iquique chile mine


MARCH 2016 ROCK SALT TODAY IQUIQUE CHILE MINE PURE|DRY|CHILEAN ROCK SALT THE SOURCE Located near Iquique, Chiles first region is one of the worlds most abundant sources of high grade salt. The deposit was created when an ancient ocean


  2. THE SOURCE Located near Iquique, Chile’s first region is one of the worlds most abundant sources of high grade salt. The deposit was created when an ancient ocean became isolated during a major seismic event. The pure seawater evaporated over thousands of years leaving the precious sodium chloride behind in densely compacted, ultra-pure crystals. This precious gift from the past has become a resource that Rock Salt Today has the privilege to responsibly exploit. The following pages were prepared to share information about the mine.

  3. THE MINE The mine is an open pit mine located in the heart of the Salar Grande. Production in the first phase of the project began in January 2016. Phase #1 is 5 acres and holds approx. 600,000 metric tons of salt. The salt is mined using standard drilling and blasting process. After the salt is blasted it is hauled from the mine floor in trucks to the surface where it is delivered to the processing plant for grading, crushing, screening and packaging.

  4. PROCESSING Quality salt cannot be described by its purity alone. The product must be properly prepared for the customers requirements. Each customer has a specific use for the product. Rock Salt Today’s processing plant is a unique piece of equipment with the ability to crush and size multiple products at once. Large salt boulders are fed into the plant with front end loaders and the product is reduced to small sized pieces. After size reduction the material is conveyed onto vibrating screens where it is separated into three different products. Each product exists the plant on a conveyor into separate stock piles. The plant is capable of producing over 1,000 metric tons per day and is highly flexible to meet specific requirements by the customer.


  6. PRODUCTS INDUSTRIAL SALT (UP TO 99.66 % NaCl - Moisture 0.03%) Fines 0.1mm - 1.0 mm Small 1.0 mm – 2.0 mm Medium 2.0 mm – 6.0 mm Large 6.0 mm to 12.0 mm

  7. PRODUCTS DE-ICING ROAD SALT (Up to 98% NaCl – Moisture 0.03%) Rock Salt Today’s de-icing salt is a blend of sizes between 2.0 mm and 12.0 mm and complies with ASTM D632 standard for roadway salt. It is highly sought after because of its ultra-low moisture content (approx. 0.03%)

  8. TRANSPORTATION BY LAND Transportation to the shipping port is performed by truck. Each truck and trailer will load approx. 28 metric tons. The distance between the mine and the storage patio inside the Port of Iquique is approx. 50 miles. Each truck will perform 3 round trips per 10 hour shift.

  9. PORT OF IQUIQUE The salt will be exported through the Port of Iquique. International Terminals of Iquique S.A. is contracted for the services of receiving, storage and ship loading. The berth designated for bulk cargo operations is Berth #3. The cargo will be loaded with ships onboard cranes.

  10. OCEAN SHIPPING The salt will be transported by ocean going bulk carriers. The cargo size will be limited to approx. 30,000 metric tons due to a draft limitation of 9.3 meters at the berth in Iquique port. The Ocean freight market and fuel markets are both at historic low levels. This creates favorable conditions for low transportation costs.

  11. MARKETS Roc ock k Salt Salt Toda oday y pr produ oduces mu ces multipl ltiple e grade ades s of of salt salt for t or the he follo ollowing wing mar markets ets. GRADE “A” (Industrial): Clor alkali Industry (chlorine, bleach, soap/detergent, and textile industries. 2mm -12mm Grade “A” (Agriculture): Animal feed Industry (fines 0.1mm – 1.0 mm) Grade “A” (Water treatment): Water softening industry (coarse) Grade ”A” (Pool salt): Salt water pool industry (fines) Grade “A” ( De-icing): De-icing bagging industry (mediums) Grade “A” (Drilling Salt): Oil and gas drilling industry (fines 0.1mm – 1.0mm) Grade “ B” (Bulk de -icing): Bulk shipments for municipalities, contractors and landscapers (2mm - 12mm)

  12. Thank you for your interest! We look forward to answering any questions you may have and we look forward to becoming your #1 salt supplier!! Roc ock Salt k Salt Tod oday ay 28 2800 00 Post ost Oak Oak Bl Bl. . Suite Suite 41 4100 00 Hou Housto ston n TX TX 77 7705 056 978 978-335 335-6373 6373


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