iot and the future

(IoT) and the Future of Property Management By Nardo Snyman What - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Internet of Things (IoT) and the Future of Property Management By Nardo Snyman What is IOT? IoT is short for Internet of Things . The Internet of Things refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address

  1. Internet of Things (IoT) and the Future of Property Management By Nardo Snyman

  2. What is IOT? “ IoT is short for Internet of Things . The Internet of Things refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP “ address for internet connectivity , and the communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems.

  3. e-internet-of-things/

  4. “ The Edge is wired with a vast network of two different kinds of tubes : one that holds data (ethernet cables) and another that holds water. Behind each ceiling tile is a massive coil of thin blue piping that delivers water to “ and from the building’s subterranean water storage for radiant heating and cooling .

  5. Ushering in a new era Where to from here...? 1700’s 1800’s 1900’s Now?

  6. Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices installed base worldwide from 2015 to 2025 (in billions) 140 120 Connected Devices in Billions 100 80 60 40 20 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

  7. Security What happens when someone else gets access to your device or data?

  8. Security What happens when someone else gets access to your device or data?

  9. Immaturity of IoT standards The rapid development of new protocols and technology

  10. High ‘investment’ cost The sum is greater than its parts.

  11. Big Data The purpose of capturing data is to transform the information into insight and action.

  12. Artif ificial l In Intell lligence Machine le learning (A (AI) Artificial Intelligence is the replication Machine Learning refers to the ability of a machine to learn using large data of human intelligence in computers sets instead of hard-coded rules.

  13. Machine Learning

  14. Retail Energy model Supervised Learning Model Smart Energy Feedback Meters Compared Visitor Numbers Local Weather Expected Energy Consumption Time Date

  15. Retail Energy model Expected energy consumption vs what is actually happening

  16. The End “ If you think that the internet has changed your life, “ think again. The Internet of Things is about to change it all over again! Brendan O’Brien | Chief Architect & Co - founder of Aria Systems

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