. Students entering 6 th grade will have two courses they may be placed in: Math 6 or Accelerated Math 6. Accelerated Math 6 1. Exceeds on the 4th and 5 th grade MCA 2. FAST 5 th grade spring test 3. FAST 6 th grade fall test 4. 85th Percentile or higher on 6th Grade Diagnostic test Final placement for Accelerated Math 6 happens prior to MEA break. All students spend September learning the curriculum at the same pace, so Rogers Middle School staff has time to evaluate and appropriately place your student. Other Math Support- Teacher help before/after school, Minnesota Math Corp, multiple intervention days, Math Night.

  9. Music Elective (opposite Physical Education) ● Band ● Choir ● Band/Choir Combo ● Odd/Even Days

  10. Enrichment/Intervention • Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:15-8:50 • Time for new experiences/classes or a time to get extra help – Depends on what you are needing that week

  11. What to Expect • Social and peer interactions become more important. • A more independent child … . – Continue to be involved and communicate with the teachers. – Encourage your child to ask the teachers for help with homework or to stay after school. – Discuss organization with more classes. • More staff to work with and communicate about your child. – Advisor, classroom teachers, counselors, principals

  12. Tips for Supporting Your 6 th Grader •Talk to your child about the differences between elementary and middle school. • Make your child’s academic success a priority; however, allow for them to make mistakes. •Help your child establish an organization system that works for them. •Encourage your child to participate in school activities. Digging Diversity Environmental Explorers RMS Morning Show Student Council Yearbook Talent Show Book Club Community Education Activities

  13. Stay Informed ❑ Communicate with school staff ❑ Use online resources ➢ RMS Counseling Website ➢ Parent Portal/Mobile App ➢ School website ➢ Schoology ➢ RMS Messenger ➢ Online Report cards ➢ Email blasts ➢ RMS Facebook and Twitter ❑ Attend Conferences (Oct/Nov, April/May)

  14. WEB Wednesday, August 21st! Busing will be provided! More details coming!

  15. Attend the RMS August Events 6th Grade WEB Orientation and Open House Wednesday, August 21 • WEB Orientation will be held from 8:00am-11:30am ➢ Busing will be provided ➢ Students will tour the building and meet other 6th graders Tuesday, August 27 • 6th Grade Open House will be held from 4:00pm – 7:00pm ➢ Parents will have the opportunity to deposit lunch money ➢ Turn in necessary forms ➢ 1:1 Chromebook Information Booth ➢ Meet teachers (5:00-7:00 pm) ➢ Building will open at 4:00 pm

  16. Housekeeping Items for 2019-20 - Schedules will go online (Parent Portal) starting Tuesday, 8/27. Please bring to open house. - Update Parent Portal with any new information. - Pictures will be 2nd week of school during physical education, Sept. 12 and Sept. 13. - Picture retake day is Thursday, October 24. - Reminder: No checks policy; RevTrak

  17. School Resource Officer Officer Adam Dupic Police Officer - Rogers Police Department School Resource Officer 11 years as a Police Officer 1st year as School Resource Officer at RMS

  18. SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER “Law Enforcement Officers who engage in community policing activities and are assigned to work in collaboration with schools and community-based organizations.” School Based Policing Triad (1) ensuring a safe and secure campus, (2) educating students about law-related topics, and (3) mentoring students as informal counselors and role models.

  19. Research shows that if students read 4-6 books over summer break, it helps maintain their current reading level. Students who read more books can make gains in their reading! This summer, students can complete the Summer Reading Checklist Challenge Here’s an introduction from Mrs. Allen. Find more information on the Media Center website.

  20. Testimonials

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