Inv Investo stor Pr Presentation on
Co Cont ntent nt • In Introduction t to C Capi pital B Bank 3 • Financial Highlights 12 • Macroeconomic Updates 25 • Subsidiaries at a Glance 31
Capital B Ca Bank a at a a G Glance A Leading Jordanian Commercial Bank A Wi With a a Uni niqu que Pr Presenc nce in n the Ira Iraqi and d UAE Mark rkets ts • High grow Hi rowth econ onom omy § A fu full ll fle fledged ba bank of offeri ring a wi wide ra range of of co commer erci cial an and co corporate ba bankin king, re retail an and th la • ’s 4 th Wo World’s larg rgest oi oil l pe pers rson onal ba bankin king, tr treas asury ac acti tiviti ties, an and ot other an ancillar ary prod products re reserv rve • Attract At ctive d ve dem emographics cs § Wi Wide sp spectrum of of in investment ba bankin king se services in in Jo Jordan, Ir Iraq aq an and Du Dubai thr through it its fu fully lly- • Eno Enormous us recons nstruc uction n Iraq Ira owned su ow subsi sidiaries Ca Capi pital In Investm tments ts an and Ca Capi pital Ba Bank Cor Corpor porate Ad Advi visory (D (DIFC) opport opportunity § St Strong le leaders rship te team am wi with su successf ssful tr trac ack re record ord co combining de deep root roots in in re region onal Jo Jordan ma markets wi with gl global ex exper erien ence ce § Awa Award-wi winning, fa fast-gr growing SM SME bu busin iness • Political s Po stability § La Larg rgest re renewable le en ener ergy le lender am among it its pe peer gr group* • Op Openne nness to global economy eco § Th The on only ly Jo Jordanian ba bank wi with pre presence in in Ir Iraq aq • Inte In ternati ational al AML an and UA UAE compliance s co ce standa dards ds § Deeply De ply root rooted co corporate go governance, co compliance ce an and AM AML st standards • A lea A l eading f financi cial • Well regulat We ated ban anking hub in the hu the Middle sector se § Strong re St rela lation onships ps wi with the the ba bankin king se sector’s re regula lators ors Ea East • Home for Hom or re region onal l § Wide an Wi and wel well di diversified sh shareholders’ s’ ba base wi with no no ph physical or or le legal pe pers rson on pos possessing mo more bl blue chip ip than than 10 10% of of the the ba bank’ k’s sh shares org organization ons Ba Bala lance Sh Sheet De Decomp mpositi tion (20 (2017) Financial Pe Fi Performance BalanceSh Ba Sheet LoanBook Lo Book JOD mm 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CAGR OtherAssets 7% 7% 7% 23% Loan Book 5.8% 655 623 676 794 910 970 921 Bond Portfolio Larg La rgeCo Corporate 10% 10 Customer 5.4% 888 961 1,140 1,234 1,345 1,225 1,217 Mortgag Mo age Deposits 15% 15 S ME s Loan Book 46% 53 53% Gross Income 9.6% 54 81 79 92 76 94 93 R etail Interbank 10% Go Govern rnment 16% 16 GDP CAGR 2.6% Cash and Cash Equ. 14% *Pe *Peer gr group con consists of of al all ba banks ks li listed d on on Am Amman St Stock Ex Exchange ex excep cept fo for r Ar Arab Ba Bank an and the the Hou Housing Ba Bank fo for r Tr Trade an and Finance So Fi Sources: Ca Capital Ba Bank fi financial l st statements, s, Department of of St Statistics So Sources: Capital Bank financial statements, Department of St Statistics 3
Parent C Par Compan any an and Subsi Subsidiar aries Corpor Cor orate e & Com Commer ercia cial Bankin king In Investm tment t Ba Banking Entity En Pa Paren ent Su Subs bsid idia iary Subs Su bsid idia iary Su Subs bsid idia iary Country Cou Jordan Iraq Jordan Dubai Publicly Listed on Iraq Publicly Listed on Amman Stock Exchange Owne Ow nership ip Private Private Stock Exchange Founded in 1995 Founded in 1995 Spun off from Capital Bank as a separate legal Established in 2014 entity in 2005 Shareholders’ equity of JOD349 million as at end Shareholders’ equity of JOD159 million as at end Supports the investment banking activities of December 2017 December 2017 Market leader in M&A, capital markets, the bank through arranging debt and equity brokerage, asset management and research placements and providing transaction One of the leading financial institutions in Comprehensive array of banking solutions for advisory services Jordan with nationwide presence corporate and retail customers across all regions Experienced team committed to delivering Highlig Hig ights in Iraq innovative financial solutions and developing Supports the commercial banking services of Universal offering focused on top tier new products and services to meet the the bank in the region corporates, high net worth individuals & upper One of a handful of banks accepted by the evolving needs of the firm’s clients mass retail clients government for public sector employee salary transfers 4 th largest bank in Jordan in terms of paid-up capital at JOD200 mm The largest FX player among private sector banks Shareholders Sh Social Security Corporation: 9.3% Capital Bank: 61.8% Capital Bank: 100% IFC: 6.9% Capital Bank: 100% Family groups: 37.3% So Source: Capital Bank, Se Securities Depository Commission 4
Int Intergr group S Syne nergi gies • Participation as financier for deals • Capital Bank acts as NBI’s gateway to arranged by investment bank the world providing strong • Wealth management and brokerage for management support individuals • Leader in trade finance and transfers • Bespoke advisory for HNWI and between Jordan and Iraq corporate customers • Bankers for Jordanian and Iraqi • Leverage investment and commercial businesses as well as HNWIs residing in banking relationships Jordan and Iraq • Skills transfer Synergies • Access to regional deals • Provider of investment banking services in Iraq • Ability to source • Facilitate cross-investment between Iraq and Jordan regional • Brokerage platform to serve Iraqis looking to access global talent markets • Access to brokerage platform in Iraq for Jordanian customers • Marketing NBI services in the wider region 5
Strateg Str ategic Mi Milesto lestones es Capital Bank took an active role in managing Capital Bank Corporate Advisory (DIFC) Capital Bank was first established as the National Bank of Iraq established to support Capital Bank’s Export & Finance Bank with an authorized capital of JOD20 mm investment banking activities in Jordan, Iraq, Capital Investments managed and arranged and the GCC the first Islamic Sukuk issuance in Jordan National Bank of Iraq established as a publicly traded private bank in Iraq with a paid up capital of JOD0.24 mm 2017 2005 2009 2011 1995 2014 New strategy direction with focus on digital banking Capital Bank acquired 59% stake in Capital Bank recognized as “The Fastest National Bank of Iraq Growing Bank in Jordan” by the Banker Middle East Industry Awards Capital Investments spin off from Capital Bank as a fully owned subsidiary. Entry of strategic partners to National Bank of Iraq (Cairo Amman Bank, PalTel, Foursan Group) 1 st SME Bank in Jordan Best Premium Card Program 6
Peer An Pe Analy alysi sis s (Dec ec 201 017) Lo Loans,Ne Net Cu Custome merDe Deposits Gr Gross ssIn Income Ne NetIn Income (J (JODmm) mm) (J (JODmm) mm) (J (JODmm) mm) (JODmm) (J mm) 2, 2,084 2,691 2, 15 155 46 46 Etih Et ihad Ba Bank Et Etih ihad Ba Bank Ba Bank of of Jo Jorda dan Bank of Ba of Jo Jorda dan Jorda Jo danKuw Kuwait 1,562 1, 1,919 1, 19 14 147 35 35 Ah Ahli Ba Bank Etih Et ihad Ba Bank Et Etih ihad Ba Bank Bank Ba CairoAm Ca Amman Ca CairoAm Amman 1, 1,538 1, 1,846 126 126 30 30 Ba Bank of of Jo Jorda dan Ca Cairo AmmanBa Bank Ba Bank Ba Bank Jo Jorda danKuw Kuwait Jo Jorda danKuw Kuwait 4 1, 1,484 1,808 1, 123 123 27 27 Ahli Ba Ah Bank Bank Ba Ba Bank 27 27 1, 1,447 1,75 1, 750 119 119 Jo Jorda dan Kuw Kuwait Ba Bank Bank of Ba of Jo Jorda dan Ca Cairo Am AmmanBa Bank Ah Ahli Ba Bank Arab Jo Ar Jorda dan 6 6 6 17 17 92 921 1, 1,217 217 93 93 InvestmentBa In Bank Ar Arab Jo Jorda dan Arab Jo Ar Jorda dan 16 16 75 755 1,082 1, 59 59 Invest Ba In Bank SocieteGe So Genera rale In InvestmentBa Bank InvestmentBa In Bank Jo Jorda dan Ar Arab Jo Jorda dan 13 13 Ahli Ba Ah Bank 718 718 1, 1,051 52 52 Invest Ba In Bank CommercialBa Co Bank In InvestmentBa Bank Jo Jorda danCo Commercial Jorda Jo dan 13 13 ABCBa AB Bank 651 65 97 971 48 48 So SocieteGe Genera rale Bank Ba CommercialBa Co Bank 8 SocieteGe So Genera rale 64 646 67 676 43 43 In Invest Ba Bank In Invest Ba Bank AB ABCBa Bank Jorda Jo danCo Commercial 4 597 59 65 654 25 25 AB ABCBa Bank ABCBa AB Bank So SocieteGe Genera rale Ba Bank Sources: Am So Amman St Stock Ex Exchange, ba banks’ ks’ fi financial st statements 7
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