
IT is only happening at Springdale High School Premiere 6 hours - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IT is only happening at Springdale High School Premiere 6 hours of FREE college credit at NWACC if you make above a B. HTML and CSS, Dreamweaver Websites, Photoshop Graphics, Premiere Video Editing Advanced Spreadsheet Work

  1. IT is only happening at Springdale High School

  2. Premiere 6 hours of FREE college credit at NWACC if you make above a B. HTML and CSS, Dreamweaver ‐‐ Websites, Photoshop ‐ Graphics, Premiere ‐ Video Editing

  3. Advanced Spreadsheet • Work with writing formulas, advanced functions, graphs, pivot tables and charts, macros, and more!

  4. Advanced Database Database architects and administrators are the building block of any IT organizations. No surprise that CNN Money places the database administrator in the Top 100 for the Best Jobs in America. (#7) • Work with advanced tables, forms, reports, queries, filters, macros, and more!

  5. IT Infrastructure You will learn to: • build, maintain, update and troubleshoot computer hardware and software • You will also learn networking fundamentals

  6. Advertising and Graphic Design • What is Advertising and Graphic Design? – Creating and editing digital photographs – Creating and editing vector graphics – Creating professional products, like logos, advertisements, brochures, etc.

  7. What is Photoshop? Photoshop edits and creates graphic images and animations.

  8. Before restoration After restoration

  9. Illustrator

  10. Illustrator What is Illustrator? – Illustrator is Vector Graphics. – Vector Graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.

  11. E ‐ Marketing Small Business Operations • Product Development • Pricing • Promotion • Place (Location) • Business Start ‐ up • Human Resources (hiring, insurance, etc) • Virtual Simulations (Retailing, Personal Finance) • Stock Market Game

  12. Accounting I & II • Language of Business – Maintain financial records – Plan for the future – Report income $ • Versatile Career Options Versatile Career Options • Excellent Salary Excellent Salary – $50 – $50 – 60,000 starting 60,000 starting to to – CEO $500,000+ CEO $500,000+ • Job Openings! Job Openings! – Faster than average Faster than average

  13. Entrepreneurship • Types of Business Ownership – Growth & change, globalization, planning tools • Human Resources – Leadership & management, motivation • Sources of Finance – Budgeting & Ratios • Marketing – Promotion & distribution of goods & services

  14. IB Business Management • International Baccalaureate ( Junior & Senior Years) – Complete Research Paper in senior year – Two Exams senior year finals – IB Certificate in Business & Management • Prestigious on resume – Equivalent to year 1 Introduction to Business class at U Of A

  15. Internship • Seniors 2014 • Turn in Resume by April 1 st : – Mrs. Williamson, Room 405 – • Internship Periods 6 th & 7 th – Can negotiate schedules w/extra-curricular

  16. Programming/Computer Science • CA 1 ‐ 2 – Semester each – NOT PREREQUISITE • Pre ‐ APCS – Alice AND Java (10 or 11) – Semester each ***OR**** • Computer Science Principles (Year) • AP Computer Science A (11 or 12) • 1 Semester IT Elective • IB Computer Science (12) – Year ‐ optional

  17. Honor Graduate, Weighted Credit • Computer Science Principles (10, 11, 12) ‐ Year • AP Computer Science A (11 or 12) • IB Computer Science (12) – Year ‐ optional CS Principles , AP Computer Science, and IB Computer Science count toward AP/IB credits required for Honor Graduate status and carry a weighted 5.0 A .

  18. Pre ‐ APCS – Alice & Java Prerequisite: Algebra I • What is Alice? • Java is a professional ‐ A program that programming language. allows to create 3D This course teaches you animation. fundamental ‐ Games, stories, programming concepts. ANYTHING you want animated

  19. Computer Science Principles Prerequisite: Qualified for any AP class. General Computer Concepts An AP/honors course • Graphics • that is designed to Internet & Web Sites • Data Base Concepts function as the first • Scratch Programming • computer science Networking • Android App Programming course in college for • any major.

  20. AP Computer Science A Prerequisite: Pre ‐ APCS or CS Principles • This is equivalent to the college programming class. Students will be doing Java Programming.

  21. IB Computer Science Prerequisite: AP Computer Science • Advanced Java Programming • Computer Science Topics ‐ Systems, Networking, Number Systems, etc. • Major Programming Project of Your Own Design


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